The Tome Of Lummi Island
Volume XLVII No. 9
October 2012
Community Association Meeting – Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Potluck Dinner – – – 6:30 PM
Program and Business Meeting – – – 7:15 PM
Program: Coal Trains – a Discussion – Pros and Cons
C A L E N D A R O F E V E N T S________
AA Meeting – Church ………………………………………………. Every Monday 7:00 PM
Elderberries – Fun, Games and Lunch for Seniors – Church …………… Every Wednesday 11 AM to 2 PM
Island Church & Sunday School – 758-2060………………………………. Every Sunday 10:30 AM
Island Chapel – Grange Hall ……………………………………………………… Every Sunday 9:30 AM
Mushroom Foray – Otto Preserve …………………………..……….. Oct 20 Saturday 10:30 AM
Bluegrass Gospel Jam – Church …with Potluck Lunch……………. Oct 21 Sunday 11:30 AM
Owl Prowl Otto Preserve By Reservation Only ………………… Oct 21 Sunday 6:30 – 8:30 PM
LICA POTLUCK DINNER MEETING —Grange Hall ..…………. Oct 24 Wednesday 6:30 / 7:15 PM
Monthly Parish Dinner – Church $8.00 ……………………………. Oct 25 Thursday 6:00 PM
Halloween Party – Beach School …(Haunted house – 6:30 to 7:30) .. Oct 27 Saturday 6:30 – 8:30
Scary Movie Night Library Noble Barn for Teens, Grade 6-12 ….. Oct 27 Saturday 8:00 – 9:30 PM
Owl Prowl – Otto Preserve By Reservation Only ………………… Oct 27 Saturday 6:30 – 8:30 PM
Recycle Pickup – Your House ……………………………………………………… Oct 29 Monday morning
Deadline for Heritage Trust comments about accreditation ………….. Oct 29 Monday
Community Halloween Party at the Sauseburger stand ……………… Oct 31 Wednesday 5 to 9 PM
Ferry Fueling Day (Alternate Thursdays at Gooseberry Point) …………. Nov 1 Thursday 12:30 to 1:20 PM
Camino de Santiago de Compostela Pilgrimage Grange Hall ………… Nov 3 Saturday 6:00 – 8:00 PM
Lummi Island Conservancy Board – Library …………………………………. Nov 4 Sunday 7:30 PM
Cemetery Board – Library …………………………………………… Nov 5 Monday 6:30 PM
Veteran’s Day Program – Beach School …………………………… Nov 7 Wednesday 9:00 AM
Grange Meeting ………………Social at 6:30 PM……………….……. Nov 7 Wednesday 7:00 PM
Annual Holiday Luncheon by Civic Club at the Grange RSVP.. Nov 8 Thursday 11:30 AM
Recycle Pickup — Your house ………………………………………. Nov 12 Monday morning
Gardeners Network – Grange Hall …………………………………… Nov 12 Monday 6:30 PM
Friends of Island Library ……………………………………………… Nov 12 Monday 7:30 PM
Fire Commissioners Meeting — Fire Hall—Open to Public ……..…… Nov 13 Tuesday 7:00 PM
Beach School PTO — Beach School ………………………………… Nov 14 Wednesday 6:45 PM
LICA Board of Directors — Library ………………………………….. Nov 14 Wednesday 7:00 PM
Ferry Fueling Day (Alternate Thursdays at Gooseberry Point) …………. Nov 15 Thursday 12:30 to 1:20 PM
The Tome Deadline ……………………………………………………………… Nov 16 Friday 11:00 PM
Thanksgiving Dinner with Island Chapel – Grange Hall ……………. Nov 17 Saturday 5:00 PM
Green Fire an Aldo Leopold, Film Otto Preserve Resource Center Nov 17 Saturday 7:00 PM
“The Significance of Doing” – John Mann – Adults – Island Library Nov 17 Saturday 7:00 – 8:00 PM
Open Recital – Lummi Island Congregational Church …………… Nov 18 Sunday 1:00 PM
Boys & Girls Club Board Meeting – at the Club ……………………………… Nov 20 Tuesday 6:30 PM
Thanksgiving Dinner with Congregational Church ………………….. Nov 22 Thursday 4:00 PM
LICA Grant Request Deadline ………………………………………… Dec 1 Saturday
A Dickens of a Holiday – Island Library Noble Barn ………………… Dec. 8 Saturday 5:00 – 8:00 PM
Post Office Hours Mon-Fri 7:45 AM to 3:15 PM; Sat 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM (Boxes 24 hours) 758-2320
Library hours Tuesday & Thursday 2:00 to 8:00 PM; Saturday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM 758-7145
Grange Hall Rent contact: Leslie Dempsey – 325.3420
Coal trains – a discussion – – Malcolm Hutchings & ed
Our program at next Wednesday’s (October 24) Potluck Dinner Meeting will be Coal Trains, Coal Terminals, Coal Power, Clean Coal, Coal pollution – The Pros and Cons of Coal – we will have presentations by both the pro and con sides of this important and contentious issue that may have profound effects on all who live in Whatcom County. Gateway Pacific Terminal local office will provide a proponent and the editor of will present the down side.
