The Tome Of Lummi Island
Volume XLVI No. 4
April 2011
Community Association Meeting – Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Potluck Dinner – – – 6:29 PM
Program and Business Meeting – – – 7:05 PM (New Time)
Program: Beach School and Health Care – Plus Randy Smith on the Curry Preserve Orchard Project
C A L E N D A R O F E V E N T S________
LI Volunteer Firefighter Training ………………………………………………… 1, 2 & 3 Thursdays 7:00 PM
Elderberries – Fun & Games for Seniors– Church ………………………….. Every Wednesday 10 AM to 3 PM
Island Church & Sunday School – 758-2060………………………………. Every Sunday 10:30 AM
Island Chapel – Grange Hall ……………………………………………………… Every Sunday 9:30 AM
PTO Earth Day work party – Beach School Garden …………….……. Apr 22 Friday TBA
Easter Sunrise Celebration – Scenic Estates Clubhouse ………….…. Apr 24 Sunday 6 AM
Boys & Girls Club Board Meeting – at the Club …………………………….. Apr 26 Tuesday 6:30 PM
LICA POTLUCK DINNER MEETING —Grange Hall ..…………… Apr 27 Wednesday 6:30 / 7:15 PM
Final Open Day for Food Pantry (behind Fire Hall) . Apr 28 Thursday 2-4 PM
Garden Expo Grange Hall ………(Civic Club) ……………………. Apr 30 Saturday 9:30 AM–1:00 PM
Lummi Island Players Society – Library …………………….………… May 1 Sunday 2:30 PM
Community Contra Dance Beach School – (Potluck 5:00 PM) May 1 Sunday 6 to 8 (ish) PM
Lummi Island Conservancy Board – Library …………………………………. May 1 Sunday 7:30 PM
Recycle Pickup – Your House ……………………………………………………… May 2 Monday morning
Gardeners Network – Fire Hall …………………………………………. May 2 Monday 6:30 PM
Cemetery Board – Library …………………………………………… May 2 Monday 7:00 PM
Grange Meeting ………………Social at 6:30 PM……………….……. May 4 Wednesday 7:00 PM
Ferry Fueling Day (Alternate Thursdays at Gooseberry Point) …………. May 5 Thursday 12:30 to 1:20 PM
Watershed Enhancement Meeting – Heritage Trust Resource Center May 5 Thursday 3:00 PM
Friends of Island Library ……………………………………………… May 9 Monday 7:30 PM
Fire Commissioners Meeting — Fire Hall—Open to Public ……..…… May 10 Tuesday 7:00 PM
Beach School PTO — Beach School ………………………………… May 11 Wednesday 6:45 PM
LICA Board of Directors — Library ………………………………….. May 11 Wednesday 7:30 PM
Civic Club – Church Fellowship Room …Car Pool to Picnic ………… May 12 Thursday 10:00 AM
The Tome Deadline ……………………………………………………………… May 13 Friday 11:00 PM
Island Chapel Annual Meeting – Board Elections ……………………. May 15 Sunday 11:00 AM
Recycle Pickup — Your house …………………….…………………. May 16 Monday morning
Library Starts Accepting Books for Used Book Sale ……………….… May 17 Tuesday 2:30 to 8:30 PM
Ferry Fueling Day (Alternate Thursdays at Gooseberry Point) …………. May 19 Thursday 12:30 to 1:20 PM
Income by Internet: Part II – Island Library …On-Line Business…….. May 20 Friday 6:30 PM
All-Island Talent Revue – Beach School Benefit ……………………… June 11 Saturday 2 and 7 PM
Epworth Chorale Youth Choir and Cathedral Bell Choir – Church ….. June 12 Sunday 7:00 PM
Post Office Hours Mon-Fri 7:45 AM to 3:15 PM; Sat 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM (Boxes 24 hours) 758-2320
Library hours Tuesday & Thursday 2:30 to 8:30 PM; Saturday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM 758-7145
Grange Hall Rent contact: Leslie Dempsey – Cell 206-818-9500
Our program at next Wednesday’s (April 27) Potluck Dinner Meeting will be a TRIPLET of subjects starting a bit earlier than normal at 7:05 PM with a short presentation from Beach School.
Secondly, the Health Care Assessment Committee will talk to us for a few minutes starting at 7:15 PM.
