Our Lummi Island Community

Tome 2012/06

The Tome Of Lummi Island
Volume XLVII No. 6
June 2012



Community Association Meeting – Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Potluck Dinner – – – 6:30 PM

Program and Business Meeting – – – 7:15 PM

Program: Lummi Island Ferry Advisory Committee Discussion


C A L E N D A R O F E V E N T S________

Saturday Market – Islander North end ………………………………… Every Saturday 10 AM to 1 PM

Elderberries – Fun, Games and Lunch for Seniors – Church …………… Every Wednesday 11 AM to 2 PM

Island Church & Sunday School – 758-2060………………………………. Every Sunday 10:30 AM

Island Chapel – Grange Hall ……………………………………………………… Every Sunday 9:30 AM

Otto Preserve Wetland Dedication – Betty’s Shortcut ……………… June 23 Saturday 3:00 to 5:00 PM

Fire Department Open House ………………………………………… June 24 Sunday 10 AM to 2 PM

Recycle Pickup – Your House ……………………………………………………… June 25 Monday morning

LICA POTLUCK DINNER MEETING —Grange Hall ..…………… June 27 Wednesday 6:30 / 7:15 PM

Ferry Fueling Day (Alternate Thursdays at Gooseberry Point) …………. June 28 Thursday 12:30 to 1:20 PM

Metal Craft Workshop with Aluminum Cans – Island Library …….….. June 28 Thursday 6:00 PM

Annual Pancake Breakfast – Grange Hall …………………………… June 30 Saturday 8:30 to 10:30 AM

Artists, Authors & Crafters Street Show and Sale – south of Library … June 30 Saturday 11 AM to 4:00 PM

Friends of Island Library Book Sale Begins – Noble Barn……………. June 30 Saturday 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

FOIL Book Sale Continues Island Library Noble Barn – (Ice Cream). July 1 Sunday 1:00 to 4:00 PM

Lummi Island Conservancy Board – Library …………………………………. July 1 Sunday 7:30 PM

Cemetery Board – Library …………………………………………… July 2 Monday 6:30 PM

Grange Meeting ………………Social at 6:30 PM……………….…… July 4 Wednesday 7:00 PM

Rummage Sale Drop Off – Church …………………………………… July 5 Thursday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Church Rummage Sale – Church ……………………………………… July 6 Friday 4:00 to 8:00 PM

Church Rummage Sale – Church ……………………………………… July 7 Saturday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Recycle Pickup — Your house ………………………………………. July 9 Monday morning

Gardeners Network – Grange Hall …………………………………… July 9 Monday 6:30 PM

Friends of Island Library ……………………………………………… July 9 Monday 7:30 PM

Fire Commissioners Meeting — Fire Hall—Open to Public ……..…… July 10 Tuesday 7:00 PM

LICA Board of Directors — Library ………………………………….. July 11 Wednesday 7:00 PM

Ferry Fueling Day (Alternate Thursdays at Gooseberry Point) …………. July 12 Thursday 12:30 to 1:20 PM

The Tome Deadline ……………………………………………………………… July 13 Friday 11:00 PM

Edible Garden Tour ……………………………………………….…. July 14 Saturday 11 AM – 5 PM

Boys & Girls Club Board Meeting – at the Club …………………………….. July 17 Tuesday 6:30 PM

Heritage Trust Member Appreciation Chili Cook-off – Otto Preserve July 21 Saturday Noon to 3 PM

Boys & Girls Club Auction – Grange Hall ($25 cover charge)………. July 28 Saturday 5:30 PM

Jazz Festival – Grange Hall – outside ……………………………… Aug 11, Saturday Noon to 9:30 PM

Benefit Blues Festival next to Islander Store. Aug 18 Saturday TBA

Ferry Dry Dock Dates – (tentative) ……………………………………. Sept 5 to Sept 26

Post Office Hours Mon-Fri 7:45 AM to 3:15 PM; Sat 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM (Boxes 24 hours) 758-2320

Library (New summer hours) Tues & Thurs 2:00 to 8:00 PM; Fri & Sat 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM 758-7145

Grange Hall Rent contact: Leslie Dempsey – 758-2348



Our program at next Wednesday’s (June 27) Potluck Dinner Meeting will be a welcome to some of the members of our newly appointed Ferry Advisory Committee to the Whatcom Co. Council and Executive. Dinner starts promptly at 6:30 PM at the Grange Hall with our guest discussion starting at 7:15. This will be followed by a General Membership meeting, our last until September after dry dock. Parking and queuing plans at Gooseberry are ‘hot button’ issues these days.

