Our Lummi Island Community

Tome 2013/03

The Tome Of Lummi Island
Volume XLVIII No. 3
March 2013


Community Association Meeting – Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Potluck Dinner – – – 6:30 PM

Program and Business Meeting – – – 7:15 PM

Program: Surprise program


C A L E N D A R O F E V E N T S________

LI Volunteer Firefighter Training ………………………………………………..1, 2, 3 & 4 Thursdays 7:00 PM

Elderberries – Fun, Games and Lunch for Seniors – Church …………… Every Wednesday 11 AM to 2 PM

Island Church & Sunday School – 758-2060………………………………. Every Sunday 10:30 AM

Island Chapel – Grange Hall ……………………………………………………… Every Sunday 9:30 AM

AA meetings – Congregational Church basement …………………… Every Monday 7 PM-8:30 PM

“Learn all about Nettles” with Whitney Thomas – Curry Preserve …… Mar 23 Saturday 10 AM to 1 PM

Annual Spaghetti Dinner Grange Hall ………………………………. Mar 23 Saturday 5:30 to 7:30 PM

Concert At The Church – Angelo Rondello …………………………. Mar 23 Saturday 8:00 PM

LICA POTLUCK DINNER MEETING —Grange Hall ..…………… Mar 27 Wednesday 6:30 / 7:15 PM

Annual Roadside Cleanup – Grange Hall …………………………….. Mar 30 Saturday 9:45 AM

Easter Sunrise Service Scenic Estates Clubhouse ……………….…. Mar 31 Sunday Sunrise

Recycle Pickup – Your House ……………………………………………………… Apr 1 Monday morning

Cemetery Board – Library …………………………………………… Apr 1 Monday 6:30 PM

Grange Meeting ………………Social at 6:30 PM……………….….. Apr 3 Wednesday 7:00 PM

Ferry Fueling Day (Alternate Thursdays at Gooseberry Point) …………. Apr 4 Thursday 12:30 to 1:20 PM

Chain Saw Maintenance and Safety – Mike Moye’s Shop ………….. Apr 6 Saturday 10-12 PM

Lummi Island Conservancy Board – Library …………………………………. Apr 7 Sunday 7:30 PM

Gardeners Network – Grange Hall …………………………………… Apr 8 Monday 6:30 PM

Friends of Island Library ……………………………………………… Apr 8 Monday 7:30 PM

Fire Commissioners Meeting — Fire Hall—Open to Public ……..…… Apr 9 Tuesday 7:00 PM

Beach School PTO — Beach School ………………………………… Apr 10 Wednesday 6:45 PM

LICA Board of Directors — Library ………………………………….. Apr 10 Wednesday 7:00 PM

Civic Club – Church Fellowship Room ………………………………………… Apr 11 Thursday 10:00 AM

Library Renovation Bid Deadline …………………………………….. Apr 11 Thursday

The Tome Deadline ……………………………………………………………… Apr 12 Friday 11:00 PM

Wild Medicines of the Northwest Workshop #3 TBA ………..……. Apr 13 Saturday 10 AM

Recycle Pickup — Your house ………………………………………. Apr 15 Monday morning

Boys & Girls Club Board Meeting – at the Club …………………………….. Apr 16 Tuesday 6:30 PM

Ferry Fueling Day (Alternate Thursdays at Gooseberry Point) …………. Apr 18 Thursday 12:30 to 1:20 PM

Soap Making – with Judy Olsen – Grange Hall ……………………… Apr 20 Saturday 10 AM to noon

Wild Walks ~ Spring at Otto ………………………………………….. Apr 20 Saturday 10:00 AM

Beach School Math Night ……………………………………………. Apr 23 Tuesday 6:30 to 7: 30 PM

Otto Preserve Spring Clean-up ……………….………………………. Apr 27 Saturday TBA

Cinco de Mayo Mexican Potluck Dinner – Grange Hall ……………… May 5 Sunday TBA

Civic Club Plant Expo ………………………………………………… May 18 Saturday TBA

Post Office Hours Mon-Fri 7:45 AM to 3:15 PM; Sat 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM (Boxes 24 hours) 758-2320

Library hours Tuesday & Thursday 2:00 to 8:00 PM; Saturday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM 758-7145

Recycle Hotline Monday – Friday 9 to 5 plus answering machine 676-5723

Grange Hall Rent contact: Leslie Dempsey – 325.3420


A special program – – ed

Our program at next Wednesday’s (March 27) Potluck Dinner Meeting will be something that Program Chairman John Arntsen is still working on. It will be either Dolly Parton singing “her classic “9 to 5” and a few other favorites – or something else.

