September 21, 1977
Potluck Dinner 6:30 PM Program: Old Ferry Dock Proposal
General Meeting 7:30 PM As Pedestrian Park
Speaker: Representative from Whatcom
County Park Department
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TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 8:15 PM P.T.A. Meeting ‑_Beach School
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 7:30 PM LICC Meeting Grange Hall
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2, 10:30 AM “World Wide Communion Sunday” Is. Church
TUESDAY, OCT08ER 4, 10:00 Bible Study Group‑ ‑Beth Hudson’s
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1:00 PM Craft Club Meeting ‑ Libba Johnson’s
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1:00 PM Civic Club ‑ Scenic Estates Clubhouse
THURSDAY. OCTOBER 13. 7:00 Ferry Roller Skating. Ferndale Roller Rink
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On September 3rd, over 400 people parked their cars (with directions from David Nesbit) entered the Beach School and were greeted by Jackie Gaines and Charlotte Calhoun and a newly painted school; handed a ticket to Carl Calhoun; were served a wonderful meal by Charlotte Nesbit, Patty Gregory, Linda Sklar, Phyllis Lockwood, Paul Davis, Bill Smith and Elaine Moye. They seated themselves among friends and relatives and received coffee or juice from Carole Hammond, Virginia Smith, Elaine McRory or Jean Finney; then the ice cream appeared on the table (Lisa N., Christine F… Kim H., Shawn S., Erna G., did the honors). If these 400 didn’t go back for seconds (or thirds) they made their way back to their cars and to their homes while Lynn B., Kathy H., Jill L., Julie H., Rebecca and Joanna N., Lilly & Joanne S. cleaned tables and set new places for the next hungry folks.
My thanks go all of these people I’ve mentioned, and I need to take this opportunity to thank a few more because this was only the day of the Salmon BBQ. Preparations began Weeks before, but the week preceding the BBQ was the busiest time for me and many others. Thanks to Patty Gregory and Jackie Gaines for their unending patience and diligence under deadline pressure in making the Beach School ready for the invasion of the BBQ. The School District can’t imagine the work these ladies did‑‑(no where but Lummi Island).
Bruce Lintz purchased the fish and Jerry & Maria Anderson (and sons) prepared another mouth-watering dew on those slippery critters! The gardens of Tim Lockwood, Maureen Melcher, Margaret Brandsrud, and Jean Finney provided over half of the cabbage for the coleslaw. Edith Granger, Llbba Johnson, Karen Reynolds, Joan‑Moye, Bess Paine & Kathy Scott performed magic on the, cabbage and carrots +?????which instantly created coleslaw. They made the dressing too! Hanrahans bought, sliced., buttered and wrapped the bread. (Thanks to Purvis’ for the use of their oven). Jean Finney shopped – Gary Gaines brought the tables and chairs and Will Roehl, Paul Davis and I set up the seating. Sally Hudson, Beth Hudson, Lynn Gaines and Judy Eldred decorated beautifully. My kitchen staff was marvelous: Thanks to Millicent Tuttle, Bess Paine, Debbie & Jim Hanrahan, Elaine Moye Evelyn Cooper. And Marv Burger, Bill Moye and Will Roehl were my fish runners (from smokehouse to the school) and handymen!
I thank you all – :and if I’ve failed to mention your name, a double thanks because you all were marvelous. I hope all who attended enjoyed the feast, and appreciate the fact that Lummi Island has so many talented and helpful residents, – – Cathy Luke
The Lummi Island Community Club is resuming its monthly meetings (4th Wednesday of each month) and the upcoming one on Wednesday, September 28, promises to be an exciting one. A speaker from the Whatcom County Parks Department will be there to share an idea: The Parks Dept. is interested in turning the old ferry dock into a pedestrian park. They have studied the Idea and would like input from Island residents. It has the potential for being a way to provide a picnic and fishing spot for Islanders and our visitors to preserve an existing structure.
An additional Agenda item will be a report from the Lummi Island Land Use Steering Committee regarding the selection of a professional planner. Come, hear and give input. Potluck dinner before (yuuuum) beginning at 6:30 PM. – – Carole Hammond
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
We did it again folks! With a lot of work by a few people and participation by a lot of people, we turned our annual salmon barbeque into an financial success to conclude the year’s major fund raising events. This was a joint activity again with the P.T.A. We all, as beneficiaries, owe our special thanks to the chair people who did a great job of organizing everybody and everything: For the Community Club, Cathy Luke & Phyllis Lockwood, and for the P.T.A., Jeanne Finney and Jim & Debbie Hanrahan.
The P.T.A.’s share of the net profit is $377 (PTA is exempt from Beach School gym rent). LICC pays $7.50 from its share of profit). A summary of the LICC summer activities is as follows:
Auction $1,105
Pancake Breakfast $ 387
Salmon BBQ $ 370
The LICC treasury now contains $2,201 plus the $500 pledge towards our new ambulance.
