A free self-guided tour to the studios of our island artists and crafts persons. Paper maps are available 2 weeks before the tour, at the Islander Store.
The tour features paintings, ceramics, glass art, mosaic, sculpture, woodworking, photography, fiber arts and so much more! Normally held three times a year, Saturday and Sunday 10-5: Memorial and Labor Day weekends, plus our Holiday Tour one weekend in November.
We are a core group of 15 artists at the low end but in some tours we’ve had around 40 participants. It was started over 30 years ago, Ria Nickerson, Basil Atkinson, and Lynn Dee are among the original founders.
Check this website, the TOME, NextDoor, and Lummi-Island.com for updates and announcements.
For further questions call Ria Harboe or Lynn Dee.
Team Notes:
Our Gallery Policy for this page: ONE photo per artist, preferably the Artist at work creating their work, or A piece of their work.
Multiple photos of an artist or their work needs to be on the ARTISTS page here on the site. We need to get them to contribute to their own pages!
Submissions for this page should only come directly from the organizers:
360-317-5807 Ria Harboe – Our best bet for keeping up with things. But may need reminding.
360-201-2537 Lynn Dee
360-758-7121 Ria Nickerson