Thirdly, at 7:30 PM, Randy Smith will tell us about the exciting new project to develop the public fruit/nut orchard at the Heritage Trust Curry Preserve. I understand there will be some rules and regulations, but the picking will be free – when there is something to pick.
Following the program we will have our regular LICA business meeting to discuss all things important.
The Potluck starts at 6:29 exactly and the program starts precisely at 7:05. If you come for the potluck, remember to bring all your own table service. We will have hot water and maybe some tea bags or something –bring your own if you wish.
The door prize will be $130 for a Tome subscriber if s/he is in the Hall at the time of the drawing. Last month Jane Ballard could have had the $125 if only she hadn’t had something more fun to do in Seattle.
Flattery: The art of telling another person exactly what he thinks of himself.
Show and Sale – Saturday, July 2, 11 AM to 3 PM, Taft & Blizard Roads. Jewelry, unique glass, leather, chocolatier, landscapes, baskets, books, fine wood & more. For more information, call Bob Auld @ 4117.
SHARPENING: Chain Saws – Circular Saws – Drills – Knives – Chisels & Flat Planes – 758-2343
FOR SALE BY OWNER. Complete set of Encyclopedia Britannica, 45 volumes. Excellent condition, $200 or best offer. No longer needed, got married, wife knows everything.
FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS, Bridal Bouquets etc. 758-4277
ERIK’S LANDSCAPING Professional pruning, installation, renovation and maintenance. 758-7105
ALUMINUM CAN-RECYCLING by the Grange. Bins located in Grange parking lot. Thank you.
Neighbor Meals – – Rhayma Blake
It’s been an Island tradition for those who can cook to reach out to those facing difficult situations (new baby, recent surgery, family crisis) with meals. Jackie Granger has organized this in the past, and Rhayma Blake has now offered to support Parish Nurses in organizing meal support where necessary. The effort is called Neighbor Meals. If you want to be aware when an Island neighbor might be in need of meal support, contact her at or 758-4131 with your Name, Phone number, E-mail address (If you do not have email, call this info into Rhayma at (360) 758-4131 and you will be called when appropriate). Area(s) of the Island you are willing to consider serving (south, central, or north). You will receive alerts only for those areas you specify. Dietary expertise if any, e.g. vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian (vegetarian mostly, includes fish) and availability (Summer Only or All Year)
So, if you are aware of a friend or neighbor who is in need of some temporary meal support, please give the Parish Nurses a call. And if you want to help provide meals, contact Rhayma. Thank you for considering the gift of a meal when needed.
Behind every successful man is his woman. Behind the fall of a successful man is another woman.
Thanks to all the horde (80 plus) of folks who turned out to de-litter our roadside ditches – a huge number of regulars we can always count on plus a fair number of first timers who are new to our traditions.
Thanks to the Grange members who took charge of all the lunch activities and organized all the inside activity.
Thanks to the folks who brought cookies, cakes etc. for our lunch desert.
Thanks to Whatcom County Public Works for taking all the trash to the dump at no cost to us.
Oh – and thanks to all of us LICA members (everyone on Lummi Island) for footing the bill for lunch supplies.
We found some interesting treasures among the trash: Chris found a perfectly good power lawn mower – it doesn’t work and never will, but otherwise has great potential; Some actual cash money – a 100 cent note found by lucky Ed; a trail of Styrofoam peanuts leading all the say up to Scenic Estates; but most interesting was a collection of four large black trash bags full of marijuana. We seem to have a major marijuana operation over on Westshore Drive or maybe somewhere else on the Island. Isn’t this illegal? No we didn’t have a big Pot Party because we are not that kind of people. By now it is all buried in a land fill in eastern Oregon with the rest of our trash.
It was a very successful operation collecting a big pile of trash and culminating with a nice lunch back at the Grange Hall.
And my admonition that it WILL NOT rain was only slightly ignored, but nobody seemed to mind very much.
To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and call whatever you hit the target.
Four large black trash bags full of garden clippings lost along Westshore drive. If you find it please call 758-7959. $25,000 reward and all the bombed out stupor you can handle for a month.
$10 MONEY TEN MONEY $10 – – ed
Last month there was no winner of the $10 Certificate hidden in one copy of The Tome . “I thought I had subscribed – guess that was last year.” Each month we hide a Certificate redeemable for $10 cash in one copy of the Tome. Only Tome subscribers on Lummi Island are eligible for this cash bonanza.