– – Paul Davis,~ LICC Treasurer
We are happy to report the Church painting is all complete and the building looks beautiful. The rummage and Civic Club Bake Sale last weekend brought out a good crowd, and both groups felt financially rewarded. The Church profit will be used for insulation and wallboard in the back stairwell…a project we plan to have completed before winter gets here.
Ours is a truly Community Church and we invite all faiths to fellowship with us. – – Lois Peterson
Lummi Island Civic Club will hold their first fall meeting October 13. Co-hostesses Helen Berry and Marion Weston have invited us to enjoy the beautiful Scenic Estate Clubhouse for a 1:30 PM dessert followed by the regular meeting.
Civic Club membership is open to all ladies interested in the Island and its people. You are cordially invited to join us and if you need a ride or just dislike venturing out by yourself, call Lois Peterson 758‑2405 in the evenings. Come and join us for a nice afternoon with a friendly group of neighbors.
– – Lois Peterson
Have been out and around this past week, and it seems as if everyone’s topic of conversation is leaning towards the Island’s expansion of land developing. Rumor has it that “this place” or “that place” has “sold” and that the intention of the buyer is only for the profit of resale. I for one wonder what is going to come of it all and it enters into my thoughts with mixed emotion. As a mother, I felt sort of proud to go to school on the first day and pretty much know all the kids. This is something that I haven’t done for the past year or two. So many new faces. The general concern of more new faces coming here is how much can this land mass take? Surely we are pushing our luck with ole’ Mother Nature as it is. My plea is for more concern of our Island and its’ capacities. It’s my feeling that the majority of Islanders feel the same way, and I urge everyone to openly state their concerns, for or against. – – Donna Harryman
Did our beautiful summer weather make us overlook the possibility of an on – Island –
Community College class for Fall quarter? Whatcom County Community College Curriculum Committee has approved the following classes:
1. History & Geography of the San Juan Island
2. Political Science & Current Events
Those interested in these or similar classes for the Winter or Spring quarters should organize themselves ten contact Ron Peterson of the Community College for scheduling. – – Phyllis Lockwood
In the future, all public notices for hearings and meetings which have to do with Lummi Island will be posted in the Post Office. All interested Islanders may check the bulletin board there periodically.
Congratulations to the following Island residents who are now proud parents!
Owen & Jan Walker, Sariah Ruby born August 25th @ 6 lbs. 9 OZ. Bob & Nancy Dickey ‑ Jason Robert Graham born September ? th @ 8 lbs. Tim Wean & Windy Belfield ‑ Towhee born September 19th @ 7 lbs. 10 oz.
Old friends of the Church will be guest preachers….September 18, Dr. Laurence W. Brewster, and September 25, Dr. Marvin L. Olmstead. Both are members of the faculty of the Dept. of Speech at Western Washington College. Both have been guests of the Church here many times.
PIans are definitely under way for insulating and sealing the rear entry of the Church:._ ‘There will be room for some volunteer labor… for everyone Interested.
Sunday, October 2, is observed around the world as “World Wide Communion Sunday.” This observance began in 1939. It is a token of the deep underlying Unity of Christianity which is expressed through many different forms. People of all churches are cordially invited to share in this service.
This seasons’ Bible study group will have its first meeting Tuesday,‑October 4, at 10:00 AM at the home of Beth Hudson. Everyone is welcome. – – C. Calhoun
The Craft Club will resume meetings at 1:00 PM Thursday, October 6, at Libba Johnson’s home on Lane Spit. We hope all members, past and present, will attend this important meeting to help formulate plans for new and interesting projects and possibly arrange a new meeting schedule for the coming season. New members are especially invited if you enjoy crafts. Bring your ideas and join us.
– – Virginia Smith, Pres.
Butter clams or steamer clams spawn primarily in May and September. When digging clams, each hole should be covered. This is a state law. The reason is not the hole, dirt piled beside the hole and covers other clams. The clams are unable to breathe and smother and die. We are trying to protect our tidelands so the clams will be as plentiful as they were in the “ole days”. On the Washington ocean beaches, razor cram digging is closed during the late summer and early fall. We have asked the Fisheries Dept. about protection of our tidelands, but there is no manpower to protect privately owned tidelands. The razor clam population on the Washington beaches has . increased dramatically since the several months closure has been in effect. The .problem here, as there, is over digging. Now everyone can have their share of razor clams on the coast.
We hope to share the clams on our tidelands with Lummi Islanders, and with your help in passing along this information, we’ll have clam feasts for Our grandchildren.
– – Dave & Jean Greeley and Family
P.T.A. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 8:15 PM. Everyone on the Island is invited to hear Polly Hanson give a slide show on the many services that your Whatcom County Library offers. Many people do not know that they may check out paintings, sculpture, records, cassettes etc. Do come hear and see!