The door prize will be $45 for a Tome subscriber if s/he is in the Hall at the time of the drawing. Last month Jack & Kathy Wiggins would have been $40 richer if they had been there.

$10 MONEY TEN MONEY $10 – – ed

Last month there was no winner of the $10 Certificate hidden in one copy of The Tome. He said “Why didn’t you send in that $10 Certificate?” She said “Why is it still in your coat pocket?”

Each month we hide a Certificate redeemable for $10 cash in one copy of the Tome. Only Tome subscribers on Lummi Island are eligible for this cash bonanza.

Westshore Farm Hayfield 2.22” 3.55” (Sheila & Al Marshall)
North Tuttle Lane 1.35”** 4.80” (Nancy Simmerman)
South Nugent 2.69” 4.50” (Jerry Brown)
Scenic Estates 2.25” 5.25” (Darlene Stoffer)

**Apparent discrepancy may be due to heavy rain on night of February 28/March 1 and exact times of collecting data.


Drop ins welcome. Free Knitting instructions, fiber chats and project rescue.

ISLAND YARD WORK – Island references are available | Landscaping, Trimming, Gardening

Morgan Anderson | 383-7339 | 758-7449 | $15/hr.


ALUMINUM CAN-RECYCLING by the Grange. Bins located in Grange parking lot. Thank you.

GRANGE NEWS – – Leslie Dempsey

We have prize winning bakers on this Island! On February 19th judges at the Whatcom County Banking Contest awarded a purple ribbon to Aaliyah Arvensis for her dark chocolate chip cookies. Dorothy Hanson received a purple ribbon for her original chocolate chip cookies.

Calling all Artists, Crafters and Photographers, you don’t need to be a Grange member to enter the 2013 Whatcom County Arts & Crafts Contest on April 16th (entries must be delivered to Dorothy Hanson by Saturday April 13). There are categories for both adults and children; winning entries are eligible for cash prizes at the State competition in June. See full details in the Program Handbook at www.wa.grange.org or call Dorothy Hanson or Leslie Dempsey.

The Grange wishes to welcome any and all to join our organization, or to attend as our guest. The Lummi Island Grange meets on the first Wednesday of every month. Coffee and refreshments from 6.30-7.00 PM and the one-hour meeting commences at 7.00 PM. www.lummigrange.com

Warning: Drinking alcoholic beverages before pregnancy can cause pregnancy.


At our Community Association Potluck Dinner Meeting last month, the community members present voted to give grants to the following non-profit community organizations.

Island Library $2,000

Heritage Trust $1,000

Beach School PTO $200

Parish Nurses $250

Boys & Girls Club $500

Christmas Sip $200

Girl Scouts $100

If you support the Tome with your paid subscription, you help make these grants possible. If you don’t subscribe to the Tome perhaps it is time to reconsider your support for the Tome and your community.

Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. ~Plato


Want to join in with our family as we learn to run a 5K? Madeline, Gordon and I are training for the Haggen to Haggen 5K Fun Run and Walk on May 4. Kathy Thurber has also joined our group. We plan on running/training together on Saturday mornings at 10. It’s about 3 miles from the school to the Tap Root. Show up at the school to join our adventure. If you want to check out the Haggen to Haggen go to http://www.haggen.com/haggen2haggen/ or you can call me at 758.7171.

GRANGE annual SPAGHETTI DINNER! – – Tamia Sorensen

It’s that time of year again! Tomorrow, Saturday, March 23 the Grange presents our Annual Spaghetti Dinner! Come join us for Byron Moye’s scrumptious spaghetti & meatballs with Caesar salad, garlic bread and dessert. Be sure to come hungry because “Carbo-Loading” with friends and neighbors is the perfect way to ring in our much anticipated spring here on Lummi Island! Come on by the Grange Hall at 5:00 to 7:00 PM on the 23rd. The Price: $8.00 Adults and $4.00 children 12 and under.