Under ‘Old Business’, we plan to brief the membership on a recent discussion with Public Works on future uses and requirements for use of the parking lot infield along with soliciting ideas for moving forward with the currently cancelled flagpole project.

The door prize will be $20 for a Tome subscriber if s/he is in the Hall at the time of the drawing. Last month when I announced that we had a winner of the $30 door prize, optimistic Mike Skehan said “Let me have it.” So I did. It was Mike’s name that was drawn, but he donated it back into the LICA treasury. Each time the prize is claimed we start over at $20 the following month.

I’m an optimist, but I don’t think it helps.

Westshore Farm Hayfield 1.55” 3.75” (Sheila & Al Marshall)
North Tuttle Lane 1.52” 3.80” (Nancy Simmerman)
South Nugent 1.82” 3.61” (Jerry Brown)
Scenic Estates 1.50” 4.37” (Darlene Stoffer)


NANCY SIMMERMAN’S KNITWEAR & GIFT SHOP is now open at 2386 Tuttle Lane. By appointment or drop by. Phone:758-2489. Brochure available at The Islander.


DAVID HAWLEY Weed-eating, pruning, weeding, paths, gardens 255-3433

ERIK’S LANDSCAPING Professional pruning, installation, renovation and maintenance. 758-7105

ALUMINUM CAN-RECYCLING by the Grange. Bins located in Grange parking lot. Thank you.


June ‑ Where are your matches and lighters? Make sure they are in a safe location, away from small hands. Talk with your kids about these, and ask them to always tell you if they find matches or lighters.

Artists, Authors & Crafters – – Bob Auld

The “5th Annual Artists, Authors & Crafters Street Show and Sale” has a new location. This year the event will be on South Nugent, at the vacant property just south of the library. Saturday, June 30th from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM. As always, free to the public, free for spectators and free for the vendors, there is no charge for participation and I invite all artists, authors, crafters, chocolatiers, basket makers, etc. to join us on Saturday June 30th. Questions or to participate – call Candy 647-1411 or Bob 758-4117.

$10 MONEY TEN MONEY $10 – – ed

Last month’s winner of the $10 Certificate hidden in one copy of The Tome generously donated it back to LICA, but I had to tell her that she was not eligible for the $10 because she forgot to subscribe to the Tome, so she couldn’t receive it or donate it back. ????So – just who exactly was it that didn’t get that $10?

Each month we hide a Certificate redeemable for $10 cash in one copy of the Tome. Only Tome subscribers on Lummi Island are eligible for this cash bonanza.

2012 Legoe Bay Reefnet salmon fishery – – Jerry Anderson

After a record pink catch by many of the Reefnetters in 2011 this year will likely be very bleak. First, Pinks do not come in even number years. Second, this cycle is historically the lowest of the four year cycle for sockeye. At the annual meeting of the Reefnetters Association April 28, President Jack Giard reported that the Pacific Salmon Commission chief biologist had announced that the 2012 predicted run would be somewhere between 1.2 Million and 3.8 million. Based upon 50% probability, the run would be 2,121,000. Jack’s report was backed up by two members of the Fraser panel who were guests at the meeting. The projected total catch is 80,000 sockeye by U.S. fishers both treaty and non treaty. Of this the RN catch could be about 3,300. This would likely allow for a one or two day fishery about the second week of August. The RN’s would again be allowed to fish in a chum and coho fishery beginning September 30. It is a 7 day per week fishery. Only 6 of the 8 RN gears at Lummi Island will fish this year because of the small sockeye run.

The reefnet fishery will be used again this year starting July 16 to enumerate composition, timing and size of the run. One gear at Lummi will count the fish going through 6 days a week and three will catch samples for the Pacific Salmon Commission.

Many RN fishers along with many Islanders attended the unveiling of the new sign on May 26, showing how reefnets operate We all thank the Lummi Island Civic Club under leadership of Rose Ann Auld for spearheading the funding and design of the sign. Some Islanders may not know that there is a large amount of information and history about RN’s on a State Library webpage. You can access this at www.washingtonruralheritage.org/lummi. We encourage you to check it out.

You may be a red neck if you’ve ever made change from the offering plate.

