Annual Funding and Community Grants

Annual Funding and Community Grants

1) Lummi Island Community Association Annual Funding Starts

Your donations support all our services through our annual budget:  The Tome/eTome, Brown Betty, Island Directory, Grants, Community Website & Calendar, Events, Celebrations, and more.

Since 2022 LICA no longer has a paid “subscription” to receive The Tome, eTome and Island Directory.  The LICA Board of Directors feels we can best satisfy our mission by providing our services to the entire Lummi Island Community (rather than just subscribers).  As a Washington State 501(c)(3) Non-Profit, we want to make sure your donations are fully deductible so we removed the need to pay for services (such as the monthly Tome and eTome, off-island mailing and the Island Directory.

To do this, LICA needs support from donations.  LICA provides MANY services for Lummi Island and that takes money, Some of the services we provide are:

  • Sponsor Meals On Wheels
  • Island Blood Drives
  • Publication of the Tome / eTome and Brown Betty
  • Publication of the Printed Directory
  • Maintain and Augment the History Archive
  • Annual Roadside Cleanup Event
  • Ferry Parking, Paul Davis Park / Orchard & Trail – Mowing and Trimming
  • Sponsor and/or provide support for Island Events and Town Hall Meetings
  • Communicate with Agencies like Public Works, WTA, WDOT, etc. on behalf of the Islanders
  • Assist other groups with Hybrid Zoom meetings
  • Sponsor Advisory Committees and Workgroups to assess the needs of the Islanders as requested
  • Provide Community Grants to local organizations. Recipients have included:
    • Friends of Island Library,
    • The Lummi Island Grange,
    • Parish Nurses,
    • LI Heritage Trust,
    • LI Health and Wellness Resources Committee,
    • and Meals on Wheels, to name a few.
  • Host Candidate Forums during Elections
  • Provide this Community website for the Islanders, Organizations, Agencies, Businesses, etc. to help them create their own announcements, articles and posts as well as post events to the Community Calendar.

Please consider making your annual donation before January 1st, as the amount we receive determines what funds we can count on for the Community Grants – which you vote on in January (see section 2)

Included with the November printed Tome was the donation form.  You can also download a printable version of it HERE  or  pick one up from the Library  or  go to this page to donate online.

2) LICA Community Grant Applications

Annually, the Lummi Island Community Association awards grants to support projects benefitting our community. 

We are now accepting applications by mail for Grants to be awarded in February next year.  
You can download the printable application HERE  or pick one up from the Library

Grant Request Forms must be received in our P.O. Box by December 15th

It is the policy of LICA to provide grants, if funds are available, in support of other Lummi Island organizations and entities, as determined appropriate by a vote of the board, which are then presented at the Annual Meeting.  We provide the funds up-front as an actual Grant.  The organization only has to show that they used the funds for the Specific project.  Any funds unused by the organization for that project must be returned as outlined below.  

The Life Cycle of a LICA Grant

December 15th Your completed application form must be received by LICA.    
Mail it to:  LICA Grants, P.O. Box 163, Lummi Island, WA 98262-0163 OR our Drop Box across from the Post Office (next to the Map)
January Board MeetingLICA Board of Directors reviews applications.
In deciding whether to approve a grant, the board must be satisfied that the proposed project provides a specific benefit to the community, and that it will not jeopardize LICA’s tax-exempt status.
Requests will not be approved for any project supporting personal, religious, or partisan political purposes.
January Annual Meeting  LICA membership votes on which applications to approve.
February 15th  (or earlier) LICA treasurer disburses funds for approved grants.
October 31st The grant end date by which terms must be satisfied.
November 30thFunded applicants must report expenditures and outcomes pursuant to the grant. Any unexpended funds must be returned to LICA.  

Updated: 2024/11/16 @ 11:23 am Tark Henderson

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