Our Lummi Island Community

Tome 2013/09

The Tome Of Lummi Island
Volume XLVIII No. 8
September 2013


Community Association Meeting – Wednesday, September25, 2013

Potluck Dinner – – – 6:30 PM

Program and Business Meeting – – – 7:15 PM

Program: Future of Our New Renovated Library


C A L E N D A R O F E V E N T S________

LI Volunteer Firefighter Training ………………………………………………..1, 2, 3 & 4 Thursdays 6:30 PM

Elderberries – Fun, Games and Lunch for Seniors – Church …………… Every Wednesday 11 AM to 2 PM

Island Church & Sunday School – 758-2060………………………………. Every Sunday 10:30 AM

Island Chapel – Grange Hall ……………………………………………………… Every Sunday 9:30 AM

AA meetings – Congregational Church basement …………………… Every Monday 7 PM-8:30 PM

LICA POTLUCK DINNER MEETING —Grange Hall ..…………… Sept 25 Wednesday 6:30 / 7:15 PM

Ferry returns from Dry Dock – Approximately September 25 or 26. Watch Brown Betty for updates.

Owl Prow Join expert birder Victor Burgett at the Otto Preserve ..…. Sept 28 Saturday 6:30 PM

Recycle Pickup – Your House ……………………………………………………… Sept 30 Monday morning

Lummi Island Ferry Advisory Committee Meeting – Fire Hall ……….. Oct 1 Tuesday 6:30 PM

Grange Meeting ………………Social at 6:30 PM……………….……. Oct 2 Wednesday 7:00 PM

Ferry Fueling Day (Alternate Thursdays at Gooseberry Point) …………. Oct 3 Thursday 12:30 to 1:20 PM

PLIC Meeting – Grange Hall ………………………………………. Oct 3 Thursday 6:30 PM

Grange Salmon BBQ – Grange Hall Great menu – see article …..… Oct 5 Saturday 5:00 TO 6:30 PM

Blessing of the Animals – Congregational Church Parking Lot …….. Oct 6 Sunday 1;00 PM

Lummi Island Conservancy Board – Library …………………………………. Oct 6 Sunday 7:30 PM

Cemetery Board – Library …………………………………………… Oct 7 Monday 6:30 PM

Fire Commissioners Meeting — Fire Hall—Open to Public ……..…… Oct 8 Tuesday 7:00 PM

Beach School PTO — Beach School ………………………………… Oct 9 Wednesday 6:45 PM

LICA Board of Directors — Library ………………………………….. Oct 9 Wednesday 7:00 PM

Civic Club – Church Fellowship Room ………………………………………… Oct 10 Thursday 10:00 AM

The Tome Deadline ……………………………………………………………… Oct 11 Friday 4:00 PM

Recycle Pickup — Your house ………………………………………. Oct 14 Monday morning

Gardeners Network – Grange Hall …………………………………… Oct 14 Monday 6:30 PM

Friends of Island Library ……………………………………………… Oct 14 Monday 7:30 PM

Boys & Girls Club Board Meeting – at the Club …………………………….. Oct 15 Tuesday 6:30 PM

Parish Dinner – Congregational Church – All welcome – $8 …… Oct 16 Wednesday 5:30 PM

Ferry Fueling Day (Alternate Thursdays at Gooseberry Point) …………. Oct 17 Thursday 12:30 to 1:20 PM

Post Office Hours Mon-Fri 7:45 AM to 3:15 PM; Sat 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM (Boxes 24 hours) 758-2320

Library hours Tuesday & Thursday 2:00 to 8:00 PM; Saturday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM 758-7145

Recycle Hotline Monday – Friday 9 to 5 plus answering machine 676-5723

Grange Hall Rent contact: Leslie Dempsey – 325.3420


Westshore Farm Hayfield 0.00” 0.64” (Sheila & Al Marshall)
North Tuttle Lane 0.00” 0.93” (Nancy Simmerman)
South Nugent 0.00” 1.08” (Jerry Brown)
Scenic Estates 0.00” 0.56” (Darlene Stoffer)


Our program at next Wednesday’s (September 25) Potluck Dinner Meeting will be a discussion about our newly renovated Island Library and the future of our library system by our Librarian, Karly Tucker and/or Joan Keiper, President of FOIL. We hope that Christine Perkins, Director of our County Library System will also be here, but that is about the day the ferry is due to return, so we can’t guarantee her presence.

