The Tome Of Lummi Island
Volume XLV No. 1
January, 2010
Community Association Meeting – Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Potluck Dinner – – – 6:30 PM
Program and Business Meeting – – – 7:15 PM
Program: A Conversational History of Lummi Island with Old Timers.
C A L E N D A R O F E V E N T S________
LI Volunteer Firefighter Training ………………………………………………… 1, 2 & 3 Thursdays 7:00 PM
Elderberries – Fun & Games for Seniors– Church ………………………….. Every Wednesday 10 AM to 3 PM
Pre-School Story Time – 3 to 7 year olds – Library …………………………. Every Saturday 11:30 AM
Book Club for School Age Kids – Library …………………………… Last Tuesday 3:00 PM
Island Church & Sunday School – 758-2060………………………………. Every Sunday 10:30 AM
Food Pantry (Parish Nurses) –Church ………………………………… 1st & 3rd Thursday 11 AM to 1 PM
Island Chapel – Grange Hall ……………………………………………………… Every Sunday 9:30 AM
Game Night at the Grange – Pinochle, Bridge, and Board Games ……. Jan 23 Saturday 7:00 PM
History Week at the Grange Hall ……………………………………. Jan 24 to Jan 30
Unveiling of the Restored Memorial Map – Grange Hall ……………. Jan 24 Sunday 1:00 PM
Recycle Pickup – Your House ……………………………………………………… Jan 25 Monday morning
Boys & Girls Club Board Meeting – at the Club …………………………….. Jan 26 Tuesday 6:30 PM
LICA POTLUCK DINNER MEETING —Grange Hall ..…………… Jan 27 Wednesday 6:30 / 7:15 PM
Ferry Fueling Day (Alternate Thursdays at Gooseberry Point) …………. Jan 28 Thursday 12:30 to 1:20 PM
Lichenophile Field Trip, Baker Preserve – Space limited call 758-7997 Jan 30 Saturday
Online Reef Net History – Grange Hall – Demonstration of Website .. Jan 30 Saturday 7:30 PM
Cemetery Board – Library …………………………………………… Feb 1 Monday 7:00 PM
Grange Meeting ………………………………………………….……. Feb 3 Wednesday 6:30 PM
Friends of Island Library ……………………………………………… Feb 3 Wednesday 7:30 PM
Grange Valentine Party – Members Only …Social Hour/Dinner ……… Feb 6 Saturday 6:00/7:00 PM
Lummi Island Players Society – Library …………………….………… Feb 7 Sunday 2:30 PM
Heritage Trust Annual Meeting with author Thor Hanson, – Grange .. Feb 7 Sunday 7:00 PM
Lummi Island Conservancy Board – Library …………………………………. Feb 7 Sunday 7:30 PM
Recycle Pickup — Your house ………………………………………. Feb 8 Monday morning
Community Land Trust Board meeting …………………………………………. Feb 9 Tuesday 7:00 PM
Fire Commissioners Meeting — Fire Hall—Open to Public ……..…… Feb 9 Tuesday 7:00 PM
Beach School PTO — Beach School ………………………………… Feb 10 Wednesday 6:45 PM
LICA Board of Directors — Library ………………………………….. Feb 10 Wednesday 7:30 PM
Civic Club – Church Fellowship Room ………………………………………… Feb 11 Thursday 10:00 AM
Ferry Fueling Day (Alternate Thursdays at Gooseberry Point) …………. Feb 11 Thursday 12:30 to 1:20 PM
The Tome Deadline ……………………………………………………………… Feb 12 Friday 11:00 PM
Otto Preserve Geology with Kent Nielsen …………………………… Feb 20 Saturday 10 AM
All Island Review – Beach School……(2:00 PM Matinee) …………. Feb 20 Saturday 6:00 PM
Post Office Hours Mon-Fri 7:45 AM to 3:15 PM; Sat 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM (Boxes 24 hours) 758-2320
Library hours Tuesday & Thursday 2:30 to 8:30 PM; Saturday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM 758-7145
Grange Hall Rent contact: Leslie Dempsey – Cell 206-818-9500
Old time Lummi island history – – ed
Our program at next Wednesday’s (January 27) Potluck Dinner Meeting will be a conversational history of pre 50’s Lummi Island with several old timers (including this old geezer). Memories will go back to the 30’s, and it should be a fun, informative and enlightening evening. See History article on next page for more information about History week.