Pancake Breakfast – -Pat Moye

The Lummi Island Independence Day Pancake Breakfast is Saturday June 30th at the Grange Hall. This has been an Island tradition for so many years that no one at the planning meeting could remember when it started and some of these folks are pretty old. I thought you were supposed to lose your short term memory and bore the pants off everyone with your long term memory as you aged!

Since this is such a great tradition we invite you all to come on down to the Grange Hall for a filling breakfast of pancakes, both blueberry and plain, ham, eggs, juice and coffee. This is a great chance to catch up on what has been happening in the lives of other Islanders who have holed up for the winter months and only come out to visit when the sun comes out.

Here’s the important part: When: Saturday, June 30, 8:30 to 10:30. Cost: Adults $6 children 12 years and younger $3. Where: The Grange Hall

Conversion Factors for the Engineer: Ratio of an igloo’s circumference to its diameter: Eskimo Pi.


Island Chapel has set dates for summer camp on Barnes Island. Family camping will be during July 29 through August 4. There is room in the barn loft, spaces for your tent or some space in the house. Bring the whole family for fun and fellowship during that time. If you haven’t a boat to get to the island, contact Pastor Chris in advance to arrange transportation at 758-2254. Youth camp will be Aug. 5-11 with overnight camping for older youth and a day camp for younger.

The all-church picnic will be at the Wendell and Terry Terry home following church on Aug. 19. They live at 2822 N. Nugent Road.

All interested in Bible study will be welcomed at the Monday evening groups for men and women at the Terry home. Come at 6 PM for soup and salads followed by study from 6:45 until 7:45. The Friday morning group for women has recessed for the summer.

Everyone is welcome to Sunday morning church services at The Grange Hall at 9:30 AM.

“Computers of the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons.” – Popular Mechanics, 1949

Grange News – Tamia Sorensen

This month the Grange is delighted and proud to announce the recipient of the 2012 Lummi Island Grange Scholarship, Erik Arntsen. Erik will be attending the University of Washington in the fall. Congratulations and best of luck to Erik! Also this month, we announce several workshops and presentations associated with the Grange sponsored Country Living Series. There was part one of two seed-saving workshops at the Grange Hall on June 9th. On June 18th, Robert Keller presents a tutorial on how to make Kim Chi. Later in the month, on June 23rd, we have the second installment of our seed saving program. On June 28th, we have a wine making class with Molly Harmoney. In July, Mike Moye will be conducting a class on chainsaw maintenance and safety. Finally, we are planning a “canning mentor” program for the autumn. Anyone interested in becoming a mentor – or mentee – please see further information and contact details in the calendar section of our website. Finally, our annual Grange Pancake Breakfast will be on Saturday morning, June 30th at the Grange Hall. We encourage all to join us for a nutritious and fun breakfast.

The Grange meets the first Wednesday of the month. Coffee, dessert and visiting from 6.30 PM and the Meeting from 7.00-8.00 PM. We invite you to join us and we welcome new faces! Leslie Dempsey is President and Robert Sorensen is Vice President. For more information on the Grange or any of the events/programs mentioned, please visit our website www.lummigrange.com.

“Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible.” – Lord Kelvin, President, Royal Society – 1895


We have a crew of volunteers phoning everyone in the old phone booklet looking for corrections, deletions, additions etc. and plan to have all our corrected listing ready for editing by the end of July. If you have not received such a call, please call or e-mail me with any corrections to be sure we have your correct information. Phone Paul @ 2414 or e-mail thetome@lummiislandcable.com. If you have a number that is only seasonally active, be sure to let me know so we don’t delete you when we get a recording saying: “The number has been disconnected.”

2012 Tome subscribers who gave me a Lummi Island address will receive a free copy of the new booklet when it is published. Others will be given an opportunity to buy one. Call me if you can’t remember if you have subscribed – 758-2414.

High school science: “Planet: a body of Earth surrounded by sky”


If you wish to advertise your business in the new Lummi Island phone booklet with a business-card size ad, please call me (758-2414) or e-mail thetome@lummiislandcable.com

The fee is $100 and it will be good for two years until we re-publish the phone list again. Look in the current phone booklet to see how your ad will look at the bottom of one of the white pages. We put only one advertisement on each page.

You ad fee not only gets your ad into a prominent place, but it also makes it possible for your Community Association to do this public service project for your Island neighbors by helping to pay printing and postage expenses. There are no other expenses – all work is volunteered by your Island neighbors.

Men are from Earth. Women are from Earth. Deal with it.

