June 28, 1978
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SUNDAY, JULY 2, 7:30 – 11:00 AM LICC Pancake Breakfast – Grange Hall
SATURDAY, JULY 22, 8:00 PM Auxiliary’s Wine Tasting Benefit
SUNDAY, AUGUST 20 Island Church 75th Anniversary
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The LICC July 4th Pancake Breakfast is scheduled for this Sunday, July 2nd, from 7:30 to 11 :00 AM at the Grange Hall. As of this printing, this traditional function is in jeopardy because not even 25% of the volunteers needed to insure a successful, smooth running breakfast have signed up at the Islander, Post Office or Village Point Marina. All of you are urged to sign your name under the shift and category you prefer. Please. For you new Islanders or summer residents, this is an excellent and fun way to become acquainted and make your contribution to the community. Anyone willing to help set up tables, etc. on Saturday around 3:30, please contact Gerri Neuman (758-2213) or just show up at the Grange Hall. This Breakfast has been a tradition for many years on our Island……let’s not let it become a thing of the past. – -Gerri Neuman, Chairman
The 3rd Annual LICC Auction went off like clockwork, thanks to Gerri Neuman who did the organizing, and a brilliant return engagement of Steve Luke as our irresistible auctioneer. This is the kind of tradition that we like to see well established. For the 3rd year in a row, we have cleared over $1,000. The actual auction receipts totaled $1,117.75. After adding coffee and punch money, and subtracting $38 expenses, our net profit is $1,087.20. All of this money will eventually filter down to improve the lives of that great class of people who call themselves Lummi Islanders.
But all of that money raising was only one-third of the party. That long table laid out with all sorts of Mexican cuisine was an unbelievable delight. It is happening with such predictable regularity that I’m beginning to believe it. And we had a great visit with neighbors … new and old … between dinner and the start of the auction, didn’t we?
Thanks to the Lummi Band for the loan of their P.A. system, which Manley Smith set up for us.
Our LICC Treasury net assets are now $2,415.00. Paul Davis, LICC Treas.
Applications are being accepted at the Post Office, and examinations will be given to establish a register of eligibles from which future clerk and carrier vacancies in the Lummi Island Post Office will be filled. The application forms are available at the P.O. with the closing date of July 7th and the first part of the test being given in August in Bellingham. No experience is required, and the test will consist of 2 parts: (I) Address Checking and (2) Memory for Addresses. The test and completion of the forms will require approximately
1 1/2 hours, and competitors will be rated on a scale of 100. They must score at least 70 on the examination as a whole. Starting salary will be $6.25 per hour with increases to $7.40. If you have any questions or wish further information, please stop by the Post Office, and remember the dead line date of July 7th for getting your application .submitted. – – Jerry Anderson
The Whatcom County Board of Freeholders are nearing the final phase of our mandate for writing a Home Rule Charter. After countless (over 35) meetings since January, we have completed our first draft, presented it to the public at 6 public hearings, received input from a scientific telephone survey, and continue now to make additional changes for the final draft. We expect to finish the draft in July or early August and take 2 deep breaths and get out on the campaign trail to “sell” it to the voters for the November General Election. As It stands, we’ve made but 3 major changes: I) A separation of powers, which divides the
present commissioner system (they make both county law and administer those policies) into a 7 member part-time council (the legislative body) and one full-time executive (the administrative body). 2) Changed the clerk and coroner to appointive positions. 3) Perhaps the most important, we’ve provided Initiative & Referendum to the county bringing government back to the, people at a local level. This provision will make it possible for Whatcom County residents to initiate legislation and/or reverse legislation the commissioners or council have made.
For the next 3 to 5 weeks, we will continue to meet Tuesdays at 7:30 PM at the Courthouse, Annex and all meetings are open to the public. Any input, suggestions, questions or what-have-you will be welcomed and Will Roehl (758-7205) or I (758-2688) will be glad to furnish transportation. Any questions, please feel free to call. Cathy Luke
At the Community Club meeting on June 14th, 25 to 30 people attended a discussion on the possibilities of saving the Beach Store property by getting it on the Historic Register, and asking Whatcom County Park Board to purchase both it and the 1.86 acres adjacent to it to add to the Ferry Dock Park to make an all-round marine community park. The most glaring problem was how to keep it off the market until the County Park Dept. could purchase it.
