Our Lummi Island Community

YOUR Community website serving the residents, property owners, businesses and organizations on Lummi Island.

Use the Menus (top & bottom of pages), Directories, Information Articles, & Community Calendar for important dates Island wide.
Keep track of current  Important Announcements & Information by checking in & reading this page’s Articles

“Putting Unity back in Community”
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Use the Community Calendar and this page for current  Important Announcements & Information

If you have punch cards purchased at the immediately previous rate (expired May 31, 2024), we have several scheduled value exchange opportunities over the next few weeks.  These include:  Tuesday, July 239:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.Civic Building in Bellingham, Garden Level Conference Room322 N Commercial > > READ MORE
To maximize ferry service to Lummi Island this summer, we will limit propane and fuel delivery runs for July, August, and September. During these months, we will welcome propane and fuel trucks on Thursdays only. This temporary change is in effect from July 8, 2024, > > READ MORE
To coordinate any Advertising in the Tome/eTome or Directory click here: ads.lica.us Publications TEAM:    Publisher@LICA.us Articles for:   Tome/eTome (signup for Publication updates and Deadlines at MC.LICA.us ) Community Website Content / News / Posts / Announcements (we require a Minimum of 3 days in > > READ MORE
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Our Lummi Island Community
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