This will be an informational meeting only, with time for pertinent questions (not opinions) to the presenters. Please note that the presenters are knowledgeable about this issue but are not decision makers. Islanders wishing to express personal opinions will no doubt be given information on where and how to make individual opinions known.
The door prize will be $30 for a Tome subscriber if s/he is in the Hall at the time of the drawing. Last month I guess Elizabeth and Roy Shand were still up in Vancouver so they couldn’t be present to collect their $25.
I know a guy who’s addicted to brake fluid. He says he can stop any time.
ISLAND RAINFALL | Sept | Last year | ||
Westshore Farm Hayfield | 0.15” | 1.01” | (Sheila & Al Marshall) | |
North Tuttle Lane | 0.16” | 0.99” | (Nancy Simmerman) | |
South Nugent | 0.11” | 1.02” | (Jerry Brown) | |
Scenic Estates | 0.00” | 0.81” | (Darlene Stoffer) |
NANCY SIMMERMAN’S GUDE ERTH KNITWEAR & GIFT SHOP, 2386 Tuttle Lane, 758-2489. Feel free to drop by or make appointment. NEW: Multi-color knitting yarn hand-dyed with inkjet ink!
BEACH FRONT STUDIO; one person, month to month rental. Inquire 758-7112
FREE PUPPIES. 1/2 Cocker Spaniel, 1/2 sneaky neighbor’s dog.
ERIK’S LANDSCAPING Professional pruning, installation, renovation and maintenance. 758-7105
ALUMINUM CAN-RECYCLING by the Grange. Bins located in Grange parking lot. Thank you.
$10 MONEY TEN MONEY $10 – – ed
Last month’s winner of the $10 Certificate hidden in one copy of The Tome was Loyal Tome subscriber Mary Ann Bouton.
Each month we hide a Certificate redeemable for $10 cash in one copy of the Tome. Only Tome subscribers on Lummi Island are eligible for this cash bonanza.
OPEN RECITAL – – Stella Benson
Y’all Come to the third annual open recital at the Lummi Island Congregational Church on November 18th, 2012 at 1 PM. Come make music on your acoustic instrument or voice. Musicians of all ages and levels are welcome. We welcome your solo, or group up to trio. Actual playing time is ten minutes in duration. If you have something different than this, let’s talk. Contact, Stella Benson, 7758, or to get on the list. Be there or be square.
The new Lummi Island phone booklets are now available at The Islander Store for $2.00. You may request one by US mail by sending $3.00 to: LICA; PO Box 163; Lummi Island WA 98262.
Inotice we have a lot of newish folks on the Island who may not be aware of where this Tome comes from. The Tome is published by your Lummi Island Community Association (LICA). There are no membership dues to LICA, but every Island resident has full voting privilege at our eight annual Pot Luck Dinner Meetings (we skip Jul, Aug, Nov & Dec). You can skip the Potluck at 6:30 PM if you wish, and come just for the program/meeting at 7:15 PM. You can always find full details of the meetings on Page 1 of the Tome. Brown Betty (Paul Revere’s horse) is an optional free emergency e-mail service by me for any Tome subscriber. If you want a more detailed description of the Brown Betty e-mail service see related article in this issue of the Tome or contact me at
The Tome is distributed to every Postal Customer on the Island as a public service by LICA, but we cannot function without the voluntary subscription of at least $6 from our readers. Our only expenses are printing, postage and incidentals. No member of LICA – Editor, Board members, Tome correspondents – nobody – receives any compensation of any kind. All work and time is totally volunteer. If LICA has excess money at the end of each year, it is distributed by way of Grants to Lummi Island non-profit organizations that submit Grant Requests.
LICA is not an advocacy group. We do not take sides on any controversial subject. LICA is purely a community service organization committed to make life better for all Lummi Islanders. .You know the old quotation by Socrates: “I think, therefore I am”. Well, LICA exits – therefore it has enemies. There are always a few who say “LICA does not represent me” or “I am not a member of LICA” and who do not help support LICA and the Island community. But we give them some of the same benefits as everyone else because that is what we do. You live on Lummi Island – your life is better because of LICA.