THE DIRTY DOZEN LIST A cooperative effort of LIHT and LICA – – Ginny Winfield &Mike Skehan


DESCRIPTION: Hedge bindweed (also called wild morning glory), is a rhizomatous perennial with long climbing stems that clamber over fruit trees, vegetable crops and herbaceous plants. It twines anti-clockwise. The dark green leaves are large and arrow-shaped, with a sharp point, although seedling leaves are more heart-shaped. The large, showy flowers bloom June through October, are usually white, and grow up to three inches long. The related field bindweed (with smaller flowers) is also invasive, but is less common in Whatcom County.

THREAT: This is an aggressive climbing plant. It reproduces by both seeds and by fleshy, creeping rhizomes, which produce many buds. This extensive network of rhizomes makes it very difficult to eradicate the plant as pieces can be spread through garden and farm equipment, soil, and by cultivation. New plants can develop from pieces of root, rhizome or stem. Vegetative fragments of the weed are often dumped with garden waste. Seeds can retain viability for at least 39 years when buried in soil.

MANAGEMENT: Hedge bindweed is difficult to control once it has become established. Identification and removal of seedlings is important to prevent establishment. Larger plants can be removed by digging, take care to remove as much of the root system as possible. Burn, do not compost. Continue to check the site for re-sprouting plants. A minimum of 48 hrs desiccation is needed to reduce the regenerative capacity of rhizome fragments. Food reserves in the vegetative organs can be exhausted by frequent hoeing. Mechanical control is most effective when shoots are 38 to 50 cm long. Burial to at least 25 cm is needed to reduce re-growth. A ground cover of common chickweed has been used to suppress hedge bindweed in vineyards. Hedge bindweed can be controlled with herbicides, contact the Whatcom County Weed Control Board for site specific chemical recommendations.

In Washington State, “noxious weed” is a legally defined term. The Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board determines which plants are placed on the Washington State Noxious Weed List (WAC 16-750). These plants are non-native, aggressive and invasive, but with the potential to be eradicated or controlled in the state.

If you can’t learn to do it well, learn to enjoy doing it badly.

HERITAGE TRUST NEWS – – Megan Crouse and GuruBani Khalsa

Everyone is invited to join us for the Dedication of the Otto Preserve Expansion, June 23, 3:00-5:00 PM at the Otto Resource Center, 3560 Sunrise Road. Come enjoy refreshments and walk “Betty’s Shortcut!” Hikers of all ages and abilities, and dogs on leash are welcome on the new trail.

Register your kids today for Nature Explorers (ages 6-12 years) and Junior Nature Explorers (ages 3-5 years), the Heritage Trust’s summer environmental education programs. Registration forms are available at the Otto Resource Center and the Boys & Girls Club.

Calling all Chili Chefs! Submit your entry form by July 9 for the Trust’s annual Chili Cook off and Member Appreciation Picnic, held at the Otto Preserve meadow on July 21, 12:00-3:00 PM. We will sample great chili and Island-baked cornbreads, enjoy cold drinks and hot music while we thank our supporters and celebrate land conservation on Lummi Island.

Visit the Trust’s table at the Saturday Market to buy t-shirts, caps, and tote bags, all in brand new styles and colors. Shared Heritage and View from Lummi Island books, as well as mugs are available for sale.

Thank you to Victor and Tara Burgett for the beautiful framed photos that are hanging at the Resource Center. The 40 photos represent flora and fauna that call the Otto Preserve home. Stop by to see if you can identify these birds, amphibians, plants and animals.

Confidence is the feeling you have before you understand the situation.

The Benefit Blues Festival – – Deborah Hawley

The Benefit Blues Festival, the 3rd Annual Blues Festival on Lummi Island, is planned for Saturday, August 18th next to the Islander Store. There will be local Island vendors, food by Lummi Island Gourmet and a beer garden. In addition, there will be various local artists and non-profit information booths. There will be live music from local musicians and others. The event will go from noon until 8:00 PM.

This benefit festival is being planned by Island resident Deborah Hawley, M.A., founder of M.O.R.E. for change, (Mothers of Offenders & Others Rallying & Educating for change), -our website is under development – be looking for information on it at moreforchange.org . Our aim is to use the proceeds from the Benefit Festival to create a speakers bureau to raise awareness of incarceration and public safety.

We are planning for representatives in public office, who support raising awareness to be at the benefit. Two Whatcom County Non-Profit Coalitions and other Organizations from the Seattle area will have booths providing information about incarceration and what their particular organizations are doing to contribute to change. For more information e-mail deborahhhawley@yahoo.com. Please call (360) 255-3434 for more information about the Benefit Blues Festival. We hope to see you there!

