Our Lummi Island Community

Tome 2013/07

The Tome Of Lummi Island
Volume XLVIII No. 7
July/August 2013


Next Community Association Potluck Dinner Meeting is in September


C A L E N D A R O F E V E N T S________

LI Volunteer Firefighter Training ……Starts in September ……………..1, 2, 3 & 4 Thursdays 6:30 PM

Saturday Market – Islander North end ………………………………… Every Saturday 10 AM to 1 PM

Elderberries – Fun, Games and Lunch for Seniors – Church …………… Every Wednesday 11 AM to 2 PM

Island Church & Sunday School – 758-2060………………………………. Every Sunday 10:30 AM

Island Chapel – Grange Hall ……………………………………………………… Every Sunday 9:30 AM

AA meetings – Congregational Church basement …………………… Every Monday 7 PM-8:30 PM

9th Annual LIHT Chili Cook-off/Picnic – Otto Preserve Meadow … July 20 Saturday Noon

All-Church Picnic – Terrys’ Home …….……………………………… July 21 Sunday After Church

Recycle Pickup – Your House ……………………………………………………… July 22 Monday morning

Heritage Trust Poster Art Deadline …………………………………… July 25 Thursday

Ferry Fueling Day (Alternate Thursdays at Gooseberry Point) …………. July 25 Thursday 12:30 to 1:20 PM

Ferry Outage – Planned Monthly Inspection ………………………. July 31 Wed 10:30 AM to 3:00 PM

Lummi Island Conservancy Board – Location to be determined………… Aug 4 Sunday 7:30 PM

Recycle Pickup — Your house ………………………………………. Aug 5 Monday morning

Cemetery Board –…… Location to be determined …………………… Aug 5 Monday 6:30 PM

Grange Meeting …At Terrys’ Home …………Social at 6:30 PM……. Aug 7 Wednesday 7:00 PM

Ferry Fueling Day (Alternate Thursdays at Gooseberry Point) ………. Aug 8 Thursday 12:30 to 1:20 PM

Edible Garden Tour …………………………………………………… Aug 10 Saturday 11 AM-5 PM

Beach School PTO’s screening of the Summer Film Camp’s Feature Film Aug 10 Saturday TBA

Gardeners Network – Grange Hall …………………………………… Aug 12 Monday 6:30 PM

Friends of Island – Harper/Skehan’s house ………………………… Aug 12 Monday 7:30 PM

LIFAC (Ferry Advisory Com.) Meeting – Church Fellowship room … Aug 13 Tuesday 6:30 PM

Fire Commissioners Meeting — Fire Hall—Open to Public ……..…… Aug 13 Tuesday 7:00 PM

LICA Board of Directors — Fire Hall…………………………….. Aug 14 Wednesday 7:00 PM

Concert on the Lawn – for Boys & Girls Club – at Susie & Carl’s place Aug 17 Saturday TBA

Recycle Pickup – Your House ……………………………………………………… Aug 19 Monday morning

Boys & Girls Club Board Meeting – at the Club …………………………….. Aug 20 Tuesday 6:30 PM

Ferry Fueling Day (Alternate Thursdays at Gooseberry Point) …………. Aug 22 Thursday 12:30 to 1:20 PM

Congregational Church Third Annual Crab Fest – Philpot’s Home …. Aug 24 Saturday 6:00 PM

Boys & Girls Club Auction – Grange Hall – “This Isn’t Our First Rodeo” Aug 31 Saturday TBA

Artists’ Studio Tours Labor Day Weekend ……………………. Sat Aug 31 & Sun Sept 1, 10 AM to 6 PM

Lummi Island Conservancy Board – Location to be determined ……… Sept 1 Sunday 7:30 PM

Recycle Pickup — Your house ……………………………………….. Sept 2 Monday morning

Cemetery Board –…… Location to be determined …………………… Sept 2 Monday 6:30 PM

Dry Dock Dates – Return date of 9/26 is tentative – see article …… Sept 4 Wednesday to ~ Sept 26

Ferndale Schools Start Classes ……………………………………….. Sept 4 Wednesday

Grange Meeting ………………Social at 6:30 PM……………….……. Sept 4 Wednesday 7:00 PM

Ferry Fueling Day (Alternate Thursdays at Gooseberry Point) ………. Sept 5 Thursday 12:30 to 1:20 PM

1st Annual Lummi Island Run for Beach School …………………. Sept 8 Sunday 8:45 AM

Gardeners Network – Grange Hall …………………………………… Sept 9 Monday 6:30 PM

Friends of Island … Location to be announced ………………..……… Sept 9 Monday 7:30 PM

Fire Commissioners Meeting — Fire Hall—Open to Public ……..…… Sept 10 Tuesday 7:00 PM