After the library presentation we will have our usual short LICA business meeting. Everyone on Lummi Island is invited and is eligible to vote on any matters that need voting. If you wish to share in our potluck dinner, please be there no later than 6:30 PM and be sure to bring all your own table service. The Library program starts at exactly 7:15 PM.

The door prize will be $65 for a Tome subscriber if s/he is in the Hall at the time of the drawing. David and Karen Barker are asking each other why they didn’t come to collect their $60 at our June meeting.

I’ve got all the money I’ll ever need – if I die by 4 o’clock. – Henny Youngman

Grange Salmon BBQ – – Leslie Dempsey

Mark your calendars: the Grange Grill Masters will be firing up the barbecues on Saturday October 5th.

We’ll open the doors at 5:00 PM and sell the last meal ticket at 6:30 PM (don’t worry, we’ll give you time to eat!). For the amazingly low price of $10/adult and $5/children (12 and under) you’ll receive a delicious and hearty meal of salmon, baked beans, au gratin potatoes, Caesar salad, garlic bread and apple crisp.

We’ll also be selling pumpkin pie for $2/slice. Come enjoy a lovely meal and a visit with your Island neighbors!

Do illiterate people get the full effect of Alphabet Soup?

10 MONEY TEN MONEY $10 – – ed

July’s winner of the $10 Certificate hidden in one copy of The Tome was Loyal Tome subscriber Madge Gleeson who donated it back to LICA to be used in one of our many community benefits. Thanks, Madge.

Each month we hide a Certificate redeemable for $10 cash in one copy of the Tome. Only Tome subscribers on Lummi Island are eligible for this cash bonanza.


Thank you to everyone who came by to give love, food, labor, flowers and smiles to my Mom, brother and me. My Dad and Mom made the right decision 36 years ago when they decided to make this Island their home. I always tell people about the amazing community here but sometimes I think maybe it isn’t really like that anymore after all these years; maybe that was just how it seemed as a young girl growing up here. These past weeks since my Dad died have reminded me that my memories are still correct. From the nourishing and delicious meals, bags of love in the form of groceries, chainsaw wielding firewood re-stockers to ensure that my Mom will never lack for heat, to all the equipment and serving ware that was loaned to us for the Celebration of Life we had for him on August 4th, we have been well cared for. I take a lot of comfort leaving my Mom here knowing that she will be looked after and is going to be fine. I know that my Dad did too. This is a very special place and I consider myself so incredibly lucky to be “of here”. Even though I live 1000 miles away, it is still home.

With deep gratitude, Angelita Breiter; aka Angel Bocock, daughter of Glen Bocock who passed away on July 25th

Ever notice that anybody going slower than you is an idiot,
but anybody going faster is a maniac?


Drop ins welcome. Free Knitting instructions, fiber chats and project rescue.


ALUMINUM CAN-RECYCLING by the Grange. Bins located in Grange parking lot. Thank you.

Grange News – – Leslie Dempsey

At the August 7th Grange potluck picnic at Wendell and Terry’s, Islander Paul Davis was presented with a Grange Community Citizen Award. County Executive Jack Louws presented a Proclamation declaring August 7, 2013 Paul Davis Day. Other dignitaries including Sherriff Bill Elfo, County Council Member Pete Kremen, Ferndale School Superintendent Dr. Linda Quinn, and Birch Bay Steering Committee Chairperson Kathy Berg joined Lummi Islanders in celebrating Paul for his outstanding contributions to building community. County Council Member Ken Mann emailed his warm and congratulatory comments.

More awards! Carolyn Jenkins single-handedly created an award winning project booth for the August NW County Fair held at the Lynden Fair Grounds. She brought home a big blue ribbon and a prize check for $165, but reported that it just wasn’t as much fun without her Mother and best friend Anne (who was off on a cruise at the time). Grange scholarships were awarded to both Rodger Prestiy and Robert Sorenson for their course work in education and nursing.

The Grange invites any and all to join our community service organization or visit a meeting as our guest. We meet at the Grange Hall on the 1st Wednesday of each month; coffee and dessert are served at 6:30 PM and the one-hour meeting commences at 7:00 PM. www.lummigrange.com

Does pushing the elevator button more than once make it arrive faster?

