Our Lummi Island Community

Whatcom County Ferry Advisory Committee (WCFAC)


Since 2012, the Lummi Island Ferry Advisory Committee, LIFAC, has advised the Whatcom County Council on the island’s key ferry issues and projects.
The Whatcom County Ferry Advisory Committee, WCFAC, is the successor to LIFAC as of late 2023.

WCFAC provides review and recommendations to the Whatcom County Council and Executive on issues that affect the ongoing operations and infrastructure of ferry service to Lummi Island. WCFAC also provides a forum for those who depend upon Lummi Island ferry to voice their ideas and concerns about the ferry service.

A fare increase was approved for January 1, 2025; due to a recent court case, fares will return to May 2024 rates by February. Please see Public Works announcement HERE

WCFAC reminds all of us that civil and respectful interaction is the standard when interacting with county employees and the ferry crew, advisory committee members, and fellow Whatcom County residents. There is much work ahead to secure a replacement for the Whatcom Chief and sustain reliable, safe and affordable ferry service. Working together with County staff, County Council members, the County Executive’s office and the larger Whatcom County community is not only our best strategy, but the right thing to do. Please be kind, and let’s bring our best selves forward! 


The Whatcom County Ferry Advisory Committee generally meets on the 4th Wednesday of the month, 6 to 8 p.m. Please note that our next meeting will be held on February 26th at The Gathering Place, Lummi Island. Locate agendas through link below.

  • Meeting agendas are generally posted one week, and no less than 48 hours, in advance of a meeting. Agendas and supporting documents, as well as minutes, can be found HERE.  Check back if nothing is there yet. (For past agendas and documents, enter dates in the boxes provided; note that choosing “last month” may not include the dates in that month when meetings were held.)
  • Future meeting dates for WCFAC will be posted on the Community Calendar.
  • General information about WCFAC can be located HERE.
  • Meetings are open to the public. Community members who attend may provide public comment on issues related to the ferry to Lummi Island. 

Presentation and Other Documents

For more information:


The Whatcom County Ferry Advisory Committee (WCFAC) has 9 members appointed by the County Council:

  • Janice Catrell
  • Richard Frye
  • Pamela Gould
  • Diane Harper
  • Todd Lagestee
  • Carol Landt
  • Thomas Philpot
  • Catherine Shornick
  • One vacancy, unincorporated
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