During our usual LICA business meeting after the program, we will present our 2010 LICA Scholarship award to Alex Mech.
Next, we will have nominations for 2010 LICA Officers and Board members. Nominations will conclude at our February meeting followed by election by secret ballot. Anyone interesting in serving on the Board should be present or give permission to be nominated. All nominees should be committed to attending Board meetings the 2nd Wednesday of every month.
The LICA Board will present a recommendation for members to consider for 2010 Grants to several Lummi Island non-profit organizations. LICA revenue is down this year, and Grant Requests are up, so we will not be able to completely satisfy all the wish lists requested. If more people would generously subscribe to the Tome, we could satisfy more requests.
Door prizes will be $5 for some Lummi Islander in the Hall and $75 for a Tome subscriber if s/he is in the Hall at the time of the drawing. Last October, Carl Hanson won the $5, but Tom B Philpott who lives out on Smith Road wasn’t here to collect his $70.
Blessed are they who have nothing to say and cannot be persuaded to say it.
Nov |
Dec |
2009 |
Westshore Farm Hayfield |
6.64” |
2.41” |
32.82” |
(Sheila & Al Marshall) |
North Tuttle Lane |
6.36” |
2.60” |
32.92” |
(Nancy Simmerman) |
South Tuttle Lane |
6.70” |
2.95” |
n/a |
(Wynne Lee) |
South Nugent |
6.13” |
2.71” |
33.01” |
(Jerry Brown) |
Otto Preserve |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
(Paul Maier) |
Scenic Estates |
7.43” |
2.37” |
38.77” |
(Darlene Stoffer) |
ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN — Plans for Building Permits. unCommon Sense Design/Luther Allen 758-2019
NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION: MAKE MORE MONEY! Recession Proof! Ferry Proof! Extra income OR a lucrative full‑time job! In business for yourself, but never by yourself! No need to sell! I would like to set up a time with you as one of your personal coaches, and to answer your questions. Check out my website []. 360‑305‑1137. Nancy J. Nyland
FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS, Bridal Bouquets etc. 758-4277
ERIK’S LANDSCAPING Professional pruning, installation, renovation and maintenance. 758-7105
ALUMINUM CAN-RECYCLING by the Grange. Bins located in Grange parking lot. Thank you.
Bellingham, Washington
Feb. 28, 1925
Cecil A. Morse,
c/o_Morse Hardware Co.
Bellingham, Wash.
Dear Sir;
I am pleased to advise you that the County has taken over the ferry boat “Central”, paying for the same, and that in my capacity as trustee I have taken up the $9,000 note at the First National Bank, upon which you were one of the endorsers. The matter is fully closed now, and the endorsers are no longer obligated in any manner
The Lummi Island people are highly appreciative of the service you gentlemen have rendered them. The County expects to give them excellent service from now on, which will be a great factor in building up and promoting the welfare of the Lummi Island people.
Yours very truly,
C.S. Beard
Thanks to Chuck Beard who recently found this letter in his shoebox of treasures written 85 years ago by his grandfather, Charles Beard, and donated it and associated documents to the Lummi Island Archive where someone will find it and research it 100 years from now. Chuck also gave us for permanent storage a copy of the original “galley proof” of Frank Taft’s The Lummi Island Story. This copy is annotated by Dorothy Taft House, Jackie Gaines Ashenbrenner’s aunt. Chuck’s grandfather owned Union Printing which printed The Lummi Island Story. Thanks Chuck – hopefully this will inspire more old timers and descendants of old timers to dig out and donate more historical documents to our living Archive.
“There’s no heavier burden than a great potential.” – Linus
ALL ISLAND REVIEW – – Lisa Letchworth
It’s Getting Closer ~ Lummi Island’s All Island Review is ON! For one night only, Lummi Island residents of all ages will have an opportunity to showcase their talents and creativity on stage at the All Island Review, on February 20, 2010!
So, If you want to dust off your guitar, dancing shoes, harmonica, or vocal cords; if you have a dog that catches Frisbees; if you like to juggle, tell jokes or do impressions and can do anything else not mentioned (as long as it’s appropriate for all ages!); consider donating your talents! The show is open to both individuals and groups.
Applications and sign-up sheets are available at The Islander Store. Sign up now, and get your act together! Prizes awarded to each participant!
Proceeds from this year’s show will benefit the Beach School. Please call Lisa at 2246 with any questions. More information will follow monthly until the show!