Several ideas and suggestions generated at the meeting have taken shape and are now
ready for action.
(1) Articles of Incorporation (non-profit) have been sent to Olympia.
(2) A name for this “parent” or “holding” corporation has been decided: “The Lummi
Island Historical and Preservation Society”.
(3) It’s purpose has broadened beyond saving Beach Store to preserving other historically valuable buildings, collecting and preserving historical items – photos, documents, evidences of past days and ways of life, and developing “educational” means of remembering so the unique contributions of Lummi Islanders to local history aren’t forgotten.
(4) Membership forms are ready to fill out which help citizens to identify the various ways of participating. They will be available at the Post Office, the Islander and the Village Point Marina Coffee Shop, and from a crew of volunteers who will be contacting as many Islanders as possible.
(5) Other vitally important forms provide for formal written agreements with the society to:
(a) Lend money until the: Parks Dept. can make a purchase and/or until income, donations and grants provide enough to repay.
(b) To donate money.
(c) To be liable for up to an agreed amount of monthly payments, in case income is insufficient.
(d) To rent or lease specific spaces and/or equipment on the premises.
Polly Hanson and Terry Thornton attended the Whatcom County Park’s Board’s regular meeting on June 20th. The presentation consisted of a dozen slides of the area and the property, a section map showing legal description and location, a chronological historical account of the role played by the Beach Store in community life since Elizabeth Richards bought the property and built the store in 1901, and a discussion of possible uses, both commercial and non-commercial for both landlubbers and mariners, both community and visitors, old and young. In any case, it could remain a lively, useful center of community life. The reception was interested, inquiring, thoughtful; and the project was assigned to their staff to come back at their July 18th meeting with information and a recommendation for the Board to react to. Interested community people could help by attending this meeting to show support and interest.
Work on the Historic Register is progressing, with Michael Sullivan of the County Parks staff helping. He will make copies of documents and photos for us, so originals need not be given up, unless so desired. He is also helping establish a working relationship with the National Trust for Historic Preservation for help, advise … and maybe even some funds or guidance to funds.
Funding from grants, corporations, etc., will probably have to wait until we gain tax exempt status, so donors get a tax break … UNLESS we can find a tax exempt similar organization to accept such donations earmarked for transfer to our Society.
Speaking of our Society, do consider being an actual member. As a guide to specific ways of joining in the action, see if you can spot an interesting niche for yourself in these suggested standing committees:
—-Finance Comm./Manage property. fund raising.
—-Historic Sites Comm./identify historical sites and materials, and develop tours for study and understanding of local history.
—-Museum Comm./Responsible for collection, care and storage of historic objects for interpretation and exhibits.
—-Program Comm./Arrange suitable programs, speakers, time, place, date of meetings.
—-Membership Comm./Recruiting members, handling applications, and helping members find a suitable role in the organization.
—-Historic Restoration Comm./Study, organize and direct historic restoration of Beach Store property and buildings, and any other such project of the Society. Help develop a list of Lummi Island buildings/sites to be on the Historic Register and get them restored. Help other community people learn the ins and outs of restoration and preservation. (It is a fascinating subject)
Petitions to the Park Board are still out at the Post Office, Islander and Village Point Marina. About 135 to 145 people have already signed. – – Polly Hanson
Out of 181 graduating students from Ferndale High School, Lydia Bennett, Lummi Island resident, won the following awards for which she deserves special recognition & congrats! 1) Commencement Speaker (Trophy); 2) Highest Honors at Graduation; 3) Honors at Entrance to University of Washington; 4) Dan Donellan Memorial Award (Trophy) to the athletic with the highest GPA; 5) Outstanding Senior (Plaque) Picked by the faculty for outstanding senior in Math and Social Studies; 6) Ferndale Community Scholarship (Plaque) A monetary award for 4 years help in college; 7) Interstate United Annual Scholarship($200)
We love our Island … most of us. We clean it and care for it, and express our concern for its future. But one of us .-. or more likely one of them dumped his garbage in some green plastic trash bags on the school yard last week where the dogs ripped them open and scattered the contents. What was the scoundrel thinking? That he could avoid the responsibility of taking care of his own mess? Or the school would be happy to pay his trash bill? Probably he just doesn’t care. We are going to go through his garbage to look for clues to his identity. If we receive an apology or an anonymous $10 donation to Beach School, care of me, the matter will be ended.