Glen Allen Bocock – August 7, 1951 – July 25, 2013

Glen Bocock, age 61, of Lummi Island, passed away July 25, 2013. His light and love will live strong in the hearts of his wife Betty, daughter Angelita, son Islando, son-in-law Salamander and grandchildren Avia and Makai. His memory will also live on within an incredible network of family and friends. Glen’s talents and hobbies were vast. He was a much-respected member of the Deaf community and he taught American Sign Language at numerous colleges. Words will never do justice to who and what he was. You may share memories with the family at www.westfordfuneralhome.com.

In America anybody can become President. That’s the problem.


I apologize for using this valuable space in the Tome for a personal comment, but I feel the need to express my appreciation for the tribute paid to me by Leslie, Terry, the entire Lummi Island Grange, The National Grange, the hundreds of Lummi Island friends and the several officials from Whatcom County, Ferndale School District, Church, Library and Heritage Trust at the Grange picnic at the Terry home on that special day, August 7. Jack, your Proclamation was really over the top – a treasure I will always cherish. It embarrasses me to belabor the point, but I am always grateful for the appreciation you all have continuously expressed for my contributions the past 38 years. The only down side is that you make it difficult to remain humble. And now back to our regular programming.

Some cars have things that last a lifetime: payments.

Saturday Market – – Jyl Peterson

It was a great summer for the Saturday Market. The weather was beautiful every time, the market circle was full with wonderful Island crafts, pies, some produce, and music, all by our Island Artisans.

Most importantly, it was well attended by Islanders and their guests. The Marketeers would like to express their gratitude and extend a thank you to everyone for making it so much fun and memorable.

We couldn’t do it without you! See you next spring.

“Waiter, do you have frog’s legs?” “No sir, I’ve always walked like this.”


If you haven’t called Dorothy Hanson at 758-2484 yet about requesting a flu clinic on Lummi Island this fall, please do so now. This is really important. We need a minimum of 20 requests to make it happen.

Ferry Advisory Committee (LIFAC) meeting – – Mike McKenzie

Lummi Island Ferry Advisory Committee (LIFAC) will meet Tuesday, October 1, 6:30 PM at the Island Fire Hall. This is designated as a work session that will feature a presentation of new electronic ticketing mechanisms used by WTA, which has been tested on Lummi Island by committee member Cris Colburn and his co-workers who will demonstrate.

Whatcom County Public Works has revealed that it is about to engage a “beta” test run on an e-system for fare collection on the Whatcom Chief, with no commitment or obligation to purchase it.

Before the demo, a public comment period allows anybody up to three minutes on any topic. The committee encourages your attendance and participation on matters affecting ferry service and fares.

During summer activity, LIFAC opposed and presented a recommendation explaining why, and then County Council rejected a proposal by Public Works. It would have revised an ordinance so that state-distributed revenue from fuel taxes would be shifted to the road fund before calculating the split of funding between road fund and ferry fund. The move prevented a larger burden on the ferry fare collections.

Further, LIFAC took a position of supporting the PLIC Board of Directors on a proposal to move the administration of special-needs fares to the Opportunity Council, to remove some wording about budget limitations, and to create a 10-ride pass for the reduced fares. County passed the move away from the Treasurer’s office in administering the applications for those fares, but declined to change the wording and to create a lower-cost pass.

At the LIFAC’s last meeting, following a presentation by Chuck Antholt and a lively discussion, the committee tabled until November any reconsideration of a proposal for purchase of a used ferry to replace the Chief. The group meanwhile will seek further information about contingency and long-term planning for a ferry replacement.

In Hollywood, marriage is successful if it outlasts milk.

Needs‑Based Ferry Passes ‑ Changes Effective Oct. 1, 2013 – – Ferry Dept

All recipients must be current Lummi Island residents. Current fares: $92 for 25 roundtrips for passenger/pedestrian and $66 for 10 roundtrips for vehicle and driver.

Property Tax Exemption Reduced Fare Passes:

The process to qualify for needs‑based passes based on a property tax exemption will not change. Applications are filed with and managed by the Whatcom County Assessor’s Office and must be renewed at least every six (6) years or when income levels change. A copy of the current approved application and valid photo identification must be presented each time when purchasing needs-based punchcards.

