Our Lummi Island Community

Susie Keithly

by Appointment Only
1590 Seacrest

Instruments: Recorder,

My background includes mainly playing Celtic, Renaissance, and Baroque genres. Currently, I have a duet partner in Seattle and we play recorders together using JamKazam. I have a cello partner on the island who I play with outside when the weather is nice.

I am interested in putting myself out there to see if others with similar abilities and interests want to try playing together when the pandemic has subsided enough to do that.


Musician, Music

Team Notes:

Jane Phillips says she is Egyptologist , ask her.

Source Text:
My background includes mainly playing Celtic, Renaissance, and Baroque genres. Currently, I have a duet partner in Seattle and we play  recorders together using JamKazam. I have a cello partner on the island I play with outside when the weather is nice. Obviously that hasn’t been happening lately. 

My Seattle partner and I have an old out of date web site, but we’ve managed to put together some videos of us playing last summer. I am interested in putting myself out there to see if others with similar abilities and interests want to try playing together when the pandemic has subsided enough to do that. Combining musicians is a lot different than putting artists’ work together. Personalities, abilities, and interests really have to jive to make it successful. Having an open mic I think is a great way to see what others are doing. But even that is pretty intimidating for many. 

Ask if she has any audio files we could put on her page. Would help as a sample of what we can do. Same with video / YouTube

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