Beach School PTO — Beach School ………………………………… Sept 11 Wednesday 6:45 PM

LICA Board of Directors — Fire Hall…………………..…………….. Sept 11 Wednesday 7:00 PM

Civic Club – Church Fellowship Room ………………………………………… Sept 12 Thursday 10:00 AM

The Tome Deadline ……………………………………………………………… Sept 13 Friday 4:00 PM

Grange Harvest Festival / Parade – Centerview/Nugent to Grange Hall Sept 14 Saturday 11:00 AM

Kid’s Movie Night: “The Lorax” Otto Preserve Resource Center . Sept 14 Saturday 7:00 PM

Recycle Pickup — Your house ………………………………………… Sept 16 Monday morning

Boys & Girls Club Board Meeting – at the Club …………………………….. Sept 17 Tuesday 6:30 PM

Parish Dinner – Spaghetti and Meatballs – Congregational Church Sept 18 Wednesday 5:30 PM

Ferry Fueling Day (Alternate Thursdays at Gooseberry Point) ………. Sept 19 Thursday 12:30 to 1:20 PM

Owl Prow Join expert birder Victor Burgett at the Otto Preserve ..…. Sept 28 Saturday 6:30 PM

Post Office Hours Mon-Fri 7:45 AM to 3:15 PM; Sat 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM (Boxes 24 hours) 758-2320

Library hours Sundays Noon to 5 PM; Mondays 9 AM to 1 PM; Thursdays 1 PM to 8 PM 758-7145

Recycle Hotline Monday – Friday 9 to 5 plus answering machine 676-5723

Grange Hall Rent contact: Leslie Dempsey – 325.3420

Westshore Farm Hayfield 1,48” 2.82” (Sheila & Al Marshall)
North Tuttle Lane 1,57” 3.09” (Nancy Simmerman)
South Nugent 1.64” 2.79” (Jerry Brown)
Scenic Estates 1.37” 2.75” (Darlene Stoffer)


Drop ins welcome. Free Knitting instructions, fiber chats and project rescue.

CLAIRVOYANT WANTED FOR A SÉANCE You know where to call – make my phone ring.

HYDRON SKIN CARE PRODUCTS are now available at The Islander Store. www.seasidemakeupartists.com


ALUMINUM CAN-RECYCLING by the Grange. Bins located in Grange parking lot. Thank you.

$10 MONEY TEN MONEY $10 – – ed

There was no winner of last month’s $10 Certificate hidden in one copy of The Tome “Hey, Honey, where did you put that $10 certificate?”

Each month we hide a Certificate redeemable for $10 cash in one copy of the Tome. Only Tome subscribers on Lummi Island are eligible for this cash bonanza.


Attention all Island Catholics. On Thursday, August 1st, Father Scott Connelly from Assumption Catholic Church in Bellingham will be on the Island to say Mass at a home on Lummi Island. Mass will start about 5 o’clock, followed by a social gathering and dinner.

You are cordially invited to attend; all you need to do is R.S.V.P. to Rose Ann Auld at 758- 4117 so we know how many people to expect (Bringing a salad or dessert would be helpful) and to get directions to the house. We hope for a great turn-out and a sunny evening!

What’s the best way to prevent infection from biting insects? … Don’t bite any.

New computing technology – – ed

We are fortunate to have on Lummi Island a MASTER of the newest computing technology who is willing to give free lessons to the mathematically inclined who meet certain advanced requisites. This technology uses a new device we call the Slide Rule which uses no batteries, no electric power or Internet connection, no user fees or contracts, no blackout zones. It will do all complex multiplication/division problems, logarithms, trigonometry, exponentials, squares and square roots, cubes and cube roots and much more. We predict that skilled technicians of this new technology will be in great demand for employment with rich remuneration and luxurious benefits at any world location in which you prefer to live. If you feel you are ready to move up to this technology or have a burning desire to know about the future of computing, please call 758-9522.

I got a new rod and reel for my wife. Best trade I ever made.

Lummi Island Fall Parade and Festival  – – Pat Moye

The Grange is pleased to announce that we will have our second annual revival of the Lummi Island Parade and Fall Festival. It will be held on Saturday September 14. The parade will start at 11 AM and will culminate at the Grange Hall around noon where there will be beer, music and food! We encourage everyone on the Island, families, clubs, organizations and individuals to participate in the parade. We need clowns, jugglers, floats, marching bands, kazoo players, stilt walkers, drill teams (we have the Civic Club lawn chair and the Grange riding Lawnmower drill teams so far), unicycle riders, dogs, horses, llamas and goldfish riding in wagons. Use your imagination and join in the fun! You can set up a booth for free and sell crafts, produce or just about anything legal. If you are curious about last year’s parade you can view the video produced by Isaac Colgan at

More details about the parade and Fall Festival will be communicated later this summer, but if you have any questions please call Pat Moye at 510-7392.

