Our Lummi Island Community

Whatcom Humane Society Wildlife Rehabilitation Center (WHSWRC)

Is a Partnership of WMMSN and the WHS Wildlife Northwest Rehabilitation Center to jointly operate a facility dedicated to emergency care for harbor seal pups.

To report an entangled marine mammal: Call 1-877-SOS-WHALE or 1-877-767-9425 or hail the Coast Guard on Marine VHF Ch.16

To report derelict gear: Call 1-855-542-3935 for WA Department of Fish and Wildlife, or call 360-733-1725 to report derelict gear to Northwest Straits.

The Humane Society needs to build a new Wildlife Center. For information or to donate see https://www.whatcomhumane.org/2020/02/06/new-wildlife-facility/


Team Notes

Whatcom Humane Society Rehabilitation and Wildlife Rescue

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