Income Based Reduced Fare Passes:

Effective Oct. 1, 2013, all applications for needs-based passes based on income are obtained and processed by the Opportunity Council located at: 1111 Cornwall Avenue, Bellingham, WA 98225

Please call (360) 734‑5121 ext. 218 to schedule an appointment with the Opportunity Council. Approval is based on the HUD very low income levels by family size shown below:

2013 HUD Very‑Low Income Limits

$46,100 or less for a family of eight

$43,300 or less for a family of seven

$40,500 or less for a family of six

$37,700 or less for a family of five

$34,900 or less for a family of four

$31,450 or less for a family of three

$27,950 or less for a family of two

$24,450 or less for an individual

Proof of income for each household member over the age of eighteen (18) is required when the application is screened. Program eligibility must be re-evaluated every 12 months (a new application must be submitted to evaluate continued participation in the program.)

If the application is approved, a voucher will be provided by the Opportunity Council. The voucher and valid photo identification must be presented each time when purchasing needs-based punchcards.

Purchasing Passes:

All needs-based punchcards will only be available for purchase at the Whatcom County Public Works

Administration Office located at: 322 N. Commercial St., Suite 210 Bellingham, WA

Monday ‑ Friday, 8:00 AM ‑ 4:30 PM excluding holidays (360) 676‑6692

“Fatherhood is pretending the present you love most is soap-on-a-rope.” – Bill Cosby

HELP!  – – Duncan McLane, Fire Chief

What if you called 911 and no one responded? Volunteer Firefighters Needed. We will train you. Call 360.758.2411

PLIC meeting – – Rhayma Blake

PLIC will meet Thursday, October 3 at 6:30 PM at the Grange Hall. This meeting will allow people the time and a format within which to review LIFAC’s progress. We will also be discussing the proposed non-payment penalty for ferry riders. The public hearing is scheduled for the County Council meeting at 7 PM on October 8. You can read the proposed ordinance calling for a $30 Ferry Non-payment Fee (AB2013-289) on the plicferry.org website. The PLIC Board of Directors opposes this fee since credit cards have yet to be accepted on the ferry.

PLIC has proven that it can help LIFAC and our County Council members answer the question “What do Islanders think” about ferry-related issues. We ask your participation in identifying and studying those issues that are most important to us all.

I don’t care who you are fatso – get your reindeer off m roof.

BEACH SCHOOL NEWS – – Judy Thomas, Manager

Beach School opened the first week of school with several I.B. (International Baccalaureate) activities. Terri’s class is looking at systems within the classroom that help promote community learning and caring for each other. Judy’s class is focusing on energy and how the world works. Being a caring individual is a characteristic of the I.B. Learner so we’ve had discussions about caring for the earth and its resources to caring about our education. Each of the ten characteristics of an I.B. Learner is positive, possible and promotes international understanding.

CARING: We show empathy, compassion, and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and in the world around us.

In following issues of The Tome we will include a new I.B. Learner characteristic and an update on activities.

We have thirty-six students this year with five coming from Gooseberry Point and one first grader from Ferndale. September is an all academic month for us but October will bring apple squeezing, pumpkin carving and the annual PTO Halloween party. Get those costumes ready. Thanks to all the organizers, volunteers and participants in the first Island Run. What fun!!!

Sweater, n.: Garment worn by a child when its mother is feeling chilly.

CIVIC CLUB NEWS – – Rose Ann Auld, President

The Lummi Island Civic Club had its first meeting of the year on September 12th, with plans being made for many upcoming events and fundraisers for our community.

Our group is one of the oldest organizations on the Island and we are vibrant and forward thinking for the needs of the other organizations and neighbors on the Island. We help sponsor Girl Scouts, Boys and Girls Club, Library, Fire Department and many others. And we have a drill team! Part of our motto “Civic Club is on the move, since 1916, when we brought roads, garbage service and many other services to Lummi Island.” Did you see us in the all-Island parade? We were the group with the lawn chairs!

We have an outstanding vintage fashion show and luncheon evening wine event in November, and we`ll have a booth at the Grange Holiday Bazaar with wreaths and holiday treats. A ‘twice loved’ clothing event is in the planning stage as well as guest speakers and artists for our monthly meetings. We hope to have jewelry and glass-making classes as well as a homemade-bread class and soup for another meeting and having lunch then, too.

The Spring always brings our biggest event, Garden Expo, and some fitness experts might be asked for their expertise as well, so come and be surprised at what`s happening at Civic Club, and help make a difference in our community; every second Tuesday of the month, at the Congregational Church basement, 10:00 AM social and10:30 meeting time.