And a word from Julie Hirsch: A call for voices. The Lummi Island Women’s Chorus is being revived for the All Island Talent Revue. Practices at the Church on Thurs evenings: Jan 28, 7-8 PM; Feb 4, 7-8 PM; Feb 11 6-7 PM and Feb 18 7-8 PM. Join us! Questions? call Julie, 4046
I’m pretty sure God prefers spiritual fruits to religious nuts.
$10 MONEY TEN MONEY $10 – – ed
Last November there was no winner of the $10 Certificate hidden in one copy of The Tome – major oops! Someone forgot to subscribe to the Tome last year.
Each month we hide a Certificate redeemable for $10 cash in one copy of the Tome. Only Tome subscribers on Lummi Island are eligible for this cash bonanza.
Happy New Year to all from Girl Scout troop 1950 – – Frankie Small
We would like to thank you all who bought items from us at the Christmas bazaar; this money helps us making crafts and supporting the Elderberries with lunches as one of our Community services. Well, it’s cookie time of year when the girls will be coming to see you or call you about Girl Scout cookie orders. Pre sales are January 8 to 24 and we will be at the ferry dock February 26 to March 14. Please watch for our troop from the Island [there maybe another troop from off Island selling cookies on Sundays.] Thanks for your support in this. Leaders Frankie Small, Tierra McLane and Katherine Morris.
Robert E. (Bob) Bowman
Robert E. (Bob) Bowman passed away suddenly on January 6, 2010 at his home on Lummi Island. Bob was born to Vera and Lonnie Bowman on February 17, l931 in Wallace Kansas. In l935, at the height of the Kansas dust bowl, the family moved to Bellingham, Washington where Bob was to grow up with his siblings in Happy Valley.
Bob graduated from Bellingham High School in l949. He met his wife, Audrey Adams at Western Washington University and they were married in l952. After graduating from Western in l953, he began his very successful career as an educator. He taught first at Mt. Baker High School, then later in Portland, Oregon. He earned his Masters of Education at the University of Oregon and in l960 moved with Audrey and their 3 children to Watsonville, California where Bob would spend the rest of his career. He taught at Watsonville High, later became a school counselor, then advanced to principal of Watsonville High School. He retired as the Assistant Superintendent of the Pajaro Valley School District.
After his retirement in l988, he and Audrey moved back to Washington, where they built a home on Lummi Island. Since that time, they have remained on Lummi where Bob had been very active in community affairs. He served as President of the Lummi Island Scenic Estates board of directors for many years. He was also a long time Rotarian and was President of his Rotary Club in Watsonville and later was a member and officer in the Whatcom County North Rotary Club.
Throughout his life, Bob was an ardent hunter. (The family referred to him as the “Duck Lord”). Duck hunting with his black labs, (or Labrador Deceivers, as he called them), was his passion. Bob also loved to entertain and the dinners and parties he and Audrey hosted were attended with great pleasure by their many, many friends.
Bob is survived by his wife, Audrey. as well as his 2 sons, Steve (Dayna) Bowman and Mark Bowman all of California, and his daughter, Marlene (Mark) Sexton of Lummi Island. He also is survived by his 4 grandchildren: Allison (Doug) Cash, Audra Sexton, Rob Bowman, and Kevin Bowman. He was very proud to have met his first Great-grandson, Mason Cash born on Sept. 20, 2009. He was very close to his siblings, Jack (JoAnn) Bowman, Paul (Linda) Bowman of Lummi Island, and Tom (Marie) Bowman of Long Island, N. Y. His sister, Mary Lunde, predeceased him.
He also leaves many nieces, nephews and cousins. All will miss his keen sense of humor and warmth.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to either the Humane Society or Lummi Island Firefighters Association.
“The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like and do what you’d rather not.” – Mark Twain
As everyone probably knows, the Bowman Family has had two occasions in the past month to call 911.
We would like everyone on Lummi Island to know what a special Fire District we have. Within minutes after calling 911, the Lummi Island Fire District came to our residence. They were knowledgeable, well-organized and caring.