Edible Garden Tour 2011 – – Julie Hunter
Get Ready for the Beach School Foundation’s Edible Garden Tour 2011. Island gardeners, mark your calendars! The Third Annual Edible Garden Tour, sponsored by the Beach School Foundation, is scheduled for Saturday, July 30, 2011. We are happy to announce that you will see favorites from our past tours on the map and we encourage new gardens to join us! Big, small, we welcome all, as long as your plants are edible! Please contact Julie Hunter at or 739-4948, or Jen Bernard at or 303-1841 if you’d like to participate.
I didn’t say it was your fault, I said I was blaming you.
Gardeners Network – – Ginny Winfield
The Lummi Island Gardeners Network will meet on Monday, May 2 at 6:30 PM at the Fire Hall. We are fortunate to have Celt Schira as our guest presenter; she is a consulting electrical engineer, green building professional and subsistence gardener. You can check her blog @ Celt’s and find such topics as: Oats in the Garden, Healthy Korean Food, Backyard Wheat, and Eating to Scale. Celt will be sharing her extensive knowledge of seed saving and answering questions on other topics that come up.
We ask for a $4.00 donation for this speaker, plus (hopefully) something like home baked bread, a dozen eggs, jam, or anything else that you have put up from your garden. Everyone is welcome. For more information, or if you have questions, call Ginny @ 758-2663. See you there!
A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.
WEC Meeting: Please come join us in our work to enhance our Island’s watershed. May 5th at 3 PM, at the Heritage Trust Resource Center.
We will be planning for LI Ferry Landing Phase II /2011-2013 and organizing spring work parties to maintain our Ferry Landing Enhancement efforts. Thank you to all who helped make Phase I happen. There is life in the plants along the ferry landing. This year we’ll see growth.
We are anxiously waiting for word from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation/ Community Salmon Fund on our $49,000 grant application. We have permits in hand to continue our restoration work around the Ferry Landing and Northern public shoreline. We hope this will improve the quality of storm water runoff entering our clam beds.
See our information table at the Civic Club Expo/ Plant Sale, April 30th. Haven’t signed up to be a shore Steward yet? Here’s your chance. We will have an official Shore Stewards Table there as well.
We continue our volunteer water monitoring work and are coordinating with the Marine Resources Committee (MRC) to present an Island program about our clam surveys and water monitoring efforts. TBA.
Thanks for using the Mitt Mutt Stations on the Island there to help you clean up after your pet!
For information or to volunteer contact: Wanda @ 360-220-3077, email: , Blog: and FB Page: We all want healthy aquatic resources!
There are some folks standing behind the President who ought to get around where he can watch them.
march |
Last year |
Westshore Farm Hayfield |
3.94” |
3.18” |
(Sheila & Al Marshall) |
North Tuttle Lane |
3.86” |
2.95” |
(Nancy Simmerman) |
South Tuttle Lane |
4.10” |
2.75” |
(Wynne Lee) |
South Nugent |
4.27” |
3.95” |
(Jerry Brown) |
Scenic Estates |
4.25” |
3.25” |
(Darlene Stoffer) |
Curry preserve Orchard – – Randy Smith
Agroup of Lummi Islanders, led by Thurid Clark, proposed an idea to the Heritage Trust—rehabilitate the old orchard at the Curry Preserve and plant a new orchard that would serve the Island in future years enhancing our food security and sustainability.
That project is nearly complete. You can see a slideshow of the project by pasting this URL into your web browser
The Heritage Trust Board budgeted $800 to clear out the blackberries that were clogging the site and for seeding the finished orchard with grass (seeding has been done). So far, an additional $865 in cash contributions has been raised and spent on fencing. Fence stakes, tractor and tiller time and trees have been offered as in kind donations.
Here’s where we stand:
Twenty-five individual tree fences have been constructed. (We have room for six more fences). Ten trees have been planted. (We have room for 21 additional trees and currently have commitments for 7 more trees).
Here’s what we need to finish the project:
* $200 for the final 6 fences.
(Labor will be donated).
* $100 for irrigation parts (labor
will be donated).
* $350 for 14 more trees @ $25 each (orchard stewards will plant the trees and maintain them).
Contributions can be tax deductible by making donations to the Lummi Island Heritage Trust, PO Box 158, and indicating the gift is for the Curry Preserve Orchard Project.
