LICA will host a Town Hall Kick-Off Meeting at the Lummi Island Grange Monday, March 11th, from 6:00 to 8:00 pm to discuss the Public Dock Feasibility Study.
This will be your first chance to meet the consultants and members of the committee to learn more about the process. Attend to make sure your voice and opinion are heard.
Watch for announcements and updates via this Community website, the Community Calendar, and Brown Betty. Click Here to RSVP to attend in person or via Zoom. No computer, no problem, call Mary 425-941-0087 to RSVP.
What to Expect from the Town Hall
At the town hall you will meet with the LICA Public Dock Advisory committee and the consulting team, KPFF Consulting Engineers. Members of the Public Dock Advisory Committee will discuss the need for the project and background on efforts made to-date. Andy Bennett (KPFF) will present preliminary findings from the latest site investigations and an overview of the factors including outreach, environmental permitting, and design considerations that will inform project progress and recommendations.
Following the project overview and early findings presentation- the KPFF consulting team will provide a roadmap of next steps in this project and key milestones. There will be an open forum format for project questions and answers following the presentation. The community will have the opportunity to provide comments and feedback during the meeting and via an online survey. The KPFF team will document the activities of the meeting and comments received for inclusion in the final project report.