Grange Country Living Series – – Randy Smith

The Grange initiated the Country Living Series last year to help people regain lost skills and provide an opportunity for Island experts to share what they know with the community. We encourage anyone with a special skill they would like to share to contact Randy Smith at 306-1172 to talk about scheduling a class or workshop.

Whitney Thomas, our local herbalist, will kick off the series with a workshop on “nettles”. This will be a part of a series of presentations on the medicinal value of local plants. Whitney will teach us how to use and benefit from a variety of plants that are available for us to forage. The Heritage Trust is sponsoring Whitney’s classes and has given permission for some foraging on the Curry and Otto Preserves. On Saturday, March 23, meet Whitney at 10 AM at the Tuttle entrance to the Curry Preserve. Whitney will teach us how to sustainably harvest nettles. Then it will be off to the Heritage Trust office at the Otto Preserve for a more detailed discussion. Class fee $25.

On April 6, Mike Moye will open his shop at the end of Constitution Ave (east side of S. Nugent) and repeat the very popular workshop he did last year on chain saw safety and maintenance. Starts at 10 AM. Bring your questions.

April 16, Karen Kupka will have another rag rug workshop at the Grange at 6:30 PM. This is limited to four people so RSVP early when you see the event appear on NextDoor.

April 20, from 10 AM to noon at the Grange, Judy Olsen will teach you how to make soap!

May 4, Janice Holmes, a graduate of the San Francisco Baking Institute will lead a group in baking artisan bread in an outdoor oven.

This workshop will be held at Janice’s home 2722 Westshore Drive from noon to 5 PM. Class fee is $5 and you will go home with a loaf of fresh bread.

There are many more workshops to be announced in the next Tome.

The problem with political jokes is they get elected. ~Henry Cate

SPRING ROADSIDE CLEANUP- – Saturday, March 30, 9:45 AM – – ed

Rain or shine, this must happen on March 30 because the food will be prepared and it won’t keep. This is a fun social event for everybody. Come join us and help us tidy up the Island a bit. First we spend an hour or two on the road picking up litter, and then we all meet back at the Grange Hall for lunch.

LICA and the Grange will provide chilidogs and beverages, and we depend upon volunteers to bring cookies, finger veggies, pies, cakes and other goodies. If you don’t want to work on the road, you can still make an important contribution by providing food, helping in the kitchen or both.

Here’s how we do it. Everyone meets at the Grange Hall in their grubby clothes 15 minutes before 10 AM Saturday, March 30. We say “before 10 AM” because you need time to sign up for your favorite route on the wall map and get together with your crew, find your crew’s truck and be ready to leave at 10 AM SHARP. We have divided the Island roads up into ten equal zones so nobody has very much territory to cover. If you will help with your pickup truck, we can actually make this thing work as usual. Each crew consists of a truck and several walkers. The walkers pick up litter, put it into bags and load it into the pickup.

Everyone will be finished before noon – then back to the Grange Hall for a well-deserved lunch If you are bringing food, please have it to the Grange Hall by 11 AM so the kitchen crew can have it organized and spread out before noon. If you have questions about pickup trucks, call John Arntsen – 2309. If you have questions about the food or want to help in the kitchen, call Wendell Terry – 7432. For other questions, call Paul Davis – 2414.

“We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.” ~Aesop


Mark your calendars for August 10, 2013 for the Beach School Foundation’s (BSF) 5th ANNUAL GARDEN TOUR! We are looking for anyone new who would like to have their garden on the tour. It can be herbal, floral, veggie, as long as it’s edible!

Please contact Jennifer Bernard 758-3388 for more information and to sign up. We are hoping this tour will help generate even more as we embark on the International Baccalaureate journey for Beach School. Having this date later in the summer is sure to help our gardens look great and full! We will again have a booth at the Saturday Market and we invite anyone who would love to help sell T-shirts and promote this wonderful event to let us know as we would take all the help we can muster!