We feel so privileged to know that we have such a wonderful service available to us. Thank you, Lummi Island Fire District 11. Paul and Linda Bowman
“Time has a wonderful way of weeding out the trivial.” – Richard Ben Sapir
In response to the need for Lummi Islanders to have a means of communication that is broad based, immediate and easy to access, a new website has been launched. The website address is Besides linking us to each other individually, the site is designed to serve as a resource for information related to the ferry dock crisis. You can find available documents, articles, announcements, facts, rumors, discussions, community actions and reactions, plus government contact information. The success of this tool depends on how many of us use it, and participate by posting and replying to comments, as well as contributing our stories about how the ferry affects us daily. Wynne Lee and Colleen McCrory put the site together, but it is important to understand that it does not represent them, or any other Island organization. It is simply a tool for individuals, groups and organizations to use if they want to communicate something. Hopefully this will become a valuable asset in our efforts to keep our ferry affordable, and functioning in a way that allows our community to survive.
“The man who views the world at 50 the same way he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life,” – Ali
ISLAND CHAPEL NEWS – – Terry Terry and Louise Kolstad
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Before we get into the busy start of the New Year, we would like to take a moment to reflect on 2009. First, we at Island Chapel hope that you were all blessed with time with your family and friends – not only during the holidays but during the entire year.
Island Chapel had a very busy 2009 which included serving an Island-wide Thanksgiving dinner on November 21 to about 80-90 very hungry and chatty folks. Pastor Chris completed his Old and New Testament Bible Study course. Then the congregation, jointly with the Congregation Church, helped serve and clean up for the Lummi Island Fire Department’s annual Christmas potluck. The Grange rocked with good will and great laughter. The fire department personnel provide such a wonderful service for our community. The year ended with a New Year’s party at the Beach School for all students in grades 6 to 12. Ah, to be young again and live through an all-nighter.
Now on to the plans for the New Year. Island Chapel meets every Sunday morning at 9:30 at the Grange Hall. Children’s Sunday school is provided. Men’s Bible study is held each Monday evening at 6:30 at Wendell Terry’s home. For more info please call 758-7432. Women’s Bible study is held at Candy Jones’ home each Thursday at 9:30 AM and again at 6:30 in the evening; call 647-1411 for more info. Youth Group (grades 6-12) meets at Jason & Lisa Letchworth’s home every Wednesday, from 6:30-8:00 for dinner and fellowship. Island Chapel will continue to serve lunch every second Wednesday of each month to the Elderberries. Winter Camp for grades 6-12 (Martin Luther King weekend, Jan. 15-18) was held at Black Mountain Camp on Silver Lake.
So, there you have the beginning of another year of giving and serving our community. If you need any help with a project or want spiritual help, please call Chris at 296-4963. Island Chapel board members are Wendell Terry, Dave Jones, Jerry McRorie and Mel Kolstad as alternate.
“I think the next best thing to solving a problem is finding some humor in it.” – Frank Clark
It really was not my intention to confuse folks with the Tome subscription coupon, but it seems many folks forgot to check the “Paul Revere” box to indicate they want to continue the Brown Betty e-mail alerts. Or they are still confused about the difference between e-Tome and Paul Revere and checked the wrong box. e-Tome and Paul Revere/Brown Betty are entirely different things. The e-Tome is the e-mail version of the monthly paper Tome. Brown Betty is the optional e-mail service for important or emergency alerts that can happen at any time during the month.
So – if you get the e-Tome and didn’t want it, please send me an e-mail so I can correct my address list. Or if you are not getting Brown Betty messages (there have been many since January 1) but want to get them or think you should, send me an e-mail and I will correct the problem. Hint: you need to subscribe to the 2010 Tome to get 2010 Brown Betty – a fact that many folks overlook.
I am enclosing a subscription coupon one more time for folks who have been too busy to attend to this little detail. Next month I will publish a list of Lummi Island Tome subscribers. Lummi Island Tome subscribers will get a new free phone booklet this year plus many other benefits. For only 6 bucks – what a deal!
“We cannot direct the wind, but we can direct the sails.” – Dolly Parton
CLYDE E. CORCORAN – June 1, 1934 – December 3, 2010
Clyde Corcoran was born and raised on Lummi Island and attended Ferndale High School. He served in the Navy from 1953 to 1957. He first married Kathleen Ott and later Jimmie. He died in Nicholsville, KY. He is survived by his brother Ed Corcoran in Bellingham and his children Jeanie, Vicky, Robbie and Helen plus several grandchildren.
History Week Sunday, January 24, through Saturday, January 30
(1) January 24 Unveiling of the restored Memorial Map – – Bobbie Hutchings
The newly renovated “Memorial Island Map”, depicting the Island as it was in the 1960’s, will be rehung Sunday, January 24 at 1 PM at the Grange Hall. The Civic Club organized the renovation to preserve a little of Island History. Fellow Islanders, especially our younger generation, are invited to participate in this event and see what was discovered during the renovation.