Rat on a Litterbug!! If you see anyone improperly disposing of trash or tossing a beer bottle, can, or any litter from a ear, give the information to any officer or board member of the Community Club. Humiliation and public scorn will do wonders for a person’s conscience.
A reminder: The red trash cans put out by the LICC are not for the use of residents or weekenders. They are there to give our day visitors an alternative to messing up our Island. – – Paul Davis
I wish to thank all my friends for the beautiful flowers, plants, cards and calls during my hospital stay and after I came home. – – Wanda Schuler
A thousand thanks to all our good friends on Lummi Island. The prayers, well-wishes, calls, cards and flowers are appreciated more than words can tell. The Fire Dept. and Ferry Crew were there when we needed them. Where else in the whole world could we find such a combination? Joe is now at Sehome Convalescent Center where he is receiving the care and therapy which he needs —again—my heart-felt gratitude.
– – Vera Belanger
The hours and menu have both been expanded at the Village Point Coffee Shop. New hours are 11:30 AM to 8:30 PM Monday, Thursday and Friday; and 8:30 AM to 8:30 PM Saturday and Sunday. Closed on Tuesday and Wednesday until July. – – Sally Evans
You are most warmly invited to join other Islanders and visitors at Church every Sunday at 10:30 AM. Feel free to come as you are! Ministers for this coming month are July 2 and 16, Richard Mitchell; July 9 and 23, Rod MacKenzie.
On July 9 and 23, Rod MacKenzie will continue leading a discussion started several weeks ago in church based on the question, “Who Am I?” Everyone is welcome–just bring a sack lunch and be at the church (downstairs) at 11:30 AM. Will have the coffee on!
Circle August 20th on your calendar so you’ll I be prepared to help celebrate the 75th Anniversary of our Island Church. Tentative plans call for homemade ice cream, birthday
cake and lots of visitors.
Episcopal Communion is given by Father Herbert McLellan from St. Pauls, Bellingham on the first Tuesday at 10:30 AM of each month with the exception of the month of July. Communion is open to all denominations. – – Beth Hudson
As reported in the March and May Newsletters, the Coast Guard is going to erect a 25
foot radar antenna atop a 90 foot tower on Village Point. Purpose of this installation is to expand coverage of the Puget Sound Vessel Traffic Service from Tacoma to Cherry Point and out through Juan De Fuca.
The U.S. Coast Guard sent us the following preliminary data on microwave radiation intensities expected from the new radar tower. The values are calculated because “The narrowness of the radar beam and small amounts of power transmitted make actual field strength measurements very impractical, if not impossible.” Also, the wave guide loss from the transmitter up to the antenna has not been subtracted, so the real values will
be considerably lower. The values are given in micro (one millionth) watts per sq. centimeter
To heat 1 teaspoon of water 10 F in one second: 10,000,000 micro watts (1 watt)
U.S. Safety Standard: 10,000 µW/cm2
Soviet Safety Standard: 10 µW/cm2
Position of base of tower, antenna not rotating: 16 µW/cm2
Position at base of tower, antenna rotating: 0.0133 µW/cm2
The radar will be built so that it cannot transmit if the antenna is not rotating.
Additional data on down range densities will appear later in the Environmental Impact Statement. Also, we are asking that if there is any significant radiation density at any point down range, the transmission should be turned off as the rotating beam crosses the shoreline. – – Paul Davis
With summer upon us and children out of school, plus visiting people travelling the Island roads on foot and all types of Wheels, everyone is asked to use extra caution on our narrow roads with many blind curves. Also, several fawns have been seen walking along the roadways, and when panicked become an easy target for a vehicle. We don’t want to see anyone injured … two legged or four legged. – – Gerri Neuman, Editor
Some of the biggest news of the summer is that it looks like our building will have the windows all repaired and painted, and the whole exterior of the school will be scraped and painted also! We deserve it!