This orchard, over time, will produce a lot of fruit and nuts (apples, pears, plums, cherries, walnuts, hazelnuts) and will be a great benefit to the Island. Hopefully, it will be the first of many public orchards. We encourage you to drop by the Curry Preserve and take a look and determine if the project is worthy of your support.
“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The next best time is now.”
You do not need a parachute to skydive. You need a parachute to skydive twice.
GRANGE NEWS – – Louise Kolstad
The Grange continues to be “spruced up.” Gravel was purchased and thanks goes to Chris Immer for filling in the potholes in the parking lot and in the area in front of the Grange, including the area across the street from the post office.
Ginny Winfield will be leading a team of volunteers to add raised flower beds in front of the Grange – our Grange is going to be looking good.
The Grange meets the first Wednesday of the month, starting at 6:30 PM with a social. The meeting starts at 7 PM and we finish by 8 PM. We invite you to join us. Leslie Dempsey is Master and Robert Sorensen is Vice President.
The original point and click interface was a Smith & Wesson.
BEACH SCHOOL NEWS – – Judy Thomas, Manager
The school Science Fair was a huge success partially because of excellent community support. We had spewing volcanoes, steam-powered boats, a fossil dig, surveys, product comparisons and more. Our students proudly stood by their exhibits fielding the questions of over 150 adults in attendance.
May is a busy month with our annual Jog-a-thon, Bike to School Month, and a Family Food Fun and Fitness Night. With the warmer weather and extended daylight, more Beach students will be walking and riding the Island roads. Please drive cautiously!
Graduation is June 23 at 8:30 AM.
TEACHER: Now, Timmy, tell me frankly, do you say prayers before eating?
TIMMY: No ma’am, I don’t have to; my Mom is a good cook.
ALL-ISLAND TALENT REVUE! – – Ingrid McGarry for Beach School PTO
It’s time to dust off your guitar, dancing shoes, harmonica or vocal chords and get your act together for the All-Island Talent Revue! Showcase your talents at this fundraiser for the Beach School on Saturday, June 11 at 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM. The stage is yours for the taking (as long as it’s appropriate for all ages). All ages, both individuals and groups, are welcome to perform. Sign-up sheets are available at the Islander, as well as a colorful box to drop them into. There will be a voluntary drop-in rehearsal on Thursday, June 8th from 3-8 PM, and a mandatory rehearsal on Friday, June 10 at 7:00 PM. Direct your questions to
“I’ve been on a calendar, but never on time.” – Marilyn Monroe
DELIA BEEMAN LARSON – June 13, 1906 – April 11, 2011
Delia Beeman Larson passed away on Monday, April 11. She was born on June 13, 1906 to Lyman and Annie Beeman in Whatcom County. She graduated from Meridian High School attended Bellingham Normal School and graduated from Bellingham Business College. She taught shorthand, typing, and bookkeeping. Later she worked for Puget Sound Electric. In 1939 Delia married Ivan Larson from Arlington, WA in Honolulu, Hawaii. They lived in Honolulu for 32 years where they had their own Construction and Import businesses. After Ivan’s death, Delia moved to Lummi Island in 1971. She lived here for 32 years. During this time she belonged to the Lummi Island Congregational Church, the Lummi Island Civic Club and the Ferndale OES. Delia was preceded in death by her parents; husband, Ivan Larson; brothers, General Aaron Beeman and Ohse Beeman; sister, Beatrice Smith; nephew, Daniel Davis; and niece, Marlene Cole. She is survived by her sister, Ruth B. Davis and numerous nieces and nephews. In lieu of flowers donation can be made to the Lummi Island Congregational Church, P.O. Box 6, Lummi Island, WA 98262 or the Whatcom County Humane Society, 3710 Williamson Way or Whatcom Hospice, 2800 Douglas Ave., Bellingham, WA 98225
“The secret of being a bore is to tell everything.” – Voltaire
We still have lots of Lummi Island Phone booklets for sale. To get one by mail, send $2 to:
Lummi Island Community Association; PO Box 163; Lummi Island, WA 98262. Or – drop it in the Tome Drop Box across Nugent Road from the school house.
BOYS & GIRLS CLUB NEWS – – Lynn Schreiber
All the staff and kids would like to thank everyone who attended and helped out at the Pie Social and Book Sale. There were many wonderful pies and desserts and a huge assortment of books. Everyone who came had fun eating, browsing and catching up with friends. These events wouldn’t happen without the support of our wonderful Board Members and volunteers. Thanks for all you do!