Grange members have kindly offered to serve hot cider, tea and cookies. A short program will follow the unveiling with several fellow Islanders discussing ” What it was like growing up on the Island at that time”. Questions from the youngsters will be encouraged!
The Map was donated by Jeannie Granger in memory of her husband Bud. For further information please call Bobbie Hutchings at 758- 7194.
Come participate in a history lesson with long-time Islanders on Wednesday, January 27, at the Grange Hall. Did you know that the Grange Hall was once a tavern? Did you know that there used to be a dance hall on Lane Spit? How about the fact that there used to be two schools on the Island – one on the south end and one on the north end? Join in the conversation with Craig Smith, Bob Busch, Paul Davis, Jerry Anderson, Mike Moye, Dorothy Hanson, Jackie Gaines and many more. Learn more about the community you live in and how it evolved to today.
Potluck starts at 6:30 and historical conversations begin at 7:15.
The LICA general meeting will follow with discussions on this year’s grant applications and nominations for 2010 LICA Officers and Board.
(3) January 30 REEF NET HISTORY – – Joan Keiper
Back by popular demand. FOIL will be demonstrating the Online Reefnet Collection. See pictures and hear stories about the old days of reef net fishing from the State Library website with Joan and Chuck Keiper from the Friends of Island Library. Saturday, January 30, at 7:30 PM, Lummi Island Grange Hall
“Great ideas need a landing gear as well as wings.” – Adolph Berle
Grange News – – Louise Kolstad
The Grange meets the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM at the Grange Hall.
A new aluminum recycle container has been built. The money received from cans is used to support the “Imagination Library.” This program which enrolled 3 new members in December, presents a book/month from birth until five years of age. Dolly Parton started this program nationally and Lummi Grange has offered this program for 5 years on the Island. If you have a child less than 5 years of age that is not enrolled, call Bud Jewell.
Joanie Roteman and Jon Fincke are coordinating volunteers at the Beach School. If you would like to help, give them a call. The Grange presented dictionaries to third graders at Beach school as well as third graders attending the school on the reservation.
The Grange is in the beginning phase of being “spruced up.” Watch for changes over the next several months.
Game night will be hosted by the Grange on Saturday, January 23. Come to play Pinochle, Bridge, and board games. For information call Louise at 739.9663. We begin at 7 PM.
The Christmas Bazaar was a huge success with many vendors selling all or most of their goods. Islanders enjoyed this time to shop, visit, and eat the good food in the kitchen.
New officers for 2010 are Bob Auld, Steward; Candy Jones & Sharon Smith, Chaplin; Leslie Dempsey, President; Mel Kolstad, Vice President; Pat Moye, Treasurer; and Louise Kolstad, Secretary.
“I am thankful for the laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose.” – Woody Allen
Heritage Trust News – – Becca Rettmer
Please join us for the Heritage Trust’s Annual Meeting on February 7 at 7:00 PM at the Grange Hall. We will highlight the past year’s achievements, honor our volunteers, and enjoy a presentation by Thor Hanson, author of The Impenetrable Forest: My Gorilla Years in Uganda. Thor is a conservation biologist and an award-winning author. He will share a slide show and stories about his conservation work in Uganda and how his experiences impacted the conservation work he does today in the San Juan Islands. A book signing and refreshments will follow the slideshow.
Have you ever wondered why the Otto Preserve Loop Trail becomes so steep near the Walden Walk? Why Lummi Island has a mountain and high cliffs to the south and gentle, rolling fields to the north? Come explore the Otto Preserve and learn about the Island’s rocks, faults and glacial fractures with geologist Kent Neilson on Saturday, February 20 at 10 AM. Dress for the weather and be prepared to hike outdoors.
The “Licheneers” are coming! This group of lichenophiles (people who love lichens) will lead a field trip to begin a lichen inventory for the Baker Preserve on Saturday, January 30. If bad weather prevails, the trip will be on February 13. Space will be limited. Please contact the Trust, 758-7997, if you would like to accompany the Licheneers.
“Love is an ocean of emotions, entirely surrounded by expenses.” – Thomas Dewar
(1) Water Sample Volunteers Are Still Needed as we assist Whatcom County Marine Resources Committee (MRC) with monthly water quality sampling. The MRC/ Shellfish Subcommittee and WEC are also collaborating on a Little Neck Clam enhancement pilot project here on Lummi Island this spring.