How do you write zero in Roman numerals?

Susan Diane Smith

Susan Diane Nelson Smith, 58, of Lummi Island, formerly of Frankenmuth and Livonia, Michigan, died June 28, 2013. She was the daughter of the late Roy Norris http://mi-cache.legacy.com/legacy/images/Cobrands/BellinghamHerald/Photos/A211A7691149d1638AkTIP4332BD_0_A211A7691149d16476pww1F9E76B_031500.jpg Nelson and Geraldine Clark Nelson. Susan was born in Omaha, Nebraska, lived in Des Moines, Iowa, and moved with her family to Livonia as a young teenager. She graduated from Bentley High School in 1973, where she demonstrated her many talents through academic achievement, cheerleading, athletics and choir. She received a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from The University of Michigan-Dearborn and a Juris Doctorate from The University of Detroit. Soon after her graduation she was employed with the law firm of Cummings, McClorey, Davis and Acho in Livonia.

Susan’s family life took her to many communities, from Mexico to Vancouver and several states in between, in which she was well known and well loved. Her world revolved around her commitment and caring for others, particularly her life-long friends, family and beloved daughter. She contributed her time and talents to the Girl Scouts, the local school systems, her church and a variety of other charitable organizations.

Susan is survived by her husband Layle Kiplind (Kip) Smith and daughter Susan Jensena (Jenni) Smith of Seattle. Other surviving relatives include her brother Randy Nelson and his wife Carolyn of Charlotte, NC, sister Joyce Nelson of Livonia, MI, nephew Allen Nelson and his wife Amy, niece Jodie Nelson Dunn, her husband MacRae and son Bode, special aunt, Cathy Nelson of Minneapolis, MN and several loving cousins.

Memorial services were held on July 9, 2013 in Livonia, Michigan and, July 14 at the Lummi Island Congregational Church. To continue her commitment to others, in lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to The Alzheimer’s Association.

Online condolences may be made at


I haven’t taken my Christmas lights down. They look so nice on the pumpkin.

Labor Day Weekend Artists’ Studio Tour– Diana Pepper

Lummi Island Artists’ Studio Tours continue with the Labor Day weekend event Saturday August 31 and Sunday September 1, from 10 AM to 6 PM. Come see the wonderful new creations offered this time! You will find paintings, prints, pottery, fiber, jewelry, glass, stonework, garden and herbal products and much more. Chat with the artists and craftspeople in person and purchase their works. Free maps are available at The Islander or on-line at www.lummi-island.com. Questions? Call 758-7121.

To new and returning artists and crafters, please write a description including your name, location and 25-words about your art for the tour map. Put the description and your $25 fee, payable to Ria Nickerson, in an envelope and bring it to the Islander or deliver it to her studio. You may also email the description to her at goodthunderarts@hotmail.com. For the Labor Day Studio Tour, the description and fee must be paid by Saturday, August 10. You are responsible for submitting them in a timely fashion or you won’t be listed on the map. Questions? Call Ria Nickerson at 758-7121 (Cell 201-4611) or Lynn Dee at 758-2815.

Marriage is grand. Divorce is a hundred grand.


IT’S HAPPENING. The renovation of the library has begun. During the remodeling, library service will be provided by the Bookmobile. The Bookmobile schedule from now until dry dock is:

  • Sundays: Noon to 5 PM
  • Mondays: 9 AM to 1 PM
  • Thursdays: 1 PM to 8 PM

Upcoming Library Events

Beach Walk! Dig For Hidden Treasure Explore a bit of the Salish Sea and see what you can dig up! Come join Buff Lapof and Nadia Woodcock for a summer low tide treasure hunt! Meet at the Public Beach across from the Beach Store Café. Refreshments provided. All Ages/Family, July 20th, 9:00 – 10:30 AM at the Library

The Friends of Island Library (FOIL) Board meets the second Monday of the month at the library. FOIL members are community volunteers who work diligently on behalf of the Island Library. The next meeting is Monday August 12th, 7:30 to 9:00 PM at Harper/Skehan’s house. All are invited.

Like most people my age, I’m 30.

