Our Lummi Island Community

LI Health and Wellness (LIH&W)


Our mission is to create a system of health and wellness resources that help Lummi Island residents of all ages be more resilient in coping with life’s changes and challenges.

Our Vision

LIH&W has effectively created a range of health and wellness resources that are valued by Lummi Island residents and recognized by health care organizations as promoting the well-being of people across the age spectrum.

Board Members

    • Bob Anderson – Co-Chair
    • Pam Gould – Co-Chair
    • Jane Phillips – Secretary
    • Tom O’Brien
    • Sandy Earle
    • Ali de La Bruere
    • Lynn Young
    • Shristi Reddy
    • Lisa Wochos
    • Jan Jones


LIH&W developed an all-Island survey in 2018 to identify the health needs of residents and potential solutions to meeting those needs.  This ad hoc group included Pam Gould, Mary Boire, Bobbie Hutchings, Connie Berry, Jane Phillips and Bob Anderson.  Over 275 residents responded to that survey and community discussions were held to set priorities for follow up action. 

When the pandemic hit us the Committee re-focused on providing up to date information and assistance to Islanders on the latest COVID-19 information and access to supportive services.  Like so many things, the pandemic disrupted the Committee’s work. 

Now the group is ready to rejuvenate its efforts with a fresh start and strong partners like Peace Health, through the leadership of Rachel Lucy, PhD, Director of Community Health.


LIH&W Program Overarching Goal: Create a hub for health and wellness services and activities, centered at The Gathering Place. 2025 priorities are:

  • Establish telehealth technology and support, a group of health and wellness advocatesfoot care services, and exercise and wellness
  • Identify and make available information about health and wellness services, including in-home careand other programs, activities, and resources; set up ways to share the information and make it easily accessible to Islanders. 
  • Develop capacity to provide ongoing coordination for LIH&W projects and activities, including ongoing assessment of Islanders’ health and wellness needs and desires.

Lummi Island Health and Wellness works to:

      • Advocate for individual residents and the Island as a whole by advancing the health and wellness of Islanders.
      • Create a system of support services and a central location with easy access to serve the health and wellness needs of Lummi Island residents.
      • Partner with on and off-Island organizations and providers to optimize resources.
      • Compile and make available a comprehensive list and contact information for health and wellness resources, providers and services.
      • Foster resiliency and increase knowledge within our changing health and wellness needs.
      • Work with individual residents to identify and address health and wellness needs.

Priorities for 2025

1 – Island Telehealth and Resource Center at The Gathering Place

Peace Health is providing technical assistance to create an Island Telehealth service at The Gathering Place Clinic space.  Telehealth is the use of digital information and communication technologies, such as computers and mobile devices, to access health care services remotely and manage your health care.  Since the pandemic, the use of electronic communications to provide clinical services without requiring a patient to come in to a doctor’s office or hospital has become a more accepted practice.  We think it has great potential for many Islanders who may have difficulty getting to doctors’ visits and in better managing chronic health conditions.

2 – Organize Health Advocates Team and define the program

Define what is included in health advocacy: Help a person navigate the health care system, focus on their important issues, solve problems and remove obstacles to care and facilitate communication between and among your care providers. Include who to call and where to find information on cost of services.

3 – Exercise and Wellness Programs

Create and promote accessible wellness and education programs on the island; Develop a hub for information about activities and programs that enhance the wellness of the island community. Capitalize on the variety of services offered already and initiate new ones that Islanders would value.

4 – In-Home Care Information and Resources

Organizing/securing added in-home resources and information to enhance islanders’ ability to age in place safely.

5 – Foot Care

Islanders have regular access to affordable, quality, non-medical foot care at the Telehealth/Resource Center.





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