Our March youth of the month was Dylan Bernard and this month is Jarid Poole! Both boys have been involved with club for quite some time and can be found playing games, sports and enjoying club activities.
On a more somber note … we recently had a theft at the club. We have had a stack of fence posts next to our shed and while moving gravel around I noticed a number of them were missing. We were planning on using these donated posts this spring to install a new fence. It’s sad to think that we can’t leave materials out without the fear of people helping themselves to something that’s not theirs. We teach the kids that you should always ask before taking something and it’s difficult to instill these values in the children when it’s not what they see around them.
“Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects.” – Mark Twain
INCOME by INTERNET: Part II – – Mike McKenzie
Back by popular demand! The turnout and response was strong for the Island Library program about how to do business and earn income on the Web. The presenters were excellent, sharing their experiences. We ran out of time. Several participants asked if we could do it again, and we’ve had calls from folks who couldn’t make it but have strong interest.
So, circle the date: Friday, May 20, 6:30 PM at the Island Library. Content for e-commerce, on-line marketing and social networking, and e-Bay will be among the topics. Like last time, the event will be highly interactive and go in whatever directions that interest lies. Bring a laptop or netbook if you want to.
Boys will be boys, but so will a lot of middle-aged men.
Lummi Island Congregational Church – – Cindy Bauleke, Pastor
Alleluias fill the air this Sunday as Easter is celebrated! A sunrise gathering at 6 AM at Scenic Estates Clubhouse; choir and trumpet herald the good news in worship at 10:30 AM at the church; followed by brunch and the wonderful Community Easter Egg Hunt in the cemetery for all Island children. Come celebrate with us! If you have a yen for dying eggs, or supplying candy for the egg hunt, the Islander will graciously receive and store them until Easter morn.
We are looking forward to:
A visit from the Epworth Chorale Youth Choir and Cathedral Bell Choir. Twenty eight amazing young musicians from Boise, Idaho will present a concert at the church Sunday, June 12 at 7 PM.
Rummage Sale Plus, at the church on July 9 and 10. Bring us your gently used items and find some really good stuff.
Vacation Bible School for children K-6, July 18 – 22, 10 AM – 1 PM, includes lunch. Kids won’t want to miss this! Come join the fun as a youth or adult volunteer. Contact or 676-4373
Elderberries gather each Wednesday for fellowship and games, come for the day or come for lunch. You are welcome to use the path to Church Beach; please be considerate of our neighbors and their property. The labyrinth in the woods behind the church is a wonderful walking meditation, with twists and turns like our lives, simply walking can quiet the soul and open us to new insights. Join us for worship, each Sunday at 10:30 AM, no matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey you are welcome here.
“My teachers used to say that for a Catholic, I was a pretty good Protestant.” – Pierre Trudeau
Island Health Care Assessment Committee Issues – – Alice Clayton
We are a group of health care professionals who live on the Island and have been meeting for the past few months about health issues that are unique to LI. We plan to do an anonymous survey of Islanders in June so everyone will have a chance to offer their ideas. We want to find out what the key health needs are of different groups of Islanders (for example, elderly, home-bound, children, hearing impaired, disabled, and others). We will also get input from other sources such as LI community leaders and groups, doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers, and other Island and County resources.
After we’ve collected information about health concerns from Islanders we will use it for health services planning and disaster planning. It will help identify what health care services people on the Island need, use and would support. We will make recommendations for future health care services, and learn how best to work well with health care providers and Whatcom County resources.
We appreciate the support of LICA, who has kindly given us a grant to help with this Island Health Care Assessment!
Please call Alice Clayton at 758-4082 for more information.
Signs of old age: You sit in a rocking chair and can’t get it going.
Island Chapel – – Louise Kolstad
Chris and Tammy are participating in a Village Missions Conference in Cannon Beach, Oregon on April 12, 13 and 14. It is an encouraging time for missionaries in the field. They will attend classes and have time in prayer.
May 15 is the date of the Annual Meeting and election of new Board members.
July 17-21 is the tentative date set for Kids’ Camp at Mount St. Helens. Planning is in the works for a day camp on a close island. There are also plans for a summer family camp. As of this writing, committees from both churches are working out the details of a joint potluck on May 7 at the Grange.
Join the women’s Bible study Friday mornings at the home of Candy Jones. Monday evenings a men and women’s Bible study meets at the Terry’s home. Sunday evenings (ending May 1), Chris continues teaching an Old Testament Survey class from 6 to 8 PM at the Fire Hall-you are invited.