Beach School News – – Judy Thomas, Manager

June 21-24, Terri, Arria and I flew to Phoenix, AZ for an introduction to the IB program designed for elementary schools. One of the goals of an IB school is to foster internationally minded students who recognize the need for “intercultural understanding and respect.” The IB program has specific organizational plans which will help us teach that philosophy across all disciplines (3 R’s, etc.) through inquiry. Beach has multiage classrooms so we already teach students to work independently and problem solve on their own, while expectations for the IB include self-motivation and the desire to learn, plus the level of inquiry has been raised. According to our instructors it takes about three years to learn how to ask significant questions. For example, in a book discussion the question might be…What does the main character look like? A better question could be…Why did the author give the main character a physical disability?

Superintendent Linda Quinn also attended a 4-day IB seminar in California. All our expenses were paid for by the Lummi Island Foundation for Education (LIFE). Thank you to everyone who has supported LIFE. We are excited about IB and look forward to next year.


July 22 – Aug 2 Theater Camp

July 29 – Aug 2 Film Camp

Aug 26 -30 School Office open

Sep 4- All Ferndale Schools start

To err is human, but to really foul tings up requires a computer.

Vendovi Island Preserve

ISJPTlogoCMYK.jpg Vendovi Island w guillemot.jpg n the shadow of Lummi Island sits a virtually untouched island with an exquisite collection of natural treasures, a fascinating human history, and discoveries that will delight visitors of all ages. Neighboring Vendovi Island was acquired by the San Juan Preservation Trust in 2010 for $6.4 million, less than half its appraised value. This acquisition was made possible with the assistance of an extraordinary benefactor who provided support in the form of a major gift ($3 million) and a bridge loan ($3.4 million). Since then, the Preservation Trust has been fundraising to pay back this debt.

Although the San Juan Preservation Trust now owns and welcomes public visitation on Vendovi, this may not continue to be the case if we are not successful in completing our fundraising goal. Towards the final portion of a $1 million challenge grant, we must raise $80,000 by October 1. If this goal is met, the Preservation Trust’s ownership of the island is secure as is our ability to permanently protect its natural assets and keep it open for public access.

Would you please consider adding your name to the list of over 200 individuals and families who have helped us towards our objective to protect this crown jewel of the San Juans? Please consider contributing to the Campaign to Save Vendovi Island.

If you wish to learn more about or contribute to the campaign, please visit www.sjpt.org. Please contact Barbara Courtney, Director of Philanthropy, with questions about the Vendovi campaign at 360/376-2431 or


I was going to have plastic surgery until I noticed that the doctor’s office was full of portraits by Picasso.

Thanks to Frankie – – Lummi Island Girl Scouts, past and present

For the past fifteen years, Frankie Small has been involved in Girl Scouts on Lummi Island. This has been the culmination of 40 years of involvement since she began when her daughter was in Brownies in Canada. Frankie has decided to retire from this volunteer labor of love. Over the many years Frankie has devoted thousands of hours to us, and our daughters. She has taken girls to camp (usually in Canada), taught them crafts, games, and songs; she has shared and demonstrated the Girl Scout tenet: “Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.” Thank you, Snowy Owl, for making Lummi Island a better place; Katie, Madeline, and Jackie Granger, Kloe Arvensis, Malia Burrous, Annabelle Daschbach, Lauren Hoekstra, Veda Kinkade, Eleanor May, Shelbi McLain, Karen and Brea Thomas, Christina and Tierra McLane, Wendy Ward and Brittany and Ashley Swaen, and many, many more.

This is a time for firm decisions. Or is it?

Boys & Girls Club News – – Lynn Schreiber

We have some important dates for you to mark on your Calendars! August 17th is our annual Concert on the Lawn at Susie and Carl’s place. Join us for some great music and tasty food provided by the Beach Store Café. August 31st is our annual auction and the theme is; “This isn’t our first rodeo”. Dust off your cowboy hats and boots and join us for some great food and wonderful items to bid on! Keep your eyes open for posters with information of times, cost and more. You won’t want to miss these events!

We are in full swing for summer session and having a great time with the kids. We will be learning how to use a compass read a green trails map and will be exploring our Island using these tools!

The first day of school is just around the corner so don’t forget to get your child/children signed up for Club for the next school year. The cost is $30 per child for the whole year! You can come in anytime Club is open, to sign them up or give Lynn a call at 758-2828 and we’ll set up a time to meet.

If your child comes to Club, we would like you to be thinking about basketball this year. We hope to put together a few teams and would love to be a bit more organized about it. We will be sending the kids home with forms at the start of the school year.

We would like to take the time to thank our Board and welcome a new member. Mark Toppe has joined our Board and we are very excited to have him with us. Mark has been involved with the Clubs for quite some time with the USTA kids’ tennis program and we are so happy to have added him to the Board!

“Do you love music?” “Yes, but go ahead and play anyway.”

THE FUTURE OF BEACH SCHOOL – – Linda Quinn, Superintendent, Ferndale School District

I am very excited about the future of Beach School!