There’s nothing wrong with you that reincarnation won’t cure.
October ‑ Time for fall cleaning! Clear out ashes and debris from fire places, have your chimney checked, and test all of the batteries in your flashlights.
Herewithin I am enclosing your 2013 Tome subscription form. If you want Brown Betty, Please check the Brown Betty YES box. Please note that e-mail addresses are not case sensitive, but I ask you to PRINT in CAPS because I can’t read your cursive. In this modern digital age, it seems the art of legible cursive writing has gone by way of the dodo bird, and you know how critical these machines are of exact spelling.
As you may know, I like to start this subscription campaign early like this because December is my busiest month with getting my 2013 Tome address list and Brown Betty’s new list organized for January. So I really appreciate your help with early subscription.
(Herewithin is not a word, but it ought to be – you know what it means.)
New Words: Coffee (n.) the person upon whom one coughs.
Hazel Murree Lintz – April 26, 1919 – September 25, 2012
Former Lummi Island resident Hazel Murree (Hull) Lintz age 93, passed away on Tuesday, September 25, 2012 in Lacey, WA. Hazel was born in Auburn, NE on April 26, 1919 to Dall and Evelyn Hull. She moved to Whatcom County, WA in 1929. She graduated from Ferndale High School in 1937. Hazel worked in Ferndale at the phone company after graduation. She also worked on the family farm. For several years Hazel owned and worked at the J & J Café in Ferndale. After she sold J & J Café she worked at the Fisherman’s Cove Restaurant until retirement. She was a member of the United Church in Ferndale where she sang in the choir.
Hazel was married four times to Vaughn Smith, Tony Hawkins, Walt Wilson, and finally in March. 1966 to Lummi Island resident Bruce Lintz, all of whom preceded her in death. Three of her six children, Sheryl Smith Riley, Sharon Smith Finnson, and Mike Smith also preceded her in death, as did two sisters, Mayme Peters and Dallene McSorley. She is survived by three children; Tony Hawkins (Bonita), of Olympia, Mark Wilson, and Kevin Wilson, both of Ferndale, her sisters Helen Hansen of Snohomish, and Bonnie Cratsenberg of Ferndale, several grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great-great grandchildren.
As was Hazel’s wish, there was a family graveside memorial only. You may share your thoughts and memories of Hazel at
“I really didn’t say everything I said.” – Yogi Bera
The members of Civic Club had a grand time practicing for the Harvest Festival Parade as a Drill Team. Our motto, as we march: “The Civic Club has been serving the Island community since 1916, and we are still on the move!” We always welcome new members for our meetings to plan social events and fundraisers to benefit the Island community.
November 8th at 11:30 AM we have our annual Holiday Luncheon at the Grange, serving a delicious lunch and amazing fashion show, featuring fashions through the years with incredible clothing and accessories that were the styles of times past. Linda Smith dresses our models in beautiful outfits that truly makes us all nostalgic and remember the lovely fashions of years gone by.
We also feature our tables, each one set and decorated by individual members with their own holiday place settings, the perfect place to show off our best dishes.
The cost of lunch is $10 and we welcome guests, and reservations are a must at this popular event. 758-4117 is the number to call for a reservation. All funds go to Island organizations.
Otherwise, Civic Club meets the second Thursday of each month in the basement of the Congregation Church at 10 AM.
Real Newspaper headlines: Iraqi Head Seeks Arms (1998)
THANKSGIVING DAY DINNER at Congregational Church – – Nancy Wong
All Islanders, especially those who don’t have plans to gather with family or friends, are cordially invited to join together as we celebrate our fourth annual Island Thanksgiving Day Dinner. Roasted turkey with all the fixings will be provided starting at 4 PM in the fellowship hall of the Congregational Church (3913 Legoe Bay Rd.) on Thanksgiving Day (November 22). There is no cost to you and no need to make reservations. Just come!
JAMES R. GRANGER – April 1, 1942 – September 24, 2012
James R. Granger passed away unexpectedly September 24, 2012 at his home in Burlington.
James was born April 1, 1942 to Robert G. Granger and Eunice (Gaskill) Granger in Bellingham. He spent his early years on Lummi Island before returning to Bellingham. He attended Bellingham High School and graduated with the class of 1960.