Last week 3M Corporation merged with Goodyear Tire Co. Mmm-Good

BOYS & GIRLS CLUB NEWS – – Lynn Schreiber

With the end of school nearing and the weather getting warmer you will see the kids from the B & G out and about more around the Island. We are starting our summer program on June 26 and will run thru August 17, and our days and hours will be Tuesday thru Thursday, 10:00 to 3:00. We have lots of fun and learning planned including, swimming, refinishing chairs by painting and reupholstering them, hiking, gardening, field trips and so much more. We will also be working very closely with the Heritage Trust’s Nature Explorers Program this year and we are very excited!

We would like to acknowledge T-Mobile in Bellingham for coming out to our club for a visit and to give us so many wonderful things! T-Mobile picks a non-profit every month to donate items to so they can give back to their community. They brought out 12 people and gave the kids paints, canvases, crayola model magic, a Wii with two games and so much more! The excitement among the kids was amazing and we got right to work writing Thank You cards to send to the T-Mobile staff.

The staff would like to also acknowledge our Youth of the Month for May.-.Faith Daschbach! Faith has been attending club for quite some time and has been involved with basketball, smart girls, Jr. staff, art, digital photography and more. Faith always helps out when asked, always comes to club with a smile on her face and is someone the kids look to for help and support. Faith is an amazing young lady and we are grateful for her energy and smile!

Last but not least – please mark your calendars for the Lummi Island Boys & Girls Club Annual Auction! Our auction this year will be on July 28 at the Grange. The doors open at 5:30 and the cost to enter will be $25.00. What do you get for your money? Well, let me tell you! You get delish food prepared by Glenn Hoekstra, a drink ticket and access to some fantastic silent bid items! You will also have the opportunity to bid on some amazing live auction items with the help of our auctioneer Tracey Olney. The theme for this year is “Lummi Island Luau”, so dust off your Hawaiian shirt, dig out your grass skirts and come to an evening of food, fun and spirited bidding! If you have any questions call Lynn at the club, 758-2828. We hope to see you all there for a fun evening of supporting our Island kids!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who supports our Club and the kids who attend. We get many donations from people on and off Island and we couldn’t give the kids the experience they are getting without that support. So, please accept our heartfelt gratitude and know that you are all thought of often.

What has four legs and an arm? ………….A happy pit bull.


School is out and summer is in. Mrs. Sheek has officially retired and I hope many of you attended her party. She has made a positive difference in the lives of over a hundred Island children. And Terri Cook will be back in September with her ready smile, youth, and enthusiasm to take over the responsibility of enriching the lives of our students.

Thank you to all the Island volunteers and to all who have assisted our school or students in other ways. School starts again…September 5th.

I just do what the voices inside my head tell me to do.

Greetings from Whatcom County Public Works. – – Frank Abart, Public Works Director

The tentative dates for dry dock this year are September 5th through September 26th. We will have firm dry dock dates once we award the dry dock bid late next month.

The wing wall construction at Gooseberry Point that was originally planned for dry dock will now take place either before or after dry dock. The timeframe was changed for a few reasons. First, it has been determined that the work can be accomplished with minimal interruptions to ferry service. Second, and more significantly, Public Works is delaying the bid until we know the status of some grant funding for the work.

The Public Works Department will send out a press release as soon as we have additional information and have firm dates for the construction work.

A conclusion is simply the place where you got tired of thinking.


New July & August Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 2:00 – 8:00 Friday & Saturday 10:00 – 4:00

Upcoming Events

Used Book Sale –“Double Your Pleasure, Double Your Fun.” FOIL has decided to extend opening day of the Used Book Sale to two days. Gently used books at great prices. Saturday, June 30 from 10:00 – 2:00 and Sun 1:00 – 4:00. Soft Serve Ice Cream on Sunday!

FOIL is still accepting books for the used book sale. Drop your books in the Noble Barn whenever the library is open. Please no text books, out of date computer books, National Geographic magazines, or torn distressed books.

The Summer Reading Programs have started with gusto. We will have weekly activities and prizes for the number of hours read, with a drawing for a grand prize bike provided by Friends of Island Library and Island Ook.

Teens will “Own the Night”, become reading mentors for the younger community, and write reviews for weekly prize drawings with a grand prize of a Kindle Fire purchased by FOIL.