Two years ago, the district administrative staff met with Beach staff to begin exploring possible future scenarios for the Island school, given the fairly steep pattern of declining enrollment on the horizon. One option would be to close the school when it got too small to sustain, but that wasn’t what any of us wanted. So, we began to research strategies for attracting more students to Beach, and that process brought us to the International Baccalaureate (IB) program. Throughout this entire process, the Lummi Island Foundation for Education (LIFE; formerly known as the Beach School Foundation) has played a significant role in convincing the district that IB was an excellent choice for Beach. Kudos to this entirely volunteer organization of Islanders for their wisdom and dedication!

The agreement between the district and LIFE is that the foundation will pay all of the IB start-up costs, since, at its current low enrollment, the district is already subsidizing Beach school significantly. If IB does as we expect it will do and draws a sustainable number of students to the Island school, the district will be able to take over IB costs within a few years.

Because my previous IB experience was mostly focused at the secondary level, I agreed to attend an International Baccalaureate (IB) training on the Primary Years Program (along with 349 other educators from around the world) in Tahoe City, California, June 28 to July 1. As a result of this fantastic and interesting experience, I am definitely much better prepared to support the school as they move forward with this IB journey.

Much is happening: LIFE submitted an application for the school to become an IB candidate last April (along with a $4,000 fee) and the application was accepted. The three Beach teachers attended a training in Arizona at the end of June. Plans are underway to get Georgia Dellinger, the new Beach principal, to a training as soon as possible. With LIFE’s financial support, we have been able to hire a fabulous IB coordinator – Ellen Alquist, who actually helped to author some of the primary years curriculum. Ellen has already started working with the Beach teachers and they will soon begin aligning their curriculum to IB’s focus on inquiry and international-mindedness. With the continued financial support of LIFE, we are currently looking for language teacher(s) for next year. (Teaching at least one world language is a requirement of IB.)

Our goal is to begin implementing the IB program during the 2013-2014 school year so that we are prepared to launch a recruitment effort in the spring of 2014. We don’t anticipate Beach ever becoming a really large school, but we do need to get the enrollment back closer to 50 rather than 20 to be able to sustain a high-quality program for our Island children.

I offer my most sincere appreciation to the Lummi Island Foundation for Education and the Island community for your ongoing care of Beach. The way you have all stepped up to support your school over the years has been inspirational. This latest adventure into the world of IB promises to be truly remarkable and transformative. As I said when I began, I am very excited about the future of Beach and the new vistas it will open for our students.

As soon as someone is identified as an unsung hero, he no longer is.

SUMMER CAMP ON LUMMI ISLAND   – – Jackie Granger, Beach School PTO

Our Theater Summer Camp begins on July 22 at 9:30 AM. If you haven’t signed up your elementary age child you still have time. Call me at 360-201-9351 before Monday, July 22 to get more info or show up at Beach School at 9.30 AM. Each day students will develop their skills as young actor/dancer/singers, rotating in groups from one medium to another as well as participating in activities that get the cast to gel as a unit.

The Film Production Summer Camp begins on July 29 at 9.30 AM and is geared toward Middle School students. This camp is designed to guide young people in thinking visually and working together as they learn the basic techniques of digital film-making using DSLR cameras and professional audio gear.

We have scholarships for both camps available to Lummi Island residents. More information about the camps and scholarships is available on the Summer Camp page at beachschoolfoundation.org.

The Beach School PTO provides opportunities for students on Lummi Island to experience their unique environment, extracurricular activities and in-school programs. We also support the teachers and administrators to fulfill their goals.

An unemployed court jester is nobody’s fool.

ISLAND CHAPEL – – Jerry McRorie

Family Camp starts at Barnes Island July 29 and runs through August 3. Camp is open to all Lummi Island residents and friends. Come for a day or several days. Those attending Family Camp should bring their own food and sleeping bags. You are welcome to bring a tent or sleep in the barn loft. Refrigeration and stove are available for your use in the house. There is no charge for those coming by their boat. A nominal charge of $5 round trip will be made to offset fuel and maintenance for transportation in a boat provided by Island Chapel. Contact Pastor Chris Immer at 758-2254 for details.

Immediately following Family Camp will be Jr. High Camp from August 3 to 10. All food is provided for the youth camps and the cost is $125. Youth unable to attend for a week may participate for $25 per day. Transportation to and from the island is included in the camp cost.

Sr. High Camp is Aug. 11-18. Cost is the same as for Jr. High Camp. Campers provide their own bedding and covered sleeping space is provided.

Regular Island Chapel services are 9:30-10:30 each Sunday morning at the Grange Hall.

