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In 2023, LICA was awarded a Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) PLANNING grant to study the feasibility of a public dock on Lummi Island.
Key points for the grant:
- This $103,450 reimbursement grant provides funds to hire consultants to identify the options, pros, cons, constraints, etc.
Project Events, Milestones, and Status Reports
- 2024 March – Work continued in planning the first Town Hall to be held at the Lummi Island Grange on Monday, March 11 from 6 to 8PM. Attendees can join in person or access the meeting via Zoom. Current progress on project milestones as of March 4, 2024. You can view this list of community comments submitted to the committee (last updated on March 10, 2024.)
- 2024 February – Public Dock Advisory Committee met with consultants for kick-off meetings. Work began on developing a project plan and schedule. Initial field work for a Cultural Resources Study was conducted at the Beach Access site, across from Beach Store Cafe.
- 2024 January – LICA negotiated contracts with selected consultants and prepared detailed action plans.
- 2023 November through December – The committee conducted its procurement process to solicit statements of qualifications from contractors, then evaluated responses and interviewed the most qualified applicants. The process followed guidance from Contracting for Services – Guidelines for Local Governments in Washington State. The committee selected KPFF Consulting Engineers to perform three major tasks: (1) Public, Tribal, and Agency Outreach. (2) Marine Assessment/Eelgrass Study. (3) Engineering Design. (KPFF Statement of Qualifications.) They will use a subcontractor, Confluence Environmental Company, to conduct the eelgrass study. (Confluence Environmental Statement of Qualifications.) The final task, conducting a Cultural Resources Study, will be done by Drayton Archaeology from Blaine, WA. (Drayton Archaeology Statement of Qualifications.)
- 2023 November – LICA advertised Requests for Qualifications (RFQs) to identify consultants who could provide services for the Public Dock Feasibility Study. The grant enables LICA to hire consultants with experience in three areas: (1) Engineering Design and Public Outreach (RFQ 2023-ENG); (2) Historic Archaeology/Cultural Resources (RFQ 2023-HIS); and (3) Marine Surveying for Eelgrass/Macroalgae (RFQ 2023-MAR). Advertisements were placed in the Bellingham Herald (Nov 5 and Nov 12) and on the Washington State Office of Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises (OMWBE) website at
- 2023/10/30 – LICA received and signed the contract agreement with RCO. See document here. Original milestones are shown on page 6. Actual dates will be updated when the project kicks off.
- 2023/05/23 – LICA was awarded a Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) PLANNING grant to study the feasibility of a public dock. This $103,450 reimbursement grant enables the entire community to discuss all options, pros, cons, constraints, etc. over the next 18 months. We will begin by consulting with the Lummi Nation and the Nooksack Nation. The next step will be to start working on the required Cultural Resource Assessment in compliance with the WA state Governor’s Executive Order 21-02. Later phases of the project will include work with marine engineers to draft concept diagrams and cost estimates. At the end of the study period, we will have an island-wide vote on what to do next.
Grant Documents
- Grant application (2022/11/14)
- Cover pages with contact info and project description
- Letter of Intent
- Location Map
- Budget Worksheet
Contractor Procurement Process
This section provides details on the steps LICA followed and related docs
Communications with LI Community
This section will list items related to comms with links to docs as needed
- Presentation to LICA membership meeting (2022/10/26)
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Communications with Whatcom County Departments
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Communications with Potential Partners and Champions
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