If you have any suggestions or ideas for marketing, please don’t hesitate to let me know. Garden On!

Golfer: “How do you like my game?” Caddy: “It’s very good, but personally, I prefer golf.”

Concert & Performance Series – – Russ Thompson

Lummi Island Congregational Church, (LICC), will present its 2013 opening concert of the “Concert & Performance Series” on March 23 with an exceptional pianist, Angelo Rondello from Bellingham. Angelo is a WWU graduate and was recently a New York City resident.

The Concert is this Saturday, March 23. Doors open at 7:30 PM, Concert at 8:00 PM. Features: Liszt’s Liebestraume and Ravel’s Gaspard de la Nuit. Also works by Scriabin and Schumann. Suggested donation at the door. Adults: $15. Students: $8. Seniors: $8. Under 12 free!

Our Concert and Performance Series helps support the church’s various mission work including On-Island Benevolence that helps with food, shelter and clothing needs. Some of our wider mission work includes Vacation Bible School and help Off-Island including volunteer work at Mary’s Place, Seattle. A part of the concept of our Concert & Performance Series is to give back to the community for its ongoing support. We appreciate the community. This cultural series is also meant to foster an outlet for creative expression in art, music and writing.

Next month, we will sponsor the creative Singer and Songwriter, Cara Alboucq from Bellingham. She will play guitar and sing for us on Saturday, April 27 @ 8 PM. See details in next month’s Tome.

My wife has a slight impediment in her speech.

Every now and then she stops to breathe. – – Jimmy Durante

BOYS & GIRLS CLUB NEWS – – Lynn Schreiber

Happy Spring! The Branch Board of Directors, Staff and Kids at the Club would like to Thank everyone who attended our Pies Plus event! We had a great day eating some amazing desserts, playing games and chatting with friends. You may wonder who our Branch Board is and what they do. Our board is composed of Island residents who care about kids and want to make sure they have somewhere safe to go after school. They are a fundraising board and work very hard to make sure we have the funds we need to stay open and provide snacks, homework help, educational games, introduction to art, digital photography, basketball and other sports and so much more. We would not be here without their hard work and dedication. Please help us thank them! Our Board members are: Lynn McLane – President, Pam Miller – Secretary, Judy Arntsen, Britta Burton, Buffy Fox, Kathy Jacobson, Tess Winds-Johnson, John McGarry, Mike McKenzie, Ted Mork, Mark Sexton, George Sweetingham and Sally Wertz.

Have you ever wondered what the Island would be like without a Club? Where would the kids go after school? The Club provides a vital service to families on the Island and we cannot do this without everyone’s support. Are you interested in joining our board and helping us make sure the kids always have a safe place to be after school? Would you like to volunteer your time and help a child with homework? Chat with a board member or contact Lynn at the Club @ 758-2828.

We could certainly slow the aging process down if it had to work its way through Congress. – – Will Rogers

BEACH SCHOOL NEWS – – Judy Tomas, School Manager

By the time you read this Kloe Arvensis will have competed in the Future Chef Contest for all elementary students in Ferndale. She was one of eighteen finalists out of 105 entries. Congrats, Kloe!

Spring Break is April 1 to 5 so watch the roads for more children walking and riding their bikes.

Thank you to the Community Association for a grant to help pay for our field trips to the Woodland Park Zoo, the Burke Museum, and U of W Engineering Department’s Discovery Days.

On April 23 we are having a Family Math Night. Everyone is encouraged to attend.

Tammy Immer started the after-school cooking class last week. Two other enrichments, carpentry and video production, will begin after Spring Break. These will also be taught by community members. Our students are so fortunate to have neighbors who care.

Ignore rumors that our school is closing. We will be small again next year (34 students) but open with challenging students and asking for volunteers.

Two blond men find three grenades, and they decide to take them to a police station. One asked:

“What if one explodes before we get there?” The other says: “We’ll lie and say we found only two.”

Island Library Renovation and Addition Bids Requested – -Diane Harper, FOIL Treasurer

Thanks to the great generosity of the Island community, Friends of Island Library (FOIL) are requesting General Contractor bids by April 11 for building the addition and renovating the library building. Bid packages including information on how to bid are at Threshold Documents, 810 State Street, Bellingham, 647-7565.