After high school Jim attended Skagit Valley College before enlisting in the military. Upon completion of his military duty, Jim made his way back to Washington State. He continued his education at the University of Washington before transferring to Western Washington State College where he graduated with his B.A. in Education. While attending Western he met and married Barbara Miller. Soon after graduating, he began his teaching career in Stanwood, Washington. Jim spent the next 26 years teaching Science and Math at Stanwood Middle School, before retiring in 1997. For many years he spent his summers commercial fishing throughout Alaska and Puget Sound. Later he spent time in his blueberry fields.
Throughout his life Jim was an avid hunter and fisherman. There were few things that he enjoyed more than going on fishing/hunting trips or spending time with “the boys.” After purchasing land in Montana, the Big Sky state quickly became a favorite destination. After any trip he could always be counted on to come home with several entertaining stories. Throughout the years his household became an epicenter for chitchat. There wasn’t a time in the day that Jim wouldn’t stop what he was doing to tell or listen to a first-rate story.
Upon the arrival of his grandchildren, Jim became a devoted Grandfather: carefully balancing his time between the kids, fishing, hunting and friends. He was a caring, supportive father and an unyielding friend to so many.
Jim is survived by his son Jason Granger; daughter Jamie Granger; daughter-in-law Kori Granger; and grandchildren Jakson and Kamilla Granger; brothers William, Mike, and Ron Granger; sister Linda Granger Kositsky; stepmother Rose Granger; and numerous cousins, nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his mother Eunice and father Robert Granger.
There was a remembrance service on October 7 at the Bellingham Ferry Terminal
“I am opposed to millionaires, but it would be dangerous to offer me the position.” – Mark Twain
Heritage Trust News – – Megan Crouse
Northwest Mushroomers invites Heritage Trust members and Island guests to their Fall Mushroom Foray at the Otto Preserve on Saturday, October 20, 2012. The orientation session begins at 10:30 AM, followed by sample collecting on the preserves at 11:00 AM; a potluck lunch begins at noon, with mushroom sorting and identification. Bring a paper sack or basket for collecting samples. Mushroom and lichen collection is only allowed on the Preserves during educational programs like this Foray.
Join us at the Otto Preserve Resource Center on November 17 at 7:00 PM for a screening of the acclaimed documentary film, Green Fire. The film illustrates the extraordinary career and ongoing environmental legacy of conservationist, Aldo Leopold, author of A Sand County Almanac. Popcorn and refreshments will be provided for a $5.00 suggested donation at the door. Seating is limited. We sold out at our first screening, so come early to get a good seat!
Autumn kicks off our membership renewal season at the Heritage Trust. Thanks to a matching challenge from a group of generous members, your member renewal will have a bigger impact. If you increase your membership by any amount, your increased annual gift will be matched. No amount is too small, every dollar counts! We depend solely on your financial help to sustain the Trust’s land conservation and stewardship work. You are the foundation of land conservation on Lummi Island and our treasured Island environment is irreplaceable. Please renew your membership or become a Heritage Trust member today! Thank you!
“He who falls in love with himself will have no rivals.” – Benjamin Franklin
Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 2:00 – 8:00 Saturday 10:00 – 4:00
Upcoming Events
Tech Tuesdays – How to download eBooks and audiobooks will be covered on October 23. On October 30, “Basic Digital Photo Management” will be discussed. For Adults, noon to 1:00 PM, Island Library.
Bring your laptop, eReader and/or audio player or signup at the library to use our equipment.
Scary Movie Night – Do you dare enter the Noble Barn for a scary movie after the Beach School Halloween Party? Wear a costume and get your picture taken. Enjoy some treats and see if you’re tough enough to handle the dark of the barn! Teens, Grade 6-12, Sat. Oct. 27, 8:00 – 9:30 PM.
Camino de Santiago de Compostela Pilgrimage – Bryan and Kathy Thurber will share their adventures in Spain. Tapas and Vino Espanol will be served starting at 6:00 PM followed by slides and a lively presentation at 7:00 PM. Nov. 3, at the Grange, 6:00 – 8:00 PM. Make a donation to FOIL’s Remodeling Fund for tickets to this event.
The Significance of Doing – John Mann, author and educator, will talk about, read from and demonstrate the content of his four books. The underlying theme will be the significance of doing (making something happen) vs. non-doing (allowing something to happen). Cookies and tea will be served afterwards. Donations to benefit FOIL appreciated. Adults, Saturday, November 17, 7:00 – 8:00 PM. at the Library.
A Dickens of a Holiday – Kick off the Holiday Season with this gala event. Music, wassail, food and merriment. Items will be auctioned to raise money for the Library Remodeling Project. Sat., Dec. 8, 5:00 – 8:00 PM in the Noble Barn. Save this very important date.
On-Going Events
Pre-school Story time – Stories and more for ages 3-5. Weekly on Saturday through Dec 15. 12:00 – 12:30 PM at the library.