Some people have a way with words. Other people not have way.

Heritage Trust News – – GuruBani Khalsa and Megan Crouse

How many creative, competitive chili chefs does it take to make a Chili Cook-off? Come to the Otto Preserve on July 20, noon- to 3 PM to find out! Bring your family to the 9th Annual Member Appreciation Picnic and Chili Cook Off. Vote for your favorite chili, and enjoy great food, cold beverages, and hot bluegrass music by the Quickdraw String Band as we celebrate our members and land conservation on Lummi Island. This year we will have street parking only along Sunrise Road, so please consider carpooling. We are very grateful to local businesses that help sponsor this event: Feller Heating & Air Conditioning, Hilander Pump & Well, Laurel Farm & Western Supply, Lummi Westshore Partnership, Northwest Propane, and Pacific Surveying & Engineering.

Save these Dates:

Edible Garden Tour: August 10, 11 AM-5 PM. Join the tour and visit the Heritage Trust Community Garden and Orchard at the Curry Preserve. Garden and orchard stewards will be available to answer questions and show you around

Owl Prowl: September 28, 6:30 PM. Join expert birder Victor Burgett at the Otto Preserve to learn about the fascinating life of owls. We may encounter Great Horned, Barred or Barn Owls, weather permitting, as owls don’t like heavy rain or high winds. Bring your flashlight! Space is limited for this tour, so please let us know if you are coming by calling 758-7997.

Artists Tour: August 31 and September 1 at the Resource Center, we will showcase art submitted for the Heritage Trust’s 15th Anniversary commemorative poster. Island jurors will select the winning entry and posters will be for sale during the Artists Tour.

Kid’s Movie Night: September 14 at the Resource Center bring the kids out to watch “The Lorax” (grownups are welcome, too). We’ll start the movie at 7:00 PM. Check the Heritage Trust website


for details.

Bad decisions make good stories.

Save this page – – ed

Your Editor suggests you save at least this page of your Tome for future reference. Otherwise, as Dry Dock approaches, you know you will be asking these questions. The article below from Public Works has all the answers or at least a website where you can learn more about parking areas, passenger boat schedules and shuttle-van routes and schedules. Oh – also save the first page Calendar of Events as you always do anyway.

DRY DOCK details – – Ferry Department, Public Works

Dry dock will begin on Wednesday, September 4, 2013. The Whatcom Chief is due to return to its regular schedule on Thursday, September 26, 2013. As always, the return date is tentative, and dependent upon the scale of repairs and work required both in the shipyard and at the docks. Further confirmation of this return to service date will occur as dry dock progresses.

The Whatcom Chief’s last crossing for vehicles prior to dry dock will be Tuesday, September 3, 2013.

On Tuesday, September 3, 2013, the Whatcom Chief will operate as usual beginning with the first scheduled run of 5:40 AM and will continue to run as usual until it makes its last run. The last run from Lummi Island will be at 10:00 PM. The last run from Gooseberry Point will be at 10:10 M. The ferry service will then be discontinued while modifications are made to the docks and the floats are set for the contracted passenger-only ferry. The Whatcom Chief will then depart to the shipyard. We anticipate the first run with the contracted passenger-only ferry to be the 5:40 AM run from Lummi Island on Wednesday, September 4, 2013.

The following transportation will be provided during dry dock:

Foot Passenger-Only Ferry Service transportation will be provided between Lummi Island and Gooseberry Point. In addition, due to the closure of the leased ferry parking lot on Gooseberry Point there will be no additional drydock parking spaces available. Ferry vehicle parking will continue to be available in the existing designated areas and will be posted at Gooseberry Point and on the website indicated below. Please comply by parking in designated/posted areas only.


Passenger Shuttle Van Service on Lummi Island will be provided while the Whatcom Chief Ferry is in dry dock. The first day of service will be Wednesday, September 4, 2013. The maximum number of passengers allowed in the Shuttle Van at any one time is 14.

The shuttle van stops were re-configured after the 2008 dry dock to provide for more coverage of the Island while keeping within the same time frames. The shuttle van must meet a very tight schedule. Please be at the shuttle van stop EARLY to be sure of a ride.


Copies of the Passenger-Only Ferry Schedule, the dry dock parking map, and the Lummi Island Passenger Shuttle Van Schedules, including the pickup route, will be available on the Whatcom County websites www.whatcomchief.org or on or before July 26, 2013.

Should you have any questions, you may contact Public Works Administration at (360) 676-6692. Thank you for your cooperation and patience during the annual dry dock.

I take back all those times I didn’t want to take a nap when I was younger.