We hope to reach our fundraising goal by the end of June – more information about the project and a link for Paypal donations can be found at friendsofislandlibrary.org. Also see an opportunity elsewhere in this Tome to ‘have your say’ in the new reading garden that will be next to the current main entrance.

I was in the doctor’s office when his nurse came in and said, “Doctor, there is a man out here who thinks he’s invisible.” The doctor said, “Tell him I can’t see him.”

CIVIC CLUB NEWS – – Tamia Sorensen

The Lummi Island Civic Club will be meeting at the Congregational Church on Thursday, April 11th. There will be a social from 10:00 to 10:30 AM during which time we have a treat, coffee and a visit with fellow members. The meeting will start at 10.30 AM. In April we are proud to present member Carol Chaudiere, who will share some of her landscaping secrets and will be leading a discussion on “Making your garden your own”. It is Carol who is responsible for the dramatic new landscaping at the Grange Hall. She is a talented and accomplished artist and designer, adept at using recycled and found objects to incorporate into her creative landscaping themes. Carol believes that a landscape is a very personal thing which should reflect one’s own unique personality, style and vision. Beyond her brilliance in utilizing rock, metal and wooden objects, Carol also has a passion for plants – shrubbery, trees, mosses and ground cover of all persuasions – for all seasons. No detail is too small and no concept is too big – from the tiny ‘fairy garden’ ideas to sweeping botanical inspirations – Carol’s presentation will get us all in the spirit for the 2013 Civic Club Plant Expo which will be held this year on Saturday, May 18th (details to follow!). Do join us at the Congregational Church, April 11 at 10 AM. All Island ladies and guests are warmly welcomed.

Eventually you will reach a point when you stop lying about your age and start bragging about it.

International Baccalaureate – – Jackie Granger, Pres., PTO & Jennifer Bernard, Chair, BSF

The Beach School Foundation (BSF), in conjunction with the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), is excited to announce the formal application for Beach School to become an International Baccalaureate World Candidate School. We also reconfirm the PTO and BSF’s Community Partnership and our pledge to work together for the betterment of our children and thus our community.

The PTO has been very supportive of the Beach School Foundation’s drive towards becoming an IB World School and our joint goal is to have enough Beach School Staff trained so that the IB methods and practices can begin being implemented as early as September 2013. With this in mind, the BSF has contracted a new Foreign Language instructor for the remainder of this school year. She will graduate, Magna Cum Laude this year from Western Washington University with a major in Elementary Education and a minor in Spanish. The Beach School Foundation continues to work towards bringing a dual immersion program to Beach School beginning in September 2013; French and Spanish are the two languages being considered at this time.

An Old Farmer’s Advice: *Life is simpler when you plow around the stump.*

Cinco de Mayo POTLUCK – – ed

Tess Winds-Johnson has engaged the Grange and your Community Association to co-sponsor an all-Island Mexican Potluck Dinner on Cinco de Mayo. Enchiladas, tamales, tacos tostados and all those other wonderful Mexican dishes that I can’t spell. I know we have some great Mexican-food cooks on the Island so this will be a wonderful occasion reminiscent of the wonderful potlucks we used to have regularly at the schoolhouse many years ago. So reserve May 5 on your calendar and plan your Mexican culinary specialty. All details in next month’s Tome.

Actual State Trooper comments: “Can you run faster than 1,200 feet per second?

Because that’s the speed of the bullet that’ll be chasing you.”

LUMMI ISLAND HERITAGE TRUST – – Megan Crouse and Becca Rettmer

The Heritage Trust’s Benefit Dinner was truly a night to remember! Guests entered the Grange Hall on March 9th and were greeted with wild bird songs and spring flowers, then feasted on smoked salmon appetizers, Chef Janice Holmes’ classic steakhouse cuisine, fine wines and sumptuous desserts from Island bakers. The delicious meal was ably served by: Micah Camarillo, Shelby McCauley, Annalee Holmdahl, Katie Doran and Annie Franzmann. Raffle winners included Linda Smith (Tony Angell’s Diving Loon lithograph); Woody Bernard (Mt. Baker Theatre tickets); Janice Holmes, Karen Rotko-Wynn, Sam Friedlander and John Gibb (smoked sockeye fillets); Karen Rotko-Wynn and Randy Nathanson (Chef Tastings at The Willows Inn); and Victoria Souze (Wild Bird Basket). The Trust extends our gratitude to the guests, local businesses and all our volunteers who helped create this lovely evening to raise funds for Preserving the Nature of Lummi Island.