(2) Many thanks to all the community volunteers who helped us plant native vegetation and improve the quality of storm water runoff from the ferry landing area last year. All Lummi Islanders are welcome to join our Committee’s monthly meetings beginning in March. We have permits in hand for future restoration work and hope to start again this spring.
(3) WEC has a different project sponsor organization! The Lummi Island Heritage Trust (a 501(c)3 nonprofit) has generously agreed to sponsor our Ferry Landing Enhancement Project. This enables us to receive donations and to seek grant funds for additional restoration work around the Lummi Island Ferry Landing as well as monitoring and maintenance of our 2009 work.
For information or to volunteer contact: Wanda @ 360-220 -3077, email:, or check updates on our Blog:
“No man has a good enough memory to make a god liar.” – Abraham Lincoln
BEACHES ON LUMMI ISLAND REMAIN CLOSED FOR SHELLFISH HARVESTING DUE TO HIGH TOXIN LEVELS IN MOLLUSCAN SHELLFISH. Before harvesting molluscan shellfish, contact the Biotoxin hotline for updates to biotoxin and pollution-related closures at 1-800-562-5632 or web site – – Wanda Cucinotta
The LICA Scholarship has been awarded to Mr. Alex Mech of Lummi Island. In 2010, Mr. Mech will complete a 4-year program at Seattle Pacific University majoring in Political Science with an emphasis on international affairs. He has established an excellent academic record at S.P.U. and previously at Whatcom Community College. Along the way, he has participated in a wide range of extracurricular activities including the YMCA Youth & Government program where he served as a national officer during his senior year of high school. He is working as an undergraduate teaching assistant at S.P.U. and he has served in the student senate where he has held various positions. His long-term goals include service in the Peace Corps followed by graduate study on the east coast hopefully leading to a career as a diplomat or in the humanitarian field, working for the United Nations or an organization such as the Red Cross. According to his reference letter, he “cares about others and the issues of our day.” and “he shows clear signs of dedication to community service…”. Once again, it is inspiring to see the strong character and motivation found in our Island community. LICA recognizes Mr. Alex Mech as the recipient of the 2009 LICA Scholarship.
“If you don’t take the time, the time will take you.” – Annie Dillard, former Lummi Islander
DID YOU KNOW THAT: Contaminated runoff from our roads and urban areas is the number one water pollution problem in the state, and most pressing threat? – Between 6 and 8 million gallons of oil and grease are washed into the Puget Sound every year (equivalent to one Exxon Valdez spill in two years)? – 45-65% of storm-water pollution is due to petroleum products? – – Wanda Cucinotta
Lummi Island Fire Dept. needs volunteer patients for our medical training. With our low call volume, it is important for the First Responders and EMTs to practice on live subjects to keep up on our skills. If you are Interested please contact Michael Lish @ 758-4185 or
Our remote and isolated location has its pros and cons. One of the cons is that it is challenging to transport time-critical patients to the hospital. Air transport has been used in the past and will be used in the future, regardless of what happens with the Gooseberry Point Dock. We recommend if you have health insurance to see what coverage they provide for air ambulance. The flight from Lummi Island to Bellingham will cost in excess of $9,000.00. They only bill if they transport a patient. If you do not have insurance or full coverage, Airlift Northwest has a membership program that may be of interest to you. Info can be found by calling Airlift at 1-206-521-1599 or go to their membership website page: We have posted a report on our website, describing the potential impacts to our operations in the event Gooseberry Point Dock is shut down.
Cowboy logic: It’s better to wear out than rust out.
Greetings from Whatcom County Public Works – – Frank Abart, Director
February 14, 2010 is the final day that Whatcom County has an agreement to utilize the Gooseberry Point ferry dock facility. The date is rapidly approaching and discussions continue to take place with the Lummi Nation. This is an issue that could change on a daily basis and may, in fact, be resolved by the time this article is in the distribution stage. Everyone recognizes that this issue is creating uncertainty for all of the people on Lummi Island and efforts to gain a new agreement continue with those concerns in mind. We have attempted to provide as much information as possible so that a realization and understanding of the facts can be gained.
Please stay aware of any changes through our email communications and our website You can also sign up to be on our e-mail list. Please e-mail us at if you would like to be added to our e-mail list.