Chess Club – Hone your skills with a friendly game of chess on Tuesdays at 5:00 PM at the library. Hosted by Matt and Abe for teens and adults.
The Friends of Island Library (FOIL) Board meets the second Monday of the month at the library. FOIL members are community volunteers who work diligently on behalf of the Island Library. The next meeting is Monday, Nov 12, 7:30 to 9:00 PM at the Library. All are invited.
You can’t be late until you show up.
Brown Betty – Nextdoor LUMMI ISLAND – – ed
We have two very different e-mail services on Lummi Island – Nextdoor Lummi Island and Brown Betty. Below you will find descriptions of both – Nextdoor by Mike Skehan and Brown Betty by ed. A few people have no interest, but most Lummi Islanders want and appreciate both. Read about them and make your decisions. Both are free and neither has an ax to grind or anything to gain.
In our age of communications, from desktop computers to smart phones, we have come a long way in our generation from the daily paper, or leaning over the back fence to deliver some news. I still enjoy both, but would hate to part with my electronic marvels. So what is Nextdoor?
Simply, it’s a website dedicated to people calling Lummi Island home, full time or part, doesn’t matter. Your physical address is linked to your email address, and when invited by someone to join, poof, it’s done. Robert Keller defined the neighborhood last November, and started inviting people. Any member can do it, so after nearly a year, 459 residents are doing everything from buying/selling/trading, looking for lost cats and dogs (we made USA Today on our successes), starting little interest groups, posting upcoming events, recommending local business, or discussing community wide issues.
Each member gets to customize their personal preferences, as to how much information to share, how often and in what form they get emails, phone and address privacy, and share photos if desired. Many newcomers to the island have commented about how connected they feel from day one.
Five members have volunteered to be ‘Leads’, which just means we’re helpers, not admins. We meet on occasion to discuss issues and try the keep the website on a light note. So far, we’ve had little to do, as everyone is cordial and helpful, as good neighbors should be. We only ask that you abide by guidelines of good taste.
If you tried Nextdoor before, but found objections, it’s better and has more flexibility to meet your needs. If this is news to you, call one of the leads (Robert Keller, Leslie Dempsey, Barb Pittman, Bill Fox) or email me at and I’ll try to help you get setup. It’s really very painless, but sometimes computers can be persnickety.
You are probably a redneck if there is a stuffed opossum anywhere in your house.
This e-mail service started out as “Paul Revere” for obvious reasons because it is dedicated exclusively to emergency or important Lummi Island news that is not timely for the next issue of the Tome. Jerry McRorie researched Paul Revere and discovered that his actual horse was named “Brown Betty.” So during its first year, the laws of gravity and general love for horses have caused the service to become known affectionately as “Brown Betty.” “Brown Betty” has become both a noun and verb: “Please Brown Betty this.” Or “Will you do a Brown Betty?”
Postings to Brown Betty are by me, Paul Davis (ed), only – no one else has access. My sources are County Government and any Lummi Islanders who need to send around something important. My policy is to be nice, polite, helpful and unbiased with a measure of humor mixed in.
Friends of Brown Betty are limited to subscribers of the Tome as a benefit to all who support the Tome and their community. Brown Betty is for Lummi Island news only – no blogs, no opinions, no feedback, no editorials, no advertisements, and no personals. Perhaps its principal functions are to spread the word about ferry news and non-profit organization events, but any other news that Islanders need quickly may be eligible for the horse to take a run around the Island. For more information or to sign up for Brown Betty, go to
You are probably a redneck if your mother has ammo on her Christmas list.
DID YOU KNOW? – – Nancy Wong
There is a small group of specially trained Registered Nurses and a Medical Social Worker on the Island who are available to help you navigate through medical, social, & spiritual concerns, at no cost. These special people are called Parish Nurses & Health Ministers. If you are having surgery, are recovering from an injury or illness, they can loan clean, used medical equipment (walkers, wheel chairs, crutches, commodes, etc.) to you for as long as needed. They also have a small Food Pantry & store vouchers for those who have emergency food needs. A Prayer Shawl ministry has also been started where knitters & crocheters create soft, warm shawls with many prayers for the comfort and support of those facing surgery, illness, or loss. Neighbor Meals is coordinated by Rhayma Blake, who assists the Parish Nurses in providing short term meals for Islanders. Although Parish Nurses do not provide “patient care” such as dressing changes, IVs, or other in-home care, they do have a list of experienced care providers who are seeking work on the Island. To reach a Parish Nurse, please contact Dorothy Hanson (758-2484, 303-3766), Nancy Wong (201-9063) or Jane Phillips (758-7214) or to contact the Medical Social Worker, call Megan Crouse (758-2146). Now you know!