The Heritage Trust calendar of events is packed this year, with tours, classes, movie nights and new activities. We are proud of our educational hikes and programs that connect people to the lands we protect, and hope that you will join us in the future.

Wild Foods and Herbs of the Northwest taught by Islander Whitney Thomas $25 per class:

March 23: Spring Greens: Nettles

April 13: Herbs for Cleansing, Detoxifying and Wellness: Dandelion and Elderflower

June 8: Wild Rose and Hawthorn Flowers

July 6: Herbal First Aid: Yarrow, Plantain and St. John’s Wort.

Wild Walks on the Preserves: An informal gathering of walkers who explore and have fun in the natural world, for families and people of all ages. April 20, 10 AM. Meet at the Resource Center at the Otto Preserve.

For more information please visit our website www.liht.org or call us at (360) 758-7997.

Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars,

but check when you say the paint is wet?


Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 2:00 – 8:00 Saturday 10:00 – 4:00

Hot Lists- You’ve just finished a book and you’re sorry to see it end. What will you read next? Finding your next great read may be as simple as opening email! Subscribe to one of our Hot Lists e-Newsletters and get great reading ideas delivered to your email box monthly (bestsellers = weekly). Subscribe at


Unsubscribe anytime -instructions are in every e-Newsletter.

Ongoing Events

Chess Club – Hone your skills with a friendly game of chess on Tuesdays at 5:00 to 7:00 PM. Tuesdays at the library. Hosted by Matt and Abe, for teens and adults.

Upcoming Events

Teen One Reads – The book to read around Whatcom County for Teens right now is Skyship Academy: The Pearl Wars by local author Nick James. This action packed story has been chosen as the Whatcom County Library System’s (WCLS) Teen One Reads title for 2013. Similar to Whatcom READS! but for Teens, Teen One Reads is an opportunity for a whole school community to share the experience of reading and discussing the same book.

LEGO Show and Tell- Theme for April is “Buildings.” Bring your ideas and creations. Saturday, April 20, 11:00. Grades K-5

Evening Story Time for Pre-Schoolers – Wear your PJs to the library. Tuesday, Apr. 16, 6:30-7:00 PM.

The Friends of Island Library (FOIL) Board meets the second Monday of the month at the library. FOIL members are community volunteers who work diligently on behalf of the Island Library. The next meeting is Monday, April 8, 7:30 to 9:00 PM at the Library. All are invited

Why pay money to have your family tree traced; go into politics

and your opponents will do it for you.


In order to continue to provide safe and on-time service, we would like to remind our travelers of the Whatcom Chief loading procedures.

  1. When the gate goes up, walk-on traffic will board first.
  2. When all of the walk-on traffic is safely on board, the vehicle traffic will be signaled down by a visible crew member.
  3. Once all of the vehicles are safely on board, the crew will lower the gate at 30 seconds prior to the scheduled departure time.
  4. The crew will then chock vehicle tires, secure the chains, and then depart at the scheduled time.

If you arrive at the ferry dock and the gate is down and the ferry is still at the dock, please do not expect to be allowed to board.

After dark, please use parking lights only.

The ferry crew would like to remind everyone to try to get in line at least five minutes before scheduled departure times.

Thank you for your patience concerning this matter and travel safely.

ATTORNEY: The youngest son, the 20-year-old, how old is he?

WITNESS:      He’s 20, much like your IQ.


Such a busy time of the year for the church. This Saturday evening, March 23 at 8 PM, we welcome classical pianist Angello Rondello back from New York. Suggested donation at the door is adults $15, students and seniors $8, and children under 12 free. Next in our Concert and Performance Series will be Cara Alboucq from Bellingham, who will play guitar and sing for us on Saturday, April 27 at 8 PM.