As you may know, the southern wing wall was damaged by storm/wind/wave surge on Monday, January 11, 2010. Temporary repairs were made on Tuesday, January 12th. We do not yet have the permanent repair dates set but we will send out a press release as soon as we do. The northern wing wall suffered similar damaged last November and cost approximately $160,000 to repair. That figure includes engineering, materials acquisition, construction, and inspection. It is expected that the southern wing wall will cost roughly the same amount to repair.
In closing, we would like to thank everyone for their continued cooperation related to the multitude of ferry issues.
Habits are at first cobwebs, then cables. – Spanish Proverb
BEACH SCHOOL NEWS – – Judy Thomas, School Manager
It’s hard to believe the school year is half over. We’ve had many community events from the Veteran’s program to storytelling to caroling and hundreds of hours of volunteering from so many of you. The Grange and Mermaids are always ready to lend a hand. Jon, David and Joanie are regulars. Plus, Chuck and Pam continue to make our computer lab work. Michael Schneider, a new Islander, taught a series of Euclid Geometry lessons. Mike and Joan Moye trimmed the trees that blew over into the playground. We thank you all.
Our next community program is the All-Island Talent Review on Saturday, February 20. The PTO plans two shows: a 2:00 PM matinee and a 6:00 PM performance. Come see your friends and neighbors sing and dance plus the No Buddy’s Fool juggling act will be here.
Forty community members attended the meeting with our new superintendent, Mrs. Linda Quinn. Questions were excellent and answers were honestly given. Beach is being supported by our school board. Trust was the bottom line. Please vote February 9th.
“There is nothing so stupid as an educated man, if you get off the subject he was educated in.” – Will Rogers
Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 2:30 – 8:30 Saturday 10:00 – 4:00
The photos entered in the Photo Contest can now be seen on the electronic picture frame to the right as you enter the library.
Events for Kids –
Pre-school Story Time – Saturdays at 11:30. Story Time is a weekly half-hour program of stories and more for 3 to 7 years olds.
“Power Readers” – a book club for Gr. K – 2 meets at the library for fun, snacks and BOOKS the Third Tuesday of the month at 3:00 – 4:00 PM. Food and prizes too! Upcoming meetings: Jan 19 & Feb. 16.
“Runaway Readers” – a book club for 3 – 6 graders meets at the library the 4th Tuesday of the month from 2:30 – 3:30 PM. Come and talk about your favorite books and hear what other kids have to recommend. Food and prizes too. Next meeting: Jan. 26th.
Power Hour Homework Help – Island Library has homework help available on a drop-in basis for elementary school aged kids. Tutoring provided by Boys and Girls club staff on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3 to 4 PM.
Valentine Party will be on Thursday, Feb 11 at 2:30. Come make valentines for family and friends. For kids of all ages.
Events for Adults
The Big Read: Whatcom READS! Book Discussion: Tobias Wolf’s Old School. Mon., Feb. 8 at 7:30 at the library. Open to all.
Lummi Island Players – Play reading group will be reading MButterfly by David Henry Hwang in two sessions, Sat., Feb.6 at 4:00 and Sun., Feb 7th at 2:30. Copies are available at the library. Scripts available at the library. LI Players is open to all who enjoy reading aloud.
“The trouble with most of us is that we would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism.” – N.V, Peale
CIVIC CLUB – – Pat Moye
The January Civic Club meeting began with members and guest enjoying a social half hour catching up on news while enjoying coffee, tea and pastry’s hosted by Linda Smith and Bobbie Hutchings.
During the business meeting Bev Busch reported that she and Bobbie Hutchings have filled three archival books with Civic Club materials dating from 1916 through 2000. They have really enjoyed working on this project as they have run across some really interesting letters and minutes from early meetings.
Bobbie Hutchings reviewed plans for the Island map unveiling ceremony Sunday January 24 at 1 PM at the Grange Hall. All Islanders are invited to come and hear about the Island life from people growing up here during the 60’s. Refreshments will be served by Grange members.
The Garden Expo will be held Saturday May 1st. We will follow the same format as last year with retail booths, information booths, presentations and the plant sale. Pat Moye will again Chair this event and can be reached with questions at 3510-7392 or
Our Program was “Sewing with Joan Keiper”. Joan explained about the best materials to use to make tote bags, showed many examples of totes and then demonstrated how to make them. Bobbie Hutchings was brave enough to make a bag while we all watched.