Planned Service Outage for the Lummi Island Ferry – – Ferry Dept, Public Works

Whatcom County Public Works would like to inform the public of necessary inspection and maintenance to the Lummi Island and Gooseberry Point approach spans. Accordingly, on Wednesday, July 31, 2013 from 10:30 AM to approximately 3:00 PM the Whatcom Chief will not be in service. The last morning run from the Gooseberry Point side will be 10:10 AM and the last morning run from the Lummi Island side will be 10:20 AM.

The inspection and maintenance activities are weather dependent so the times and/or date may be changed if necessary. In the event a schedule change is necessary, notice will be provided as soon as possible.

The Public Works Department would like to thank everyone in advance for their cooperation and patience during these necessary inspections and maintenance.

Any questions or concerns may be directed to Mr. Frank Abart, Public Works Director, at (360) 676-6692.

Nothing is worse than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong.

DRY DOCK ACTIVITIES – – Frank Abart, Public Works Director

Greetings from Whatcom County Public Works. Dry dock will begin on Wednesday, September 4, 2013. The Whatcom Chief is due to return to its regular schedule on Thursday, September 26, 2013. As always, this date is tentative, and dependent on the scale of repairs and work required both in the shipyard and at the docks. Further confirmation of this return to service date will occur as dry dock progresses.

The Whatcom Chief’s last crossing for vehicles prior to dry dock will be Tuesday, September 3, 2013.

On Tuesday, September 3, 2013, the Whatcom Chief will operate as usual beginning with the first scheduled run of 5:40 AM and will continue to run as usual until it makes its last run. The last run from Lummi Island will be at 10:00 PM. The last run from Gooseberry Point will be at 10:10 PM. The ferry service will then be discontinued while modifications are made to the docks and the floats are set for the contracted passenger-only ferry. The Whatcom Chief will then depart to the shipyard. We anticipate the first run with the contracted passenger-only ferry to be the 5:40 AM run from Lummi Island on Wednesday, September 4, 2013.

There will be two capital construction projects occurring during dry dock this year. Beginning in August, Culbertson Marine will begin the wing wall replacement on the Gooseberry Point side. The contractor will do all they can to keep ferry interruptions to a minimum. However, they will need a few outages to drive pilings while the Whatcom Chief is still in operation prior to dry dock. The outages will be published at least a week prior. The construction for this project is anticipated to be completed by the end of dry dock. Whatcom County has received a $400,000 federal grant for this project and the remaining costs will be funded through the county road fund.

Beginning in September, Dalton Electric will begin the Remote Control Project on Lummi Island. The contractor will do all they can to keep ferry interruptions to a minimum. However, they will need a few outages to switch over the hydraulic and electronic components. The outages will be published at least a week prior. The construction for this project is also anticipated to be completed by the end of dry dock. Funding for this project will also be from the county road fund.

As always, thank you for your patience as we continue to make improvements to the Whatcom Chief and the ferry terminals.

Nothing needs changing more than your neighbor’s habits.

Editor’s Note: Brown Betty will keep you informed of all updates on Ferry return to service and ferry outages due to wing-wall construction etc. Only 2013 Tome subscribes are eligible for Brown Betty notes.

Lummi Island Congregational Church – – Cindy Bauleke, Pastor

Thank you Lummi Island for your generosity making this year’s rummage sale one of the best ever! Donators, shoppers, revealers, and workers raised needed funds for the Church while having a great time. We are grateful. What a good way to recycle and reuse, keeping the earth a little greener. For the next several weeks we are committing ourselves to find new ways to care and protect our planet. Won’t you join us? Worship at 10:30 AM Sundays, quiet meditation in the sanctuary Thursdays from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM. The Book Group is discussing Plant Seed, Pull Weed on August 7, at 7:00 PM preceded by a potluck at 6:30.

Vacation Bible School 2013 – Children kindergarten through sixth grade are invited to join the fun exploring the wonders of God’s creation. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, July 30 – August 1, 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM includes lunch. Thursday at 6 PM for families and friends to join us for dinner (please bring a salad or dessert) and program.

Our third annual Crab Fest is Saturday, August 24 at 6 PM. This is a 5-star Parish Dinner, at the Philpot’s home with a perfect sunset view from their deck, and all the crab you can eat. BYOB and a side dish; soft drinks and crab provided. Contact the church at 758-2060 or office@lummichurch.com to let us know to expect you. Suggested donation is $12 per person.

The September Parish Dinner will be Wednesday, September 18 at 5:30 PM at the church. Spaghetti and Meatballs with all the fixings, all for $8 suggested donation. No reservations required and take-out orders welcome until 6 PM.

Please come use our path to Church Beach, walk the labyrinth in the woods, or the picnic tables in the outdoor center. We are happy to share our piece of God’s creation. No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.