And of course, Holy Week is upon us starting with the Palm Sunday Service, March 24 at 10:30 AM. Maundy Thursday will consist of a simple supper and hand washing at 6:30 PM. The Good Friday Service will be at 6:30 PM. And once again, there will be an Easter Sunrise Service at the Scenic Estates Clubhouse at 6:30 AM Easter morning, March 31 followed by more joy at the service, complete with choir, at 10:30 AM at the church on Legoe Bay Road.

As always, the children are invited to the all-Island Easter Egg Hunt at the cemetery at 11:45 AM followed by the Easter refreshments in the Fellowship Hall. Donations of colored Easter eggs can be dropped off at The Islander beforehand. Plastic eggs and candy can be dropped off at the church between 10 AM and Noon on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

And finally, please note that the church has a new email address:


Remember, no matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.

Sign at a restaurant: Either you love bacon or you are wrong.


I was in a pub last Saturday night, and drank a few, and noticed two very large women by the bar. They both had pretty strong accents, so I asked, “Hey, are you two ladies from Ireland?”

One of them chirped saying, “It’s Wales you idiot!”

So, I immediately apologized and said, “I’m sorry. Are you two whales from Ireland?”

That’s pretty much all I remember…..

This guy comes home from work one day to find his dog with the neighbor’s pet rabbit in his mouth. The rabbit is very dead and the guy panics. He thinks the neighbors are going to hate him forever, so he takes the dirty, chewed-up rabbit into the house, gives it a bath, blow-dries its fur, and puts the rabbit back into the cage at the neighbor’s house, hoping that they will think it died of natural causes. A few days later, the neighbor is outside and asks the guy, “Did you hear that Fluffy died?” The guy stumbles around and says, “Um.. no.. um.. what happened?” The neighbor replies, “We just found him dead in his cage one day, but the weird thing is that the day after we buried him we went outside and someone had dug him up, gave him a bath and put him back into the cage.”

Mt Baker Cable

Offers cable television and high speed broadband internet on Lummi Island with no contracts


Land Surveyor

Boundaries, Plats, Site Plans, Construction

Barry Herman, PLS

3842 Legoe Bay Rd

Lummi Island, WA 360 758 2068

Northstar Marine Canvas

Custom Canvas and repairs for your

Boat or home

Victoria Souze

758-2068 739-6713



$25 per issue

$15 for Lummi Island residents who subscribe to the Tome



Please call David Thorn



Officers . Directors .
President: John Arntsen Carol Chaudiere
Vice President: Malcolm Hutchings Marry Ross Larry Roteman
Secretary: Linda Sheek David Thorn
Treasurer/Editor/Archivist: Paul Davis Tom Weatherby

The Tome is the publication of the Lummi Island Community Association and is published monthly except August and December. All subscriptions are on a calendar year basis, January to December. Subscription fee is $6.00 for Lummi Island addresses, $10.00 for off-Island addresses and $6.00 for e-mail delivery. Canadian addresses are $16.00 U.S. funds. Paul Revere e-mail news service is free with any subscription. Free LICA membership is limited to residents and property owners of Lummi Island (18 years and older). Write to LICA, P.O. Box 163, Lummi Island WA 98262; or call Paul Davis, Treasurer and Editor at (360) 758-2414 for information about subscriptions, membership or advertising. E-mail: thetome@lummiislandcable.com


Lummi Island Community Association NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION


Lummi Island WA 98262-0163 LUMMI ISLAND WA


The Tome

of Lummi Island

Volume XLVIII Number 3

March 22, 2013




Certificate No. 313

$10 Certificate

If you were a 2013 Tome subscriber on Lummi Island before you received this copy of the Tome, you may redeem this certificate for $10 cash by signing below and mailing it to LICA, P.O. Box 163 or by placing it in the Tome Drop Box across Nugent Road from Beach School, or by handing it to Paul Davis.

This certificate is not transferrable.

Expiration date: April 10, 2013

– – – – – – –

I received this certificate in the copy of the Tome that was mailed to my Lummi Island address on March 22, 2013


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$10 Certificate No. 313

Effective Date March 22, 2013

Expiration Date April 10, 2013

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