Thanks to the help of LUMMI ISLANDERS, the Ferndale School Bond Issue passed on May 16 .. ..a special thanks goes to ELAIN McRORY for all of the long hours and evenings she worked gaining info and providing input all through last winter and spring!
The last weeks of school buzzed … ARDITH BAUMGART and JOANNE POOLE again came and made ice cream with the kids and further provided cake …. kids really work when the ice cream is at stake … we took field trips … one to MT. VIEW SCHOOL where we sang for 600 children! .. Boy. were we nervous .. but good .. another trip to the COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY where we learned a lot .. another trip to the Used Book Sale at the LIBRARY where we bought and bought … just bags of books! …. and we had visitors … one was DR. DENNIS PETERSON who came and gave a talk on owls .. and showed us his stuffed great horned owl .. and he admired our stuffed barn owl given us by WILL ROEHL and CAROLE HAMMOND. Finally. the two biggest events arrived. FIELD DAY was positively the best yet down at the HUDSON-JOHNSON place. The food was plentiful and so delicious that an extra amount of time was needed to settle tummies before races and games. Again … ADA KNOWLES and BUFFY LAPOF came up with races and games that were so food and so funny that people almost got sick laughing! Can you believe a gunny sack race with the sacks over the runners’ heads? Or a tug-of-war with a rope big enough so that everyone there could find room to pull? ‘Twas a picnic perfect .. and the kids and teachers even forgot to sing the songs they’d practiced to thank everyone for such a wonderful time … ah, well! The last big event was the “award” ceremony the last day of school. SUZANNE WESTPHAL was there to present the prizes to the children who had “TRIED THE HARDEST” all year long … they were: JAKE MOYE (Kinder), AARON MILLER (1), DEREK JOHNSON (2), BRAD DRAFS AND WEYLIN ELDRED (3), KIM HUDSON AND CHRISTINE FINNEY (4), AND WESLEY ELDRED (5). Every child and parent were equally proud of these very hard workers.
Special thanks this month to MARY G. JOHNSTON and ZELDA PETCH for the Christmas tree decorations and dress-up area articles … to the LUMMI ISLAND GRANGE for all of that leftover lool-aid (sic) from their spaghetti dinner .. we used it on our field trip to the park … to the WECOMA CLUB for the lovely book TREASURE TRAILS IN THE U.S.A … a nice addition to our library .. to JANICE GAINES for her WINNIE THE POOH book … we’ll treasure it … to DONNA HARRYMAN for taking charge of field day arrangements and to all the many PARENTS and NON – PARENTS who volunteered to help her in many ways ..• to SUSIE TYLER and ANNE HINTZ for helping catalog the library since school’s been out … and in general to EVERYONE ON LUMMI ISL. for giving of yourselves in numerous ways … both large and small … all through another fine year for BEACH SCHOOL KIDS!
Two little p.s.’s … Four names were inadvertently omitted from the list of kids who ran in the NORMAN BRIGHT ROAD RACE last month … those kids who ran the FIVE MILE COURSE were … CHRISTINE FINNEY. JAYMME HANRAHAN. ARTHUR MILLER, and TONY STANOVICH! These kids will continue to run .. and lots of others will be burning up the roads of Lummi all summer on their feet as well as bikes … THANKS FOR WATCHING OUT FOR THEIR BODIES AS YOU RACE FOR THE FERRY! – – Patty Gregory
The Ladies Fire Auxiliary is hosting their Annual Wine Tasting Benefit at the Scenic Estates Clubhouse on Saturday, July 22nd, starting at 8:00 PM. Tickets are available from all Auxiliary members at $3.50 per person. – – Lou Schuller
There have been no fire calls since the last Newsletter … in this case, certainly NO news is GOOD News. There were two Aid calls – (1) May 30: transportation and care from Lummi to Gooseberry Point where the patient was transferred to the County Ambulance; (2) June 18: care until the Paramedics arrived from Bellingham.
The Fire Department is most grateful for a recent donation for services performed and gifts in memory of Warren Granger – – Jackie Gaines, Secretary
LUMM I IS., WA. 98262