Many people quit looking for work when they find a job.
GRANGE NEWS – – Tamia Sorensen
We at the Lummi Island Grange want to recognize the efforts of Members Bud & Anne Jewell for their ongoing dedication in leading and coordinating our participation in two nationwide programs designed to promote child literacy. First, many of you might not be aware of the Lummi Island Grange participates in the Imagination Library Program launched in 1996 by Dolly Parton’s Dollywood Foundation. This program is designed to give preschool children a head-start in reading. Through this program, the Lummi Island Grange sees that every child up to the age of five and living in the 98262 area code is eligible to receive free age-appropriate books. Second, and also under the leadership and coordination efforts of the Jewells, the Lummi Island Grange participates in the National Grange sponsored “Words for Thirds” Program, aimed at providing free dictionaries to students in the 3rd and 4th Grades. So far this year we have been able to provide free dictionaries to 42 students, including 5 students at the Beach School.
Finally, we would like to remind Islanders that proceeds from the aluminum can collection located at the Grange Hall go toward these worthy causes. We thank Bud and Anne Jewell for their passion and their tireless efforts. For more information on these programs visit – , and
The Lummi Island Grange meets on the first Wednesday of every month. Coffee and refreshments from 6.30-7.00 PM and the meeting commences at 7.00 PM.
I’m an optimist, but I don’t think it helps.
BEACH SCHOOL NEWS – – Judy Thomas, Manager
Beach School Calendar:
Apple Squeezing – October 24, 8:30 AM
Carved Pumpkins in gym – October 26, 9:00 AM
PTO Halloween Party – Oct 27
Halloween Trick or Treating – Oct 31 – Sign up at the Islander
Veteran’s Day Program – November 7, 9:00 AM
As you know our student population is diminishing. We have 36 students this year. Next year the district is moving all sixth grade classes into the middle schools so our numbers will drop to the mid twenties. The ferry cost and parking problems on the mainland are discouraging families from moving to the Island. The good news is that our superintendent understands and appreciates all our community members for everything they do for the school and she knows our students are well educated and prepared for middle school. Want to play cribbage with students on Fridays, 12:15 – 1:15 PM Please call Kathy (383-9440)
Adversity causes some people to break; others to break records.
Some of our Lummi Island Community Association Board members plan to not run for re-election early next year, so there will be openings for some new warm bodies to help with planning activities of LICA. Any adult Lummi Island resident is eligible. There are no dues and no other requirements except that you should be able to attend most Board meetings and general meetings. The Board meets the second Wednesday of every month at 7:00 PM. Meetings usually take an hour or less. The Potluck Dinner meetings are the fourth Wednesday except July, August, November and December.
This is an excellent way to get some involvement in your community and get to know people. Perhaps you or someone you know whom you could persuade would be a good candidate. We have nominations at our January and February Potluck Dinner meetings at the Grange Hall for all Officers and Board Members – nine in all. Elections are by secret ballot at our February meeting. All terms are for one year except one Board member who has a two year term for continuity. The only compensation is the satisfaction of serving your community. Please contact me at 758-2414 or to offer to accept a nomination or for more information.
PS If you want my job, (Treasurer), you have to take on the Tome and Brown Betty also.
I couldn’t repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder.
In February of each year your Community Association distributes its excess cash to Lummi Island non-profit organizations for worthy projects. The deadline for 2013 grants is this December 1. Please be very brief in making your request Just tell us what your project is and how much you would reasonably like to have, considering that several organizations will be competing for a limited amount of money. You can mail your request to LICA, P.O. Box 163, or e-mail it to or place it in the Tome Drop Box across Nugent Road from the school house. Remember – December 1.
If you didn’t get caught, did you really do it? “I didn’t do it” – Bart Simpson
Stockings for a Cause – – Joan Keiper
Calling all crafters. We are looking for creative people to make stockings to raise funds for the library remodeling project. Choose a theme and put together a stocking of gifts or services that you would want to get. Stockings can be handmade or purchased. The value of the contents should be around $50.00. A silent auction of these stockings will be held during “A Dickens of a Holiday” on December. 8th. All the money raised will be donated to the library remodeling project.
We would like the finished stockings by November. 15 so we can put them on display before the silent auction. For more details, please contact Michelle Morrissey (201-4765) or Joan Keiper (758-7735)
A bartender is just a pharmacist with a limited inventory.