I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes

Call to Vendors, Grange Holiday Bazaar – – Leslie Dempsey

The annual Holiday Bazaar will be held at the Grange Hall on Saturday December 7th. Call Candy Jones (758.7986 or 319.1074) to reserve a table for your display; the cost of table space is $15 or $20 depending on size. Vendors must be Lummi Islanders to participate.

A penny saved is a Government oversight.

Boys & Girls Club News – – Lynn Schreiber

Hello and Happy Fall! I would like to start with a Thank You! Thank you to all the volunteers, board of directors, staff, family, friends, neighbors and visitors who made our auction an amazing event. We are truly thankful for your support, humor, expertise and kindness. Without you we would not be able to offer the kids a place to be after school.

The school year has started and the kids are busy getting back into their daily routines. We have quite a few kids coming to Club and have retained all of our older Club members. The kids and staff are looking forward to a fun filled year with a focus on Science, Math and Art. We are working to integrate STEM into our program and hope to compliment what the kids are learning at their schools.

Do you like art or is science your thing? If so, and you like to see the faces of happy and amazed kids we would love to have you volunteer. Contact Lynn Schreiber at 758-2828 if you are interested.

Thanks again to everyone who supports our little Club….without you, we would not be here and we truly appreciate what you do for us.

The easiest way to find something lost around the house is to buy a replacement


Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 2:00 – 8:00 Saturday 10:00 – 4:00

A grant from the Whatcom Community Foundation enabled FOIL to rent the portable building to provide limited library service during dry dock.  If you are enjoying having this “tiny library”, please send your thoughts and thanks to the Foundation at


Anxious to get back into our regular building? Thanks to our stellar contractor Mark Sexton, the library remodel is moving along smoothly. We are projecting that we will be in our super-duper enlarged and remodeled building in mid-October.

We decided that applying siding to the exterior of the library should be a community happening. We are looking for volunteers to apply the cedar shingles. Experience not necessary. If interested, call Karly 305.3600 x 130. Leave a message if necessary.

The Friends of Island Library (FOIL) Board meets the second Monday of the month at the library. FOIL members are community volunteers who work diligently on behalf of the Island Library. FOIL’s Annual Meeting will be Monday October 14th at the Island Library, 7:30 – 9:00 PM. Next year’s Board will be introduced and voted on. All are invited.

There are two kinds of pedestrians . . . The quick and the dead.

ISLAND CHAPEL – – Jerry McRorie

Once again Island Chapel invites everyone to the free all-island Pre-Thanksgiving stomach stretching exercise (also known as turkey dinner with all the fixings). Exact time and date will be reported in next month’s Tome but it will happen shortly before Thanksgiving.

Summer ended with several well-attended camps on Barnes Island. Women’s Bible study will resume after a summer break on Friday, Sept. 20 at Candy Jones’ home. If you want to know more about how the early church was established or just like to hang out with a group of delightful Island women, plan on Bible study 9:30 to 11 AM each Friday. For more information, call Candy at 758-7986 or 319-1074.

Men’s and women’s Bible study continues each Monday at Wendell and Terry Terry’s home at 2882 N. Nugent. Soup and salad is served at 6 PM with Bible study following at 7:15 PM. Call 758-7432 for more information.

Regular Island Chapel services are 9:30 to 10:30 each Sunday at the Grange Hall.

If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a song about him?

Heritage Trust News – – Megan Crouse

The Heritage Trust sends a big “Thank You!” to our jurors and to all the Island artists who submitted their work for our 15th Anniversary Commemorative Poster contest. More than thirty entries were showcased during the September Artists’ Tour. Beautiful commemorative posters of winning artist Ria Harboe’s painting, “Watchful Protectors” are still available for sale at the Otto Resource Center.

Join us for an Owl Prowl with local birder Victor Burgett on September 28 to learn about local owls. We may hear or see Barn Owls, Barred Owls and even Great Horned Owls. To assure a more intimate experience, space is limited so call 758-7997 to reserve your place on the tour. Meet at the Otto Preserve Resource Center at 6:30 PM weather permitting; owls don’t like high winds or heavy rains. Don’t forget your flashlight.