Wednesday evenings youth group meets at the Letchworth home. Dinner starts at 6:30 PM followed by fellowship. If you are a teenager, consider checking them out.
Call Chris at 296-4963 if you have any questions about Island Chapel or its ministries, want spiritual help or need help with a project. Pastor: Chris Immer.
Doctor: A person who tells you if you don’t cut something out, he will.
Civic Club Pat Moy, Secretary
Civic Club members enjoyed pastries, coffee and tea hosted by Tamia Sorensen, Ingrid McGarry and Pam Miller. The tables were set with spring colors and vases full of tulips and daffodils.
Members brought pictures of themselves around the time that they first came to Lummi Island. We had a great time talking about our first years on this lovely Island. Some of us were born here, some discovered the Island in their 30’s and some came in their retirement years. All of us fell in love with the Island immediately on arrival.
Patricia Jamison conducted a workshop on making tin men to sell at the Garden Expo. It was very interesting to see a bunch of women using all the wrong tools to put them together. Wrenches were used as hammers, nails were hole punchers, some of the items used were unidentifiable to us. But it was fun!
Our next meeting will be May 12 at 10 AM and we will meet at the Congregational Church to car pool. We are having a picnic, drawing presentation & workshop with Meredith Moench. Look for Posters around the Island for more details.
All Lummi Island women are invited to join us.
“Iron sharpens iron; scholar the scholar.” – The Talmud
Disaster Preparedness – – Mary Stack
Island Zones
Lummi Island has been divided into five zones for disaster preparedness purposes. The Fire Department, having only one (1) phone line, cannot handle 962 people calling in at once. By dividing the Island into zones, each zone will have a coordinator who will be responsible for reporting to the Fire Department.
The general areas of the zones are:
NORTH – Blizard to above Willows Inn,
EAST – Blizard to Legoe Bay, including all roads branching off of Tuttle Lane,
WEST – above Willows Inn to Legoe Bay Road,
CENTER – south of Legoe Bay Road to below Sunrise Cove, and
SOUTH – everything south of Sunrise Cove.
Map Your Neighborhood (MYN) Program
The Map Your Neighborhood Program will become more active over the next few months. We are asking neighborhoods with facilitators to schedule either their first meeting or their annual follow-up meeting. The Planning Group will identify facilitators for those neighborhoods that are not yet organized. The Planning Group members will be available to participate or assist at MYN meetings as needed.
To find out more about your neighborhood or zone, please contact Tamia Sorenson (758-4019) or Mary Stack (758-2941).
“When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President. I’m beginning to believe it.” Clarence Darrow
Beach School May Day Community Contra Dance Featuring Katz and Dogs; Margie Katz, Dave Nerad and Bryan Thurber with caller Marlin Prowell. Join us to celebrate May Day, Sunday May 1 at Beach School. Community Potluck 5:00 PM; Music & Dancing 6-8 (ish).
Beach PTO thanks Lummi Island for supporting Beach School and Lummi Island families. There will be no charge at the door.
Garden Expo – April 30 – – Pat Moye, Garden Expo Chair
The Lummi Island Civic Club has planned a Lollapalooza of a Garden Expo to be held April 30th at the Grange Hall from 9:30 to 1 PM.
The plant sale, retail and information booths will open at 9:30 AM until 1 PM. The kitchen will be selling fresh baked cinnamon rolls, muffins, hot coffee, chili and hotdogs for your dining pleasure.
Our lineup of information booths includes The Lummi Island Watershed Enhancement Committee who will give you information about landscaping to protect and enhance watershed and marine waters. Tree Frog Farm will have information and will be selling native plants. There will be a Shore Steward booth and Randy Smith (famous Island Gardener extraordinaire) will answer questions on vegetable gardening.
There will also be a Booth (thanks to Master Gardener Cheryll Kinsley) staffed by a number of Master Gardeners who will be available to answer all you questions and help identify plants and problems that you may have.
We have a wonderful schedule of presentations by Master Gardeners. At 10:30 you can learn about soil preparation and composting. At 11:30 the Master Gardeners will cover pruning, planting vegetables and pest control (four legged and winged).
We have a huge amount of plants to sell that will thrive in your Lummi Island Garden. A variety of retail booths will have something to offer just about everyone. For the first time this year Master Gardener Ginny Winfield will be available to help you pot up plants and containers purchased at the event. She will also tell you how to take care of the plants.