29 Shinning faces greeted teacher the first day! We have 6 in kindergarten, 2 in first: 5 in second, 5 in third:, 4 in fourth, and 7 in fifth. Thank‑you Islanders for driving carefully and watching f or walkers and bike riders.
It’s so nice to have a man around the house! Jim Hanrahan replaced Leslie Moore as our person who works with kindergarten and fills in so many other spots.
Without the summer work put in by Island people, I don’t know how we’d have been ready on time! Thanks go to Jim and Debbie Hanrahan for a new wall and shelves for supplies in the attic; Carrol and Debbie Hewitt and the Hahrahans plus Ada Knowles for cleaning, and gym sealing all the floors throughout the building; .,Paul Davis for building a catwalk in the attic and putting up paper roll holders…. in cement walls yet!;. all of the fishermen who came in and out constantly to help move furniture, refinish a gym wall, etc.; Cathy Luke and Elaine McRory for painting … everything’. … and Vern Hawley for cleaning the tar off the slide all during the summer (made by little feet climbing up) so that little bottoms could slide down!
Gifts are again pouring in and thanks go to…‑th e Gilfilens for the lovely cones for art projects and for National Geographics; Lehr Miller for the golf clubs, ping pong table and tennis net for fun times to come; Jean Kirshner for the games, nutritious snacks, and art objects;‑and Suzanne Westphal and Dr. Jim Stewart for sharing yourselves and friends with the children.
Last of all…thank you all for coming to the Salmon Barbeque and taking time to look around and admire your school. We are extremely proud of our new bright paint job and lovely grounds … but most of all, we are so thankful our children belong to a community that will have such a tradition as a salmon barbeque kept going year after year by a fine Community Club and P.T.A. – – Patty Gregory
Mac Greeley, a one-year resident of Lummi Island, has been named the new school teacher on Stuart Island. This school, a part of the Friday Harbor school district, has not been open for 16 years. The building is located in a clearing in the middle of a forest! Paths lead to the school from many directions. The Stuart Island school is literally a one-room schoolhouse. It will include grades K through 6 and total school population for Fall of 1977,will be 8, including Tapher Greeley, a former Beach School first grader.
Mac, Lee and Tapher moved to their new assignment on Stuart via open boat on Labor Day, and were assisted by the good ship Pacheco of Lummi Island Registry.
Lummi Island Delivery Service started making daily trips (Monday thru Friday) last week. Dick Hudson, operator, is ready and willing to assist Islanders In any pick‑up or delivery need. Approved by the Washington State Utilities &Transportation Commission, the minimum rate is $5.50 (up to 100 lbs.) For further Information, phone 758‑2442 before 9:30 AM or after 4:30 PM. – – Beth Hudson
The Fire Commissioners and Fire Chief Bill Hawley, urge that all fire detectors be checked to see that they are functioning properly. The EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER Is 676‑6811 and should be posted by every phone..
Two fires were investigated in August: one on August 2nd at Village Pt. Marina; the other August 7th near Scenic Estates area. A recent aid call was made for Bill Peel on Sept. 9th.
Craig Smith has joined the Fire Department, and three EMTs have joined the aid branch of the department: Charleen Melton, Linda Hayes and Charlotte Schneider.
Donations have been received in memory of Ordie Nutley and Jennie Clapper as well as in gratitude for the dedicated help of the department personnel. – – Thanks! Jackie Gaines
The Lummi Island Grange is back on winter schedule, holding meetings every first and third Wednesday of each month at 8:00 PM in teir hall.
The drawing for the hand painted picture was held in conjunction with our August picnic and resulted in Veronica Keiski of Tacoma holding the lucky number.
Special thanks should go to Ed Paine and his good neighbor, John Axtell, for the new hall cupboards.
Congratulations to Lu Schuller for placing third in the State sewing contest on the outfit which she made and entered; also to Bess Paine for one blue and a white ribbon in the State Grange art contest.
– – Edith Granger
Effective Saturday, October 1, 1977, the lobby of the post office will be open between the hours of 10:15 AM and 12:45 PM. – – Jerry Anderson‑
Beginning with this month’s issue, the “Lummi Island Community Club Newsletter will be printed by your Editor, Gerri Neuman, which will represent about a $40 per month savings. Thus, the format may be slightly changed, but hopefully agreeable with all readers. In order to facilitate the gathering of news items, articles, etc. for each month’s edition, a permanent deadline will be set for the third Monday of each month. All club representatives writers, literary contributors etc. are requested to leave your material with either Gerri Neuman (2850 N. Nugent just south of Pt. Migley) or at the Beach Store. The Newsletter can only continue to be what the Islanders wish to make it and are willing to contribute to in the form of writing. There is no formal reporter collecting news data, so if you have an announcement upcoming invitational function, or whatever, get it down on paper and to either Gerri or the Beach Store.
PERMIT No. 2 .