Metal Craft – Come have fun making colorful “tin” décor with Karen Weber. Bring 2-3 empty aluminum cans (don’t crush) and inexpensive scissors. Thursday, Jun 28, 6:00 PM at the Library. Adults and Grades 6-12.

Lummi Island Jazz Festival produced by Stu Clarke and featuring Barney McClure, Scot Ranney and many others. Saturday, August 11, Noon to 5:30 PM, 6:00 -9:30 PM outside at the Grange. Mark your calendars, this is special!

New Hours

Notice that the Island Library has extended its summer hours for July and August by adding Friday – 10 AM to 4 PM.

The Friends of Island Library (FOIL) Board meets the second Monday of the month at the library. FOIL members are community volunteers who have decided to support Lummi Island Library. The next meeting is Monday, Aug 13, 7:30 to 9:00 PM at the Library. FOIL Board meetings are open to the public.

If olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from?

Wallace Wendell Croy – May 29, 1925 ~ May 31, 2012

Wallace Wendell Croy, 87, died surrounded by his loving family. Wallace was born in Seattle and attended Puyallup High School. He attended two years at Western Washington University in Bellingham before finishing his Civil Engineering degree at the University of Washington.

He and his life-long partner of 67 years, Lu Willa (Morton) Croy met at a local grocery where Wallace worked and Lu Willa’s family conducted trade. Wallace joined the U.S. Navy in 1943 and started his career as an enlisted Yeoman.

Wallace started a life with Lu Willa in Bellingham in 1947. As a community steward, he signed on as one of the original Bellingham Fire Department Volunteers in 1952. He served as the Fire Dept. District 8 Commissioner until weeks before his death. He is very proud of the relationships made and his time served with the Fire department.

Wallace co-owned Croy Construction and is very proud of all his company’s accomplishments. He was President of Lummi Island Scenic Estates for 20 years and helped develop the infrastructure of Scenic Estates by designing and building the water treatment facility.

As die hard Husky fans and alum, Wallace and Lu Willa were season football ticket holders for 60 plus years and attended every home game and always rooting on their dawgs.

Wallace is survived by his wife Lu Willa.

“Those who think awry will scarcely act straightly.” – Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Fire Department Loses to The Willows Inn – – Duncan McLane, Fire Chief

As most of you may know by now, the Willows defeated the Fire Department in Softball. So let’s look at some of the differences between our two organizations; our Chef is a 12 year permanent resident and locally renowned hot dog specialist, our menu is short and sweet while allowing the customer to have a few choices of what they want to dine on, our food is FREE , although we only serve food once a year, we are available 24/7 with a universal emergency contact number (that is not a answering machine) that will put us at your doorstep on an average of 12 minutes. Come see for yourself at our annual OPEN HOUSE Sunday June 24th from 10 – 2. Washington’s Chief Hazard Geologist will be showing an animation of the potential tsunami created by the rupture of the Cascadia fault in addition to amazing footage from inside a vehicle caught in last year’s Japan tsunami. Check your fire extinguishers and if you have any doubt or questions, bring them with you; inspections, servicing and training will be available. Hope to see you there.

God grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway,

the good fortune to run into the ones I do, and the eyesight and wits to tell the difference.

Saturday Market – – Jyl Peterson

The Saturday Market has begun. You will find pottery, jewelry, art and prints, spices, clothing and sewing, bicycle repair, mirrors, the Heritage Trust, and more. New additions will be Legoe Bay Wine tasting, hanging flowering plants, an Herb and Dee lunch special, and special breads.

The Market would like to make a call for a produce table. Extras from your garden? If everyone contributed something weekly we could have one table that could benefit a non profit organization e.g. the Boys and Girls Club. Please call Jyl (2621) with ideas and contributions as they may come.

The Market will be announcing a garage sale Saturday date soon.

Please come visit us. This makes a fun Saturday morning from 10 to 1. Thank you visitors and Islanders!

Is it true that cannibals don’t eat clowns because they taste funny?

Lummi Island Congregational Church – – Cindy Bauleke, Pastor

The long days of summer stretch before us, with time to enjoy the beauty of the Island. Time to spend with family, friends and neighbors. Time to create and re-creation. Time to enjoy our path to Church Beach, picnic in the Outdoor Center, or walk the labyrinth in the woods. We are so grateful for your support of the Church, expressed in so many ways.