We are celebrating a major achievement: Lummi Island Heritage Trust is now accredited! The Heritage Trust is one of 230 land trusts, out of 1,700 nationally, that has been awarded accreditation by the Land Trust Accreditation Commission. Accreditation is a mark of distinction in land conservation that lets our members and friends know that the Heritage Trust has undergone an extensive, external review of the governance and management of our organization, and that the systems and policies we use to protect land meet national standards for excellence. As Board member Peter Hodges says, “Accreditation assures everyone who supports the Heritage Trust that the conservation work we’re doing today on Lummi Island is truly everlasting.”

I started writing poetry last Tuesday. P O E T R That’s coming along nicely.


We’re baaaack! Mark your calendars. Troop 41950 will begin meeting after school Monday October 21 at the Congregational Church. Interested parents should attend a meet-and-greet organizational meeting 7 PM Monday October 7 at the Grange. We’ll discuss what you want your daughter to glean from scouting. The kids will have the same chance at the first meeting. Can’t make the meeting or have more questions? Call Mary Jane Van Hoesen (4199) or send an email to ligs@comcast.net. Looking forward to meeting everyone. MJ

Why do steam irons have a permanent press setting?

Congregational Church news – – Rhayma Blake

Some people consider themselves spiritual but not religious and desire a place for quiet personal meditation or prayer, and/or the fellowship of others. The little white church on Legoe Bay Road might have something for you.

Regular activities include AA meetings on Mondays at 7:00 PM; gentle rehabilitative Yoga on Tuesdays at either 9:30 AM or 7:00 PM; Thursdays 6:30-8:00 PM the sanctuary is open for quiet meditation and prayer. Stop by for minutes or an hour. And the labyrinth, a walking meditation in the woods behind the church, is always available as is the path to Church Beach.

Sundays at 10:30 AM is worship in the sanctuary and Sunday school for children through 6th grade. September 22nd Rev. Colleen MacGilchrist will lead the service with Bluegrass Gospel music by Randy and Stella Benson. October 6th is a Blessing of the Animals service in the church parking lot at 1:00 PM.

And Wednesdays are anything but quiet with Elderberries meeting for cards, friendship and a hot lunch from 11 AM until 2 PM. The suggested donation for Elderberries is $1.

And one Wednesday evening per month there is a Parish Dinner, open to all Islanders, friends, and families for a suggested donation of $8 per person, an evening off from cooking and dishwashing! Typically it is the third Wednesday of the month. The next one is a hot, from scratch, meatloaf and mashed potato dinner on October 16th at 5:30 PM with carry-outs available until 6 PM. Questions? Call 758-2060.

Marriage: an expensive way to get your laundry done for free.

EDIBLE GARDEN TOUR – – Jennifer Bernard, Chair LIFE and Erna Gregory, Secretary LIFE

The 5th Annual Edible Garden Tour was a wonderful success again this year! We are always amazed and grateful for all the community support we receive. Likewise, our booth at the Saturday Market – our booth that started out as a fresh produce and Edible Garden T-shirt booth and quickly morphed in to a freshly baked pie & tart booth – was loads of fun and proved to be popular with everyone. All proceeds will be used in support of the International Baccalaureate program at Beach School and as promised, we will also be donating a portion of our produce sales to our amazing community Boys & Girls Club.

In addition, LIFE is incredibly grateful for the support we have received thus far from our recent mailing in which we asked directly for donations and which included Superintendent Linda Quinn’s letter regarding her experience at her first International Baccalaureate training. If this letter does not sound familiar then check your recycling and/or your “junk” mail pile and rescue our little letter! It indicates that it is in regards to supporting Beach School on the envelope in red.

We continue to seek grants and off-Island support and have been gratified with some success. Whatcom Community Foundation continues to be our Fiscal Sponsor and a huge support and we are very, very grateful to their entire office and the larger organization.

An interesting observation from our time this summer at the Saturday Market is that many weekend Islanders and part-time Islanders were very interested in our mission and our school. Despite the fact that many of these folks do not have children at the school or even live in our community full time we were pleased and grateful to see that many wanted to contribute to our organization. Many of these folks from as close as Bellingham and Seattle or as far away as California, Arizona and Canada recognized that boosting Beach School’s enrollment is a pivotal issue in our community and that the existence of the school, our Boys and Girls Club and our library have a direct effect on their enjoyment of our community. Thank you again to everyone who has contributed to this community cause whether in dollars, veggies, pies or volunteer help with the Garden Tour. It indeed takes a village. Or an Island!

