Our Lummi Island Community

Weather & Environment

Marietta WA (closest station)

Marietta, US
2:51 pm, December 9, 2024
weather icon 45°F
L: 43° H: 47°
scattered clouds
Humidity 86 %
Pressure 24 inhg
Wind 0 mph
UV Index: 0
Precipitation: 0 inch
Visibility: 10 km
Sunrise: 7:52 am
Sunset: 4:14 pm

Wind & Weather Prediction

Please refresh your browser IF Lummi Island is not centered in the image, or grab and move the map manually.

Tsunami Alerts for our Region

We strongly recommend you subscribe directly to Twitter @NWS_NTWC on your cellphone. See Tsunami.gov for all current tsunami alert statuses.

Tsunami Frequently Asked Questions

NWS TsunamiReady® Program

Alarms / Testing

Citizen Science

Citizen science enables people from all walks of life to advance scientific research.

Earthquake Tracking

Each listing is a link to the USGS Earthquakes Hazzard program and are updated every 30 minutes so you can get a direct link to an event.
The Tsunami Icon  is shown at major events in oceanic regions. The visibility of this icon does not indicate whether a tsunami has actually occurred or is about to occur. If this icon is visible, more actual information is available via the USGS website (with a link to NOAA –  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration).

USGS Significant Earthquakes, Past Week

Updated on Mon 9 Dec 14:51:52 (PST)

Excellent article by NOAA – Cascadia Subduction Zone

The Cascadia Subduction Zone off the coast of North America spans from northern California to southern British Columbia. This subduction zone can produce earthquakes as large as magnitude 9 and corresponding tsunamis.
Source: Federal Emergency Management Agency


Updated: 2024/11/10 @ 9:48 pm Tark Henderson

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