As a community of faith we have always sought to welcome everyone. We recently voted to be an Open and Affirming Congregation. Regardless of race, economic status, abilities, gender identity, or sexual orientation we believe each person is a loved child of God and welcome here. We also celebrated the confirmation of two of our high school students – rather counter cultural!

Coming up this summer, not to be missed events include: a hymn sing and strawberry social on July 1, 10:30 A.M. Everyone’s favorite Rummage Sale: drop off usable items Thursday, July 5, 8 A.M. to 5 P.M.; sale hours are Friday, July 6, 4-8 P.M.; Saturday, July 7, 8 A.M. to 5 P.M.; call Jane Phillips (7214) with questions. The Church Book Group explores our faith through a variety of books, for July 11 we are reading Traveling Mercies by Ann Lamott, 7 PM discussion with potluck at 6:30. This year, Worship on Church Beach will be July 22, 10:30 A.M., weather permitting. Vacation Bible School is scheduled for August 20-24 for kindergartners through sixth graders. A bell choir group is forming for the summer; contact Cindy Minkler (255-1580) if you would like to ring.

The new Prayer Shawl Group meets Thursdays at 7 PM in the Church basement, to knit and crochet. Elderberries continue to meet for fun and games Wednesdays 11 AM to 2 PM with lunch at noon. If you are an elder, you are welcome to join us for lunch or the whole time. Our wonderful Parish Nurses provide consultations, loan medical equipment, provide emergency food or meals at a time of crisis. With Dorothy away, you can call any of the team: Jane Phillips, Barb Miller, Megan Crouse, or Nancy Wong. (More details: LummiChurch.org or Lummi Island Congregational Church on Facebook)

Late news is that W.R. Grace Co., Fuller Brush Co., Mary Kay Cosmetics and Hale Business Systems

will merge this summer. The new corporate name will be Hale Mary Fuller Grace.

CIVIC CLUB NEWS – – Pat Moye, Secretary

Members of the Civic Club met June 14th at the home of President Rose Ann Auld for a party to celebrate all our accomplishments for the year. We had a wonderful time visiting, drinking Mimosa and dining on all the wonderful salads and desserts made by members. The only business conducted at this meeting was to pledge $1,500 to Friends of Island Library’s remodel campaign. We take a break for the summer and start back up in September. We meet the second Thursday of every month in the Congregational Church Fellowship Hall. The Civic Club is open to all Lummi Island women. Please join us in September.

This morning I woke up to the unmistaken scent of pigs in a blanket.

That’s the price you pay for letting relatives stay over.

LIFAC Members on Program at LICA Pot Luck – – Mike McKenzie, Chair, LIFAC

Some members of the recently-appointed Whatcom County Council’s Lummi Island Ferry Advisory Committee (LIFAC) will be part of the program Wednesday night, June 27, after the monthly Lummi Island Community Association (LICA) pot luck supper. Potluck starts at 6:30 PM and the program starts at 7:15 PM at the Grange Hall.

A brief presentation will update attendees on actions taken after three meetings of the committee;

A report to County Council about the proposed reconstruction of Gooseberry Point to accommodate a new way of queuing to board the ferry

Its impact on dry dock and parking;

Recommendations to Public Works to help reduce costs of ferry operations with electronic/credit card ticketing,

An update on Public Works’ intentions to eliminate security at the Gooseberry landing.

The average woman would rather have beauty than brains

because the average man can see better than he can think.


Please come enjoy a fun-filled summer evening with Dana Lyons, Bellingham song writer, singer and guitarist, best known for his comedy hit ‘Cows with Guns.’ He is performing on Lummi Island on Wednesday, July 18 at 7:30 PM at Lis and Mark Marshall’s home (2330 Tuttle Lane). Dana is raising funds to spread the word about the proposed coal port terminal planned for Cherry Point.

Admission is $10. Light refreshments will be provided. Dana’s music is both satirical and passionate. His concert will be a blend of comedy, beautiful ballads and stories good for the whole family. Kids under 10 are free. Check out his music at cowswithguns.com. Space is limited; please RSVP to Colleen Berg at 758-7048.

Vital papers will demonstrate their vitality by moving from where you left them

to where you can’t find them.

4th Annual EDIBLE GARDEN TOUR – Saturday, July 14th – – Jennifer Bernard

Run, walk, pedal, drive: snap and enjoy! This event is for bicycling, for photography, for enjoying Lummi Island’s nature and for learning (and borrowing ideas!) to plant and grow edible gardens. You’ll see every shape and size, including orchards. The tour this year features 14 gardens.