The Lummi Island Girl Scouts will entertain us with a May pole dance and will be available to help take your purchases to your car.
We hope to see all of you at this wonderful fund raising event. The Civic Club gives all money raised at this event to our community nonprofit organizations.
I always take life with a grain of salt… plus a slice of lemon… and a shot of tequila.
Island Library – It Belongs To You – – Joan Keiper
Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 2:30 – 8:30 Saturday 10:00 – 4:00
Heartfelt thanks to all who helped with our spring clean-up. Thanks to your effort, our library sparkles!
Upcoming Events
E-Commerce –Income via the Internet. Back for a second session by popular demand. Presenters will share their experiences with e-commerce, online marketing, social networking, and eBay. Bring your laptop (Wi-Fi available). Question and answer period will follow presentation. Friday, May 20th, 6:30 PM, Island Library
Mysteries at Island Library – Teens, sign up to have a part in this 1930 murder mystery. For middle and high school students. Thursday, May 26, 3:30 to 4:30 PM, Island Library. Call Karly to sign-up, or 758-7145.
Noble Barn Cleanup – In preparation our annual used book sale. Please mark your calendars. Sunday, May 15, 1 to 4 PM.
FOIL will be accepting books for the used book sale beginning Tues, May 17th, Please drop them off in the Noble barn. No musty, distressed books, encyclopedias, text books, or National Geographics. Remember, if you wouldn’t buy it, we can’t sell it.
Ongoing Events
Preschool Story Time – A half-hour of stories and more for 3 – 7-year-olds. Saturdays, 11:30 AM , Island Library.
Island Chess Time – Come learn the game or find others to practice your skills. For teens and up. Tuesdays, 5 – 6 PM, Island Library
Teen Spanish Conversation – Practice your Spanish. Hear about adventures in foreign lands from exchange students & travelers. Try ethnic foods. Thursdays, 7-8 PM, Island Library.
Adult Spanish Conversation Group – Get together to practice your Spanish, share travel stories and meet others who wish to improve their Spanish skills. Tues, 7-8 PM, at the Island Library
Lummi Island Play Readers – meet the first Sunday of each month at 2:30 PM in the library. For May, bring a selection of your choice that is about 10 minutes long. Next meeting is Sunday, May 1, 2:30 PM at the Island Library. Open to all who enjoy reading aloud.
The Friends of Island Library (FOIL) Board meets the second Monday of each month at the library. FOIL supports the library by providing the facilities, sponsoring community events, and supporting kids’ reading activities. The next meeting is Monday, Apr 11, 7:30 to 9:00 PM at the Library. FOIL Board meetings are open to the public.
Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.
The beautiful view of our bays and Straits are a big part of the good life on Lummi Island. Home to orcas and salmon, and flanked by big trees, the relatively calm waters invite kayak adventures as well as tide-pool explorations.
The view of Hale’s Pass and Rosario Strait is so picturesque that it’s hard to believe that unsustainable development and pollution threatens many of the species that help to define the Northwest such as our clams, crabs, salmon and orcas.
These sad facts are true but not the end of the story. People all around the greater Puget Sound are committed to helping protect and restore our marine treasures for the next generation. Almost 3,000 of them are doing so with the help of the WSU Shore Stewards program.
Thanks to support from the Whatcom County Marine Resources Committee, Shore Stewards is offering the Shore Stewards guidebook and the *Shoreline Living* DVD, for FREE while supplies last.
The guidebook and DVD were created by WSU marine educators. They offer simple guidelines for keeping our beaches and bays clean and healthy. Many of the suggested actions you can take are simple, and many of the guidelines can help you address the unique challenges of living on the water’s edge. By joining Shore Stewards, residents will also receive helpful newsletter articles and notices about upcoming marine related events.
Taking advantage of this offer couldn’t be easier. To sign up, visit our website at and click “JOIN US.”
Or send your name, mailing address, and shoreline address (if it’s different), to
The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas!
Parish Nurses & Health Ministers – – Nancy Wong, Parish Nurse
The Parish Nurses & Health Ministers are specially trained volunteers who are interested in helping Islanders with their medical, physical, & spiritual needs. We do not perform “direct patient care”; duties such as dressing changes, injections, IVs, or other treatments.