The making of a journalist: no ideas and the ability to express them.


It’s the beginning of the school year and we have two successes to talk about already! We hosted two summer camps which were a huge success – Theater Camp directed by David Post from Bellingham Academy of Arts for Youth (BAAY,) and Film Camp led by Sam Giffin of Right On Brother Films. A total of 21 kids participated in the camps which culminated in a performance of Annie Jr for the Theater Camp and the premiere of the short film, ‘Invisible’ for the Film Camp. Both of these performances were well attended by the community. If you missed them we will have a DVD available for purchase soon!

The second success for us was the 1st Annual Lummi Island Run for Beach School, brainchild of Andreea Niculescu and Rachel Johnson. We hosted over 100 runners and walkers who traversed 3.5, 7 or 14 miles of our north loop road on a sunny Sunday morning. We have some run posters remaining and possibly a visor if you’d like to purchase 😉

To organize and facilitate such large undertakings requires many, many people. I’d like to recognize the following people for their contributions to the Theater and Film camps: Sam Bowman, Tom and Samya Lutz, Robin Richardson, Joan Moye, Lesley and Paul Dempsey, Friends of the Island Library and Karly Tucker, Jennifer Bernard, Patty Helm, Ingrid McGarry, Holly Giffin, Julie Hunter, Alissa Daschbach, Tom and Terry Miller, Linda Smith, Katelyn Carlton, Rebecca Burrous, Bronwyn Regan, the Kershners; Shayle and Casey Denbleyker, Robin Kinkade, Randy Benson, Pam Kuntz, Penny Hoagland, Tom Phillips, Joe Cook, Lummi Island Realty, Nancy Swanson and Abacus Enterprises, Budget Septic, Beach Store Cafe, Sauseburger Stand, Willows Inn, Legoe Bay Winery, and Lummi Island Foundation for Education (LIFE) for their support; and special thanks to LIFE’s Erna Gregory! Thank you to David Post of BAAY for his enthusiasm and amazing leadership at the Theater Camp. And thanks to Sam Giffin for his expertise and direction at the Film Camp and for the many editing hours on the productions.

Thank you to the following organizations and individuals for their contributions to the success of the ‘Run’: Islander, Willows Inn, Sauseburger Stand, Boundary Bay Brewery, Dale (owner and operator of the passenger ferry for an extra morning run), Levi Jefferson (Lummi Nation parking), Patrick Camarillo, Andreea Niculescu, Rachel Johnson, Angie Dixon, Julie Hunter, Mary Jane Van Hoesen, Buffy Fox, Bob Auld, Ian and Robin O’Callaghan, Judy Thomas, Klayton Curtis, Doreen Richmond, Katelyn Carlton, Jeffrey Cook, Tom Philpot, Nancy Nyland, the Congregational Church and to all the parents and kids who came out to greet and cheer on the off-island runners.

The Beach School PTO mission is to enrich our children’s education by cultivating the unique culture of Beach School, encouraging family and community involvement, assisting with and organizing school events, programs and field trips, supporting the staff in meeting our students’ needs, advocating for the student and school needs and raising the necessary funds to fulfill these goals. All donations and fundraising helps us meet these goals.

What’s the thinnest book in the world? “What men know about women.”

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –


Officers . Directors .
President: John Arntsen Carol Chaudiere
Vice President: Malcolm Hutchings Marry Ross Larry Roteman
Secretary: Linda Sheek David Thorn Tom Weatherby
Treasurer/Editor/Archivist: Paul Davis

The Tome is the publication of the Lummi Island Community Association and is published monthly except August and December. All subscriptions are on a calendar year basis, January to December. Subscription fee is $6.00 for Lummi Island addresses, $10.00 for off-Island addresses and $6.00 for e-mail delivery. Canadian addresses are $16.00 U.S. funds. Paul Revere e-mail news service is free with any subscription. Free LICA membership is limited to residents and property owners of Lummi Island (18 years and older). Write to LICA, P.O. Box 163, Lummi Island WA 98262; or call Paul Davis, Treasurer and Editor at (360) 758-2414 for information about subscriptions, membership or advertising. E-mail: thetome@lummiislandcable.com


Volume XLVIII No. 8

September 2013

Main Menu
Our Lummi Island Community
Ferry / Travel / Weather