In America, anyone can become President. That is the problem.

1st Annual Lummi Island Run for Beach School – – PTO Committee

PTO Members: Rachel and Andreea Tall, Jackie Granger and Angie Dixon

Pull on your running/walking shoes and put out your welcome mats, Lummi Island! On the morning of Sunday, September 8, 2013, starting at 8:45AM, the world’s most beautiful loop will play host to the 1st Annual Lummi Island Run for Beach School!

To support Beach School’s Parent-Teacher Organization (and our youngest neighbors), we hope to motivate 200 folks to take on what’s surely one of the most scenic, inspiring, invigorating routes in all the land. With options like a half-marathon+ (two loops or 14 miles), a quarter-marathon (one loop or 7 miles), the “I like beer” option (3.5 miles) and a 100-yard dash for the wee ones, there’ll be something to please everyone. And we’re spreading the word far and wide!

We’d love your help getting the good word out, so please visit http://lummiislandrun1.eventbrite.com to find the registration page and all the details, and pass it on.. Even if you’re not participating, it’d be so sweet to have you come down to the starting line and mingle before, during and after the event. And, we hope you’ll consider leaving the north loop car-free for a few hours that morning. We look forward to your support and smiling faces as we send the runners/walkers off and celebrate them at the end! If you have any interest in volunteering, please email lummiislandrun@hotmail.com.

In Louisiana the mosquitoes show up on radar.

Grange news – – Tamia Sorensen

On July 6th, The Grange held its annual Pancake Breakfast. The Grange would like to thank all guests and helpers who contributed to making this event one of our most successful ever! This year, Lynn and Jill Milliken ably chaired the event. Thank you, Lynn and Jill!

On August 7th, the Lummi Island Grange will be meeting at members Wendell and Terry Terry’s house. At this meeting we will be announcing the recipient of the Annual Lummi Island Grange Community Service Award.

This has been a busy summer. In June, Leslie Dempsey, Tamia Sorensen and Dorothy Hanson were honored to be delegates to the State Grange Convention, this year held in Ocean Shores, Washington. During this meeting, delegates voted on a range of State and National legislative initiatives and had the opportunity to meet members of our Pomona Grange, the Whatcom county entity, as well as elected officers of the State and National Grange.

The Grange wishes to welcome any and all to join our organization, or to attend as our guest. The Lummi Island Grange meets on the first Wednesday of every month. Coffee and refreshments from 6.30-7.00 PM and the one-hour meeting commences at 7.00 PM.


When I was kidnapped as a child, my parents snapped onto action. They rented out my room.

An Englishman and a citizen of the Czech Republic went on a hunting trip. When they did not return for several days, a search party was sent after them. The party found a he-bear and a she-bear, each with full tummies. Becoming suspicious, they killed the two bears. They cut open the stomach of the she-bear, and found the Englishman. The leader of the party then observed, “You all know what this means the Czech is in the male.”

What do the starship Enterprise and Van Gogh have in common? They are both searching for the Final Front Ear!

A driver was stuck in a traffic jam on the highway outside Washington, DC. Nothing was moving. Suddenly, a man knocks on the window. The driver rolls down the window and asks, “What’s going on?” “Terrorists have kidnapped the entire US Congress, and they’re asking for a $100 million dollar ransom. Otherwise, they are going to douse them all in gasoline and set them on fire. We are going from car to car, collecting donations.” “How much is everyone giving, on an average?” the driver asks. The man replies, “Roughly a gallon.”

The Tome of Lummi Island

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Officers . Directors .
President: John Arntsen Carol Chaudiere
Vice President: Malcolm Hutchings Marry Ross Larry Roteman
Secretary: Linda Sheek David Thorn Tom Weatherby
Treasurer/Editor/Archivist: Paul Davis

The Tome is the publication of the Lummi Island Community Association and is published monthly except August and December. All subscriptions are on a calendar year basis, January to December. Subscription fee is $6.00 for Lummi Island addresses, $10.00 for off-Island addresses and $6.00 for e-mail delivery. Canadian addresses are $16.00 U.S. funds. Paul Revere e-mail news service is free with any subscription. Free LICA membership is limited to residents and property owners of Lummi Island (18 years and older). Write to LICA, P.O. Box 163, Lummi Island WA 98262; or call Paul Davis, Treasurer and Editor at (360) 758-2414 for information about subscriptions, membership or advertising. E-mail: thetome@lummiislandcable.com


Lummi Island Community Association NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION


Lummi Island WA 98262-0163 LUMMI ISLAND WA


The Tome

of Lummi Island

Volume XLVIII Number 7

July 19, 2013




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