However, we are available to make home calls to assess needs and make referrals to care providers and other resources as needed. We also store used medical equipment, such as wheel chairs, crutches, bedside commodes, walkers, etc., that are available to be lent out upon request. If you have health or medical questions or are planning a surgery and would like a visit, just give us a call.
The Parish Nurses & Health Ministers are also available to help with spiritual questions, and to pray with those who make the request. All our interactions are confidential and at no cost. We operate a Food Pantry with non-perishable canned & boxed foods. Our last open Food Pantry day will be on Thursday, April 28, from 2 – 4 PM. After this date, a limited supply of food will be available upon request to a Parish Nurse (758-2484) or the Congregational Church (758-2060). We have decided not to have “open” times for the Food Pantry as it was not being used.
The Parish Nurses & Health Ministers would like to thank those who have generously donated to the Parish Nurse Fund. Your monetary, food, and used medical equipment donations have made a big difference in the lives of many Islanders! Thank you for your support!
Parish Nurses: Dorothy Hanson (first call), Nancy Wong, Jane Phillips Health Ministers: Candy Jones, Megan Crouse.
Fun is like life insurance; the older you get, the more it costs.
FIRE DEPARTMENT – – Duncan McLane, Fire Chief
Outdoor Burning: The new rules are in effect. General Permits are available at the Islander Store and on our web site: Please call the Fire Hall for Written Permits.
Safety: Spring is here (at least it is trying). The risk of injury can be greatly reduced by following simple safety steps. Check toys and play equipment for loose or exposed hardware, broken parts and stability before the children begin playing. Barbeque gas grills (including gas hoses) and propane tanks should be inspected prior to use. Spring is also a great time to assess your home’s fire prevention tools. Test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to ensure they are working. Be sure to change the batteries in all detectors every six months. Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors should be replaced every 10 years. Conduct a fire drill. Review and practice your home escape plan.
Disaster Preparedness: The Fire hall has a single phone line and a fax line. If every household or even neighborhood, tried to call the fire hall within a few hours, we would be overwhelmed. The committee is setting up 5 zones for The Map Your Neighborhood program to help reduce the volume of calls but still have a good assessment of our needs.
“If 50 million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing.” . Anatole France
ISLEWARD – – Al Marshall for the Lummi Island Conservancy
Island New-Comers
The checklist of Lummi Island birds compiled by Clark Blake and Buffy Lapof includes several species that are new arrivals. Those introduced by Europeans include:
(1) Rock Doves (Feral Pigeons). Brought to North America as early as 1606 both for food and for carrying of messages, they are now widely distributed.
(2) House Sparrows were brought from England and Germany to help control insects. They first arrived in Oregon in 1888, and were in Washington by 1895. These birds thrived on spilled grain widely available before automobiles supplanted horses; their numbers have been decreasing for many years.
(3) European Starling were introduced in New York City (1890); several other introductions of this highly successful pest followed.
Other species moved here on their own, mostly in response to habitat changes:
(4) House Finches, now common visitors at feeders here, began showing up in the Willamette Valley around 1940 and were first reported in Bellingham in 1961.
(5) Barred Owls arrived on Lummi Island only a few years ago. They made their way across Canada from the east, arriving in British Columbia in 1943. They were first recorded in Whatcom County in 1974.
(6) Anna’s hummingbirds have been making their way northward for the last 50 years. They may have reached Washington State as early as 1944, but they were not reported on Lummi Island until about 10 years ago. Though their numbers are increasing, Anna’s hummingbirds are not yet common here. They hang around feeders and sometimes stay year around.
Species that may be on their way here include the following:
(7) Western Scrub-Jays have been slowly moving north from Southern Oregon. Their numbers in the Puget Sound Basin increased significantly in the 1990’s, so this is a bird to watch for. Individuals have been seen on Lummi Island, but they are not yet here to stay.
(8) Western Bluebirds, once common on Lummi Island, have not been recorded in Whatcom County since 1975. They have been reintroduced in San Juan County; appropriate nest boxes might possibly lure them back to Lummi Island.
Golf: A game where the ball always lies poorly and the player well.”
Officers . |
Directors . |
President: David Thorn |
Jerry Anderson Bill Lee |
Vice President: Larry Roteman |
Mike Skehan John Arntsen |
Secretary: Carl Hanson |
Malcolm Hutchings |
Treasurer/Editor/Archivist: Paul Davis |
Volume XLVI No. 4
April 2011