All proceeds benefit Beach Elementary School’s future through the not-for-profit Beach School Foundation. The Foundation is grateful for all the sponsors, donations and especially the gardeners who proudly open their plots on this special day.

Commemorative T-shirts, $15, and tickets $5 each, $10 family, can be purchased or reserved on-line at www.beachschoolfoundation.org or purchased at the BSF booth located at the Lummi Island Saturday Market each Saturday from now until the Tour. This year, the “Rustic Crust” wood-fired pizza truck will provide lunch options for our many visitors, along with home-made root beer! Look forward to seeing you on the Tour!

“Education’s purpose: To replace an empty mind with an open one.” – Malcolm Forbes

The hazard of entrepreneurism

Two Lummi Island young men, John and Larry, are bungee jumping one day. Then John says to Larry, “You know, we could make a lot of money running our own bungee‑jumping service in Mexico.”

Larry thinks this is a great idea, so the two pool their money and buy everything they’ll need: tower, elastic cord, insurance, etc.

They travel to Mexico and begin to set up in the square in Guadalajara. As they are constructing the tower, a crowd begins to assemble. Slowly, more and more people gather to watch them at work.

After they have everything ready, they decide to give the crowd a demonstration. So John jumps. He bounces at the end of the cord, but when he comes back up, Larry notices that he has a few cuts and scratches. Unfortunately, Larry isn’t able to catch him, and John falls again, bounces and comes back up again. This time, John is bruised and bleeding. Again, Larry misses him. John falls again and bounces back up. This time, he comes back pretty messed up he’s got a couple broken bones and is almost unconscious. Luckily, Larry finally catches him this time and says, “What happened? Was the cord too long?”

John replies, “No, the cord was fine… What the heck is a piñata?”


If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,

And the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,

And the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,

Then the socket packet pocket has an error to report!

If your cursor finds a menu item followed by a dash,

And the double‑clicking icons put your window in the trash,

And your data is corrupted ’cause the index doesn’t hash,

Then your situation’s hopeless, and your system’s gonna crash!

If the label on your cable on the gable at your house,

Says the network is connected to the button on your mouse,

But your packets want to tunnel to another protocol,

That’s repeatedly rejected by the printer down the hall.

And your screen is all distorted by the side effects of gauss,

So your icons in the window are as wavy as a souse,

Then you may as well reboot and go out with a bang,

Cause as sure as I’m a poet, the sucker’s gonna hang!

When the copy of your floppy’s getting sloppy on the disk,

And the microcode instructions cause unnecessary RISC,

Then you have to flash your memory and you’ll want to RAM your ROM,

Quickly turn off your computer and be sure to tell your mom!

Mt Baker Cable

Offers cable television and high speed broadband internet on Lummi Island with no contracts


Land Surveyor

Boundaries, Plats, Site Plans, Construction

Barry Herman, PLS

3842 Legoe Bay Rd

Lummi Island, WA 360 758 2068

Northstar Marine Canvas

Custom Canvas for your boat or home

Victoria Souze

758-2068 739-6713



$25 per issue

$15 for Lummi Island residents who subscribe to the Tome



Officers . Directors .
President: David Thorn Bill Lee Larry Roteman
Vice President: Malcolm Hutchings John Arntsen Tom Weatherby (2 yr)
Secretary: Mike Skehan Tamia Sorensen
Treasurer/Editor/Archivist: Paul Davis

The Tome is the publication of the Lummi Island Community Association and is published monthly except August and December. All subscriptions are on a calendar year basis, January to December. Subscription fee is $6.00 for Lummi Island addresses, $10.00 for off-Island addresses and $6.00 for e-mail delivery. Canadian addresses are $16.00 U.S. funds. Paul Revere e-mail news service is free with any subscription. Free LICA membership is limited to residents and property owners of Lummi Island (18 years and older). Write to LICA, P.O. Box 163, Lummi Island WA 98262; or call Paul Davis, Treasurer and Editor at (360) 758-2414 for information about subscriptions, membership or advertising. E-mail: thetome@lummiislandcable.com


Lummi Island Community Association NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION


Lummi Island WA 98262-0163 LUMMI ISLAND WA


The Tome

of Lummi Island

Volume XLVII Number 6

June 22, 2012




Certificate No. 612

$10 Certificate

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Expiration date: July 11. 2012

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$10 Certificate No. 612

Effective Date June 22, 2012

Expiration Date : July 11. 2012

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