Wednesday July 26th 6:30 – 7:30
Bring any type of your own beverage to drink. If you can, Please bring an appetizer to share. LICA will provide plates and napkins.
We are hoping that it will be warm enough to be able to set up outside on the deck at the Grange as we take advantage of the rapidly lengthening days.
Join us on the Back Deck at the Grange for LICA’s ‘Appy Hour and “We Are LICA” program followed by brief business meeting and door prize drawing. Our “We Are LICA” program will be an opportunity to meet and greet all the current board members, members of community advisory committees, LICA project coordinators, behind the scenes website and publishing team members. We also would love former LICA board members to come and say hi and of course all residents and property owners are part of LICA as well.
Around 7:30 we will follow with a short LICA general meeting where we must take a few minutes to discuss and vote on a LICA board recommended set of amendments to the LICA Bylaws that were circulated at the June meeting. You may view proposed changes ahead of time HERE on the Community Website, or pick up a paper copy at the Island Library.
At the end of the event there will be the drawing for the $25.00 door prize (someone will always win)
Last month Jim McCaughan won the drawing and donated it back to LICA.