A NOTE FROM THE CHIEF – – Duncan McLane, Fire Chief
Thanks to all of you, we made it through our intense dry spell without incident. Now that the weather has changed, it is time to prepare for fall and winter. Remember we can have significant weather events regardless of the long term outlook, which indicates below normal precipitation over the next 6 months. Please have your wood stoves and chimneys cleaned and inspected, test your generators and make sure you have fresh batteries for your flashlights.
October is Fire Prevention month so test those smoke alarms and practice your home fire drill. In America between 2008 and 2010 there were an average of 366,700 unintentional residential fires, 2,310 deaths, 12,550 injuries and more than $7 billion in property damage each year. The top cause of fires in the home was cooking equipment, accounting for an estimated 147,400 fires each year. The largest percentage of fire-related injuries (3,450) was also associated with cooking.
Six people die every day in home fires across America. Home heating and cooling equipment was a top cause, accounting for 210 deaths. Portable heaters were associated with 100 of those deaths each year. The death rate per 100 reported fires was 49% less in homes with working smoke alarms than in homes without. It is vitally important to develop and practice a family fire escape plan. It is easy to assume that when the smoke alarm sounds, you and your family will be able to escape. The early warning provided by smoke alarms and a plan of escape can make a big difference in surviving a house fire.
Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which a person can die.
Stomach stretching time, in preparation for Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Whether or not you are planning a big dinner on Thanksgiving Day, Island Chapel invites everyone to a free pre-Thanksgiving dinner 5:00 PM at the Grange Hall on Saturday, Nov. 17. There will be turkey, dressing, pies and all the other good things associated with Thanksgiving.
Ladies Bible Study will be at Candy Jones home, 2350 N. Nugent at 9:30 AM each Friday. All women are invited to share in the fellowship and fun as they study in the Book of Proverbs. For more information, call Candy at 758-7986.
Evening Bible Study continues for men and women at the Wendell and Terry Terry home each Monday. Soup and salad is served at 6 PM followed by studying in the book of Matthew at 6:45 PM.
Regular Sunday morning services are at the Grange Hall from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM. For more information, call Pastor Chris Immer at 758-2254.
When someone asks you “A penny for your thoughts.” And you put in your
two cents worth, what happens to the other penny?
Sunny days have turned to gray, the rhythm of rainy days delight and dismay, turning leaves color our world, as one season blends into another. At the Church we are celebrating Thanksgiving Season between the holidays in Canada and the United States. On Lummi Island we do not have far to look to find that for which we are grateful. Come join us in worship each Sunday at 10:30 as together we give thanks to God. Upcoming events at the Church include a Bluegrass Gospel Sing, led by the Bensons, on Oct 21, with a potluck at 11:30 AM followed by a jam session.
Clean, gently used coats are being collected by Oct 21 to warm someone’s winter.
This month the Church Book Group discusses Why is God Laughing? Wednesday, Oct 24, at 7 PM preceded by a potluck at 6:30 PM.
AA meetings are happening once again on Mondays at 7 P.M. Elderberries, a gathering for retired Islanders, meet each Wednesday from 10 AM to 2 P.M. with a hot lunch served at noon.
The Church is hosting monthly Parish Dinners, in October on the 25th at 6 P.M., a meal of comfort food for just $8.
The Wongs are planning dinner at 4 PM on Thanksgiving Day at the Church, everyone is invited, especially those without family nearby — see the announcement elsewhere in this Tome – contact Nancy Wong if you would like to provide a dish, or just come and enjoy.
We are happy to welcome you to use the path to Church Beach, or the labyrinth in the woods behind the Church. These are ways we express our appreciation for the Island’s generous support of the Church.
On Wednesdays I am available to meet with Islanders who desire a confidential place to talk or discuss matters spiritual. For an appointment call 303-1941.
An atheist is a person who has no invisible means of support.
THE DIRTY DOZEN LIST A cooperative effort of LIHT and LICA – – Ginny Winfield &Mike Skehan
THREAT: Himalayan blackberry is the most visible blackberry of Whatcom County. It is native to Western Europe and was probably first introduced into North America in 1885, as a cultivated crop. It is very aggressive, reproducing both vegetatively and through seed production. Seeds can be spread by birds, humans and other mammals. Blackberries can form suckers off roots, and canes will root when they touch the ground, forming new plants. Himalayan blackberry quickly forms impenetrable thickets, consisting of both dead and live canes.
DESCRIPTION: Himalayan blackberry stems, called canes, grow upright at first, then cascade onto surrounding vegetation, forming large thickets of the blackberry. While some canes stay more erect, growing up to 9 feet high, others are more trailing, growing 20-40 feet long. The canes can take root at the tip, when they hit the ground, further expanding the infestation. Himalayan blackberry can be evergreen, depending on the site.
MANAGEMENT OPTIONS: Himalayan blackberry can be controlled through mechanical and chemical means. Seedlings can be hand pulled, especially in loose soil. Plants can also be hand dug, removing as much of the root as possible, to prevent resprouting. Mowing can be used to control blackberries, but must be repeated throughout the growing season. Cutting and removing canes is a very short-term solution, as more canes will sprout from the root crown. However, these new sprouts could subsequently be treated with herbicide. If canes can only be removed once in a season, the best time is when the plant starts to flower. Himalayan blackberry can also be controlled through chemical means. Contact the weed control board for site-specific chemical recommendations. Here is an interesting article on removing blackberries
Good judgment comes from experience, and a lotta that comes from bad judgment.
BE TIDY – ed
Recently I was walking the isles in Walmart past the Jell-O shelves. A little old lady – gotta be past 90 – was reaching way back to the rear of the shelf fumbling around the Jell-O boxes. As I passed I made a casual and silly comment “The one you want is in the back of the shelf.” “No”, she said “I am just rearranging the boxes to tidy them up in proper order.” I was impressed. She was not a Walmart employee – she was just a little old lady that likes to see things tidy and in proper order. When I get old and stupid, I would like to have a little old lady like that to look after me.
Margaret Brandsrud – January 5, 1931 – October 10, 2012
Margaret Alice Brandsrud age 81, passed away on October 10, 2012 at her home on Lummi Island. She was born January 5, 1931 in Hayden, Colorado to Fray and Estrid (Olson) Baker. She first moved to Lummi Island in 1939 and began attending Beach School at the age of 8.
Margaret earned her nursing degree from Western Washington State College in Bellingham (currently WWU). She worked as a registered nurse working at both St. Luke’s Hospital and St. Joseph Hospital, in addition to providing nursing care at Somerset Manor, Shuksan Care Center and Alderwood Park Convalescent Center. Later, she continued to provide health care services by operating an adult care facility in her home.
In her spare time, Margaret enjoyed sewing, reading and walking – often walking the Otto Preserve with her black Labrador “Sammy” who preceded her in death June 10, 2012.
Margaret is survived by her 3 daughters and their spouses, Gail and Chris Kibble of Smithers, B.C.; Beth and Rick Salas of Custer; and Lynn and Mark Hersman of Bellingham; 9 grandchildren; 5 great grandchildren; a sister Norma and husband Jerry Matthewson of Hansville, WA; brother Charles Baker of Lummi Island; and cousin Alice Sadler of Bellingham.
A funeral service was held Thursday, October 18, 2012 at Greenacres Memorial Park, 5700 Northwest Drive, Ferndale. Please sign the online guest book and share your thoughts and memories of Margaret at
“The greater wealth is to live content with little,
for there is never want where the mind is satisfied,” – Lucretius
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Land Surveyor
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Barry Herman, PLS
3842 Legoe Bay Rd
Lummi Island, WA 360 758 2068
Northstar Marine Canvas
Custom Canvas for your boat or home
Victoria Souze
758-2068 739-6713
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The SauseBurger™ Stand
at the Islander Store
2106 S. Nugent Road
Lummi Island, WA 98262
SauseBurgers™ – Sausages – Salads – Special Events
11:30 – 4:30 Friday, Saturday, & Sunday
Deanna Durbin Herb Iversen
(360) 224-7659 (360) 319-0155
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Officers . | Directors . |
President: David Thorn | Bill Lee Larry Roteman |
Vice President: Malcolm Hutchings | John Arntsen Tom Weatherby (2 yr) |
Secretary: Mike Skehan | Tamia Sorensen |
Treasurer/Editor/Archivist: Paul Davis |
The Tome is the publication of the Lummi Island Community Association and is published monthly except August and December. All subscriptions are on a calendar year basis, January to December. Subscription fee is $6.00 for Lummi Island addresses, $10.00 for off-Island addresses and $6.00 for e-mail delivery. Canadian addresses are $16.00 U.S. funds. Paul Revere e-mail news service is free with any subscription. Free LICA membership is limited to residents and property owners of Lummi Island (18 years and older). Write to LICA, P.O. Box 163, Lummi Island WA 98262; or call Paul Davis, Treasurer and Editor at (360) 758-2414 for information about subscriptions, membership or advertising. E-mail:
Lummi Island Community Association NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION
Lummi Island WA 98262-0163 LUMMI ISLAND WA
The Tome
of Lummi Island
Volume XLVII Number 9
October 19, 2012