Erin Suda – Archive Manager
Title | Code | Additional Information about the Section / Excerpt |
The Silver Horde | SiteOnly | 1920 Movie filmed on Lummi Island, Re-produced as a "Talkie" in 1930 |
Indigenous People | IPX | |
Lummi Island Name | LINZ | How did it get its name? |
The First Settlers | TFS | |
Beach School | BSX | |
Beach Store | BSZ | Historical Background of The Beach Store Cafe And story of the Richards family |
Beth Hudson's Lummi Lore | BHLL | |
Bridge Proposal - Sec A | BR1 | 1960 Bond Issue |
Bridge Proposal - Sec B | BBX | Bridge Backers Meeting |
Bridge Proposal - Sec C | BR2 | LI Improvement Club |
Bridge Proposal - Sec D | BFM | Bridge-Ferry meeting, Jan 24,1959 |
Carlisle Packing Co. | CPC | |
Cemetery | CEMX | |
Church - Congregational | CCQ | |
Cemetery Trees | CTRZ | |
Civic Club | LICIC | Lummi Island Civic Improvement Club |
Echo Lodge | ELXX | |
Ferry Dock - Sec A | FDX | Hickory Dickory Dock |
Ferry Dock - Sec B | FDW | Ferry Dock's Waterloo |
Ferry Fares LI - Sec A | GRFS | Grange Report on Ferry Fare & Schedule circa 1932 |
Ferry Fares LI - Sec B | CTMD | County, Tribe should make a deal (1976) |
Ferry Fares LI - Sec C | LIFF | Ferry rate hike sought Dec 1977 |
Ferry Fares LI - Sec D | FPQO | Fare Policy, Questionnaire |
Ferry Fares LI - Sec E | OFR86 | Ferry Rate Ordinance 1986 |
Ferry Fares LI - Sec F | LIFFP | LI Ferry Fare Policy Study 1986 - Whatcom County Council of Governments |
Ferry Fares LI - Sec G | FF87 | Ferry Finances - 1983 to 1991 |
Ferries - Kwina, Acorn & Before - Sec A | CCF | Good Ferry History - LI Chamber of Commerce case for a new ferry |
Ferries - Kwina, Acorn & Before - Sec B | IMPX | Ferry - Imp |
Ferries - Kwina, Acorn & Before - Sec C | CKAX | Ferry - Calisle II |
Ferries - Kwina, Acorn & Before - Sec D | FCX | Ferry Costs - 1939 to 1958 |
Ferries - Kwina, Acorn & Before - Sec E | GFV | 1957 Monthly Ferry Traffic Statistics |
Ferry Strike - July 7, 1976 | FSK | |
Ferry - Whatcom Chief - Sec A | WCF | |
Ferry - Whatcom Chief - Sec B | GFR | Grange Ferry Report |
Ferry - Whatcom Chief - Sec C | CHCM | LI Chamber of Commerce |
Ferry - Whatcom Chief - Sec D | RIMFM | Rimfire misfires |
Ferry - Whatcom Chief - Sec E | FRYL | Ferry Lore |
Talk of a Larger Ferry | TLFV | |
20 year Ferry plan 2-1-2004 | 20Y | from Whatcom County Council Public Works Committee, with additional comments |
Fire Dept | FIRQ | |
Frank Taft | FTWX | "The Lummi Island Story" |
Grange | GRAQ | |
Alf's Tavern | ALFT | |
Kjerstin Secord's Soup Night | KSS | |
Library - Sec A | ILQ | |
Library - Sec B | HTPD | Home Tour / Progressive Dinner 1987 |
Library - Sec C | LHQ | History |
Loganita | LOGX | |
Lummi Island Abalone Hatchery | LIAH | |
Lummi Island Community Club | LICC* | |
Lummi Island Fire District | FIREX | Campaign to Form, circa 1960 |
Lummi Island Heritage Trust | LIHTX | |
Lummi Island - Sec A | LIGX | General |
Lummi Island - Sec B | POPX | Island Population |
Lummi Island - Sec C | ROAZ | Island Roads are too Narrow Don VV |
Lummi Island Power Association | LIPA | |
Mermaids | MZZ | |
New line to power Lummi Island | NPL | December 5, 2003 |
The Nuns | NUNZ | |
Oral Interviews by Peter Anderson - Sec A | VHX | Vern Hawley |
Oral Interviews by Peter Anderson - Sec B | JBX | John Brown |
Oral Interviews by Peter Anderson - Sec C | JCI | John Curry - 2002 (10 pages) by Constance Drake |
Parish Health Ministries | PHM | |
Paul Davis Day Proclamation | PDP | |
People - Sec A | ADZ | Annie Dillard |
People - Sec B | COTO | Carl Otto |
People - Sec C | DAGX | David Granger |
People - Sec D | RDD | Letter - Roger to David Granger's Daughter |
People - Sec E | FWG | Fannie Winslow Granger letters |
People - Sec F | DONX | Jim - Lane A story |
People - Sec G | LEGX | Legoe brothers |
People - Sec H | NSGE | Nancy Simmerman |
People - Sec I | POLH | Polly Hanson |
People - Sec J | RFK | Ray & Flo Konecky |
People - Sec K | DDD | David Dunn |
People - Unsung Heroes | USHX | |
Post Office - Sec A | POH | Post Office History |
Post Office - Sec B | POX | New post office? |
Post Office - Sec C | NYX | Nyleptha Ford - Post Office History |
Post Office - Sec D | CENX | Centennial |
Post Office - Sec E | FORDX | Ford Retires |
Post Office - Sec F | COOKX | Cookie or Stamp |
Post Office - Sec G | GRX | Greetings from L. A. Ford |
Scenic Estates | ISCX | |
Smugglers Cove | KNS | |
Storm of February, 1989 | TXSX | |
Theatre Guild | LITG | Once Upon a Mattress |
Willows Inn | WILX | |
Team Notes:
We need on this page:
What the Archive is, how LICA provides for it, additional support by FOIL, etc.
A history of the Archive
Why it is Important
How to contribute information and materials to the Archive
Site to look into: