Our Lummi Island Community

Community Directory

If something is missing or incorrect, or if you wish to be listed, let us know here.

24 Hr. Crisis Lines866-427-4747
via Crisis Connections (for King and Whatcom county)
via Volunteers of America (VOA)
Air Ambulance ServicesEmergency Helicopter Transport
Baker Mountain RanchQuarry, Rock, Trucks
BCCABeach Club Condo AssociationHomeowner Association
BESBeach Elementary School & PTO
Beach Store Café360-758-22332200 N. Nugent Rd.Restaurant
Before you Dig811Dig safely – request a FREE underground utility locate at
least two business days before you plan on digging
BSACBellingham Senior Activity Center360-733-4030Contact Us315 Halleck St
Bellingham, WA 98225
Part of the services of Whatcom Council on Aging (WCOA)
CAMS DesignsArtist Carol McKinney
Carolyn Jewell JenkinsProduce
Carriage House Gardens206-940-3023SusieWirthDesign@gmail.com2272 N Nugent RdRental Venue, gardens, sprawling lawns, floral design and
fresh locally sourced cuisine.
Catch NWSeafood, Food Truck
CCHCedrus Cooperative Housing
Cindy MinklerMusician
Creekside Art StudiosArtist Debbie Pawlek
Critical Health/Services211Connect to community resources statewide
CGCoast Guard – Station Bellingham360-734-1692Northernmost Station in Pacific NW District 13. Lummi Island &
San Juan Islands north to the Canadian Border.
CRABCounty Road Administration Board
Dal NeitzelPhotographer, Writer, Filmmaker
Edmund Lowe PhotographyStock, Custom, Services
FFBFerndale Food Bank
FSDFerndale School District
FOILFriends Of Island Library
Full Bloom FarmFarm Stand, Lodging, Produce
Gayle’s GemzArtist Gayle Mitterer
Gude Erth CraftsArtist Nancy Simmerman
Imaxinar DMTechnology Services, Business Mgmt.
ICIsland Chapel
ILIsland Library (WCLS)
Island VeterinaryWilliam T. Bazlen, D.V.M
Islander, TheGrocery / General Store
IANAIsle-Aire Neighborhood AssociationHomeowner Association
Joaine RotemanArtist
John TolomeiArtist
Judy ArntsenArtist
Kellie Shepherd MoellerArtist, Photography
Lummi Bay Market @ Fishermans CoveGas, Convenience Store
LIBCLummi Indian Business Council
Lummi Island Artists Studio TourRia Harboe / Lynn Dee
Lummi Island Beach HavenLodging
LICBLummi Island Cemetery & Board
CCLummi Island Civic Club
LICALummi Island Community Association360-788-5888
Contact UsP.O. Box 163Serving the residents, property owners, businesses
and organizations on Lummi Island.
LICCLummi Island Congregational Church360-758-2060office@lummichurch.com3913 Legoe Bay Rd
P.O. Box 6
LIFACLummi Island Ferry Advisory CommitteeWCFAC is successor
LIFDLummi Island Fire Department360-758-2411Fire, Emergency Medical, and Emergency Management services
on the Island. District 11 of Whatcom County Fire Marshal’s Office
LIFELummi Island Foundation for Education
LIGLummi Island Grange
LIH&WLummi Island Health & Wellness
LIHTLummi Island Heritage Trust
LIHSLummi Island Historical Society
LILTLummi Island Land Trust
Lummi Island Oceanfront HomeLodging
Lummi Island Realty, LLCColleen McCrory
LISELummi Island Scenic EstatesHomeowner Association
MYNMap Your Neighborhood – for the Island
Marina House at Village Point MarinaLodging
Mary Sews Many DesignsArtist Mary Barstow
MOWMMeals on Wheels and More360-746-6480Contact Us315 Halleck St
Bellingham, WA 98225
Part of the services of Whatcom Council on Aging (WCOA)
My Voter Portal (WA State)360-778-5102Voter Registration, your personal ballot tracking, details on
current election cycle
Nancy UdingArtist
Naomi JarvieArtist
NFPANational Fire Prevention Association
Nettles Farm B&BLodging
Opal Moon StudioArtist Mary Marshall
Pacific Northwest ConciergeJackie Granger
PHMParish Health MinistriesAssists with medical, personal, social and financial needs of
all Islanders. Provides assistance to those needing food, medicines,
medical equipment, house repairs, transportation to medical
appointments and even just friendly phone calls!
PJE JewleryArtist Pam Einhauser
Ria HarboeArtist
SCSFSalish Center for Sustainable Fishing Methods
Salish Sea StudioArtist Ingrid McGarry
Saturday MarketProduce, Crafts, Art, Food
Seacrest Seaside CabinLodging
Seaside Lodging NorthwestLodging
Square One MapsCartography, Charles (Chuck) Kitterman
StichcrafterArtist Debbie Lowery
Sue McCaslinArtist
Susan HuttonFarm Stand
Susie KeithlyMusician
TGPThe Gathering Place
Tom Lutz FurnitureArtist Tom Lutz
Thurid ClarkArtist
Village Point MarinaStorage, Boat Ramp
Viteous VisionsArtist Art Hohl
VOAVolunteers of America
Water AssociationsUtility
Wayne ChaudiereArtist
WCOAWhatcom Council on Aging360-733-4030Contact Us315 Halleck St
Bellingham, WA 98225
Whatcom County Auditor’s Office
WCFACWhatcom County Ferry Advisory Committee
WCFDWhatcom County Fire Department
WCLSWhatcom County Library System
WCSOWhatcom County Sheriff’s Office360-778-6600
WHSWCWhatcom Humane Society Wildlife Center
Whatcom County Parks & Recreation
WCPWWhatcom County Public WorksWhatcom Chief is in the Ferry Division
WMMSNWhatcom Marine Mammal Stranding Network
Willows InnHistorical Place
Yano OrtegaMusician

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