Our next meeting will be Thursday February 11 at 10 AM in the Congregational Church basement and our program will be a homemade valentine exchange, favorite recipe exchange and members will bring cookies to give to the people providing wonderful service to the Island.
A cold is both positive and negative. Sometimes the Eyes have it and sometimes the Nose. – W.L. Phelps
Lummi Island Congregational Church – – Cindy Bauleke, Pastor
Our gratitude is overflowing for your gracious generosity. So many of you have sent monetary gifts, food for the Food Pantry, meals for Elderberries, sung for the Community Christmas Celebration, participated in the Christmas Eve service, and so much more. I am gratified by the wonderful way this Island supports our little church. You help us thrive through these difficult times. Recently, we received many gifts for the Parish Nurses, which enable them to continue this important ministry amongst us. The sixth graders from Beach School restocked the Food Pantry. “Thank you” seems less than adequate, yet it is heartfelt. . . thank you all.
In this new year we are also giving thanks for Becca Rettmer. After eighteen years as lay leader, as our Moderator, Becca will be passing this responsibility on to Jackie Granger. Becca has been the glue holding the church together, according to many members. We have been most fortunate to have her gift of leadership and are grateful she will continue to share her musical gifts directing the choir.
We look forward to Ash Wednesday Worship on February 17 at 7 PM. This brief, solemn service marks the beginning of Lent, the season of preparation before Easter. No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here each Sunday morning at 10:30 AM as we worship God, with Sunday School for children taught by Ashley Brown, for Ash Wednesday worship, for a social time with Elderberries on Wednesdays, with lunch at noon. The Food Pantry is open 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 11. Come walk the labyrinth in the woods, or use our path to Church Beach. We are happy to have you share in the beauty of this place.
Women are unpredictable. You never know how they are going to manage to get their own way.
ISLEWARD – – Al Marshall for the Lummi Island Conservancy
Whatcom Chief Awash
The following is a composite of several Islanders memories concerning times when Gooseberry Point was isolated by flood waters of the Nooksack River. During the floods, the Whatcom Chief carried passengers only – from the Island to Gooseberry Point to pick up the isolated reservation residents, and then into Bellingham. An attempt was made to allocate half of the cabin capacity to each community.
In stormy weather, the waters of Bellingham Bay are notoriously nasty. Knowledgeable people say that winds and tidal action often conspire to produce waves exceeding 6 feet in height. On trips into Bellingham with no vehicles on the deck, such waves did not pose a serious problem for the Whatcom Chief, although on one trip a radar installed on the pilot house was destroyed, and on another trip a rudder was knocked out of commission. Passengers did not fare well. The crew made buckets available for seasick passengers, and those buckets were put to good use.
For added passenger capacity during one flood, two busses were chained to plates welded to the deck of the Chief. But when a severe storm was predicted, the operator refused to leave Bellingham before the busses were removed; he did not want to see a bus break loose and wash overboard with a load of people.
On a particularly memorable trip from town in December of 1979, high waves crashed over the ferry leaving water deep on the deck and water in the cabins. In the darkness, it took a particularly skilled driver and a substantial detour to avoid getting broadsided by the waves. When the ferry finally reached the relatively calm waters of Hales Passage the passengers cheered and went out on deck to breathe fresh air.
“In statesmanship, get the formalities right; never mind about the moralities.” – Mark Twain
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Officers . |
Directors . |
President: Terry Terry |
Jerry Anderson Joan Moye |
Vice President: David Thorn |
Larry Roteman Kent Nielson |
Secretary: Carl Hanson |
David Jones |
Treasurer/Editor/Archivist: Paul Davis |
The Tome is the publication of the Lummi Island Community Association and is published monthly except August and December. All subscriptions are on a calendar year basis, January to December. Subscription fee is $6.00 for Lummi Island addresses, $9.00 for off-Island addresses and $6.00 for e-mail delivery. Canadian addresses are $16.00 U.S. funds. Free LICA membership is limited to residents and property owners of Lummi Island (18 years and older). Write to LICA, P.O. Box 163, Lummi Island WA 98262; or call Paul Davis, Treasurer and Editor at (360) 758-2414 for information about subscriptions, membership or advertising. E-mail:
Lummi Island Community Association NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION
Lummi Island WA 98262-0163 LUMMI ISLAND WA
The Tome
of Lummi Island
Volume XLV Number 1
January 22, 2010