August 3, 1977
Where has the summer gone that I’m already writing about the Salmon Barbecue on Labor Day weekend? Sept. 3rd at 4:00 pm we’ll gather at the Beach School gym and feast on salmon, green beans, tomato slices, garlic bread, coleslaw, and, of course, ice cream. served by the little misses of Beach School. Again this year, the PTA, lead by the Hanrahans and the Community Club lead by Cathy Luke, will co-sponsor the Bar‑B‑Q. Jerry Anderson’s smoke house will be used again under his supervision, and the melt‑in‑your‑mouth salmon will be cooked to perfection with healthy portions for all. Recruiting for help begins now, so please contact Cathy Luke 758‑2688 or sign up in either store. Any and all help will be appreciated. See you Sept. 3rd! – – C.Luke
The Whatcom. County Park Dept. has supplied Lummi Is. with 2 portable sanitary facilities which are presently located on the Grange property. At the urging of the Community Club and initiated by Si Eldred, the Park Dept. agreed that porta‑johns were needed on the Island during the summer months, and that with the agreement of the Ferndale School District, they would place one on the school grounds and one at the Grange. Dr. Peterson of the Ferndale School District was very cooperative, believing it to be a good idea. However, the paperwork involved took some time on all sides, and the attorney for the School District requested a “hold harmless” agreement from the Park Dept., and their attorney replied that it would not presently be possible. So, due to a tangle of rules, the porta‑john was moved off the school grounds. A possibility exists that one may be placed on the grounds of the new ferry dock according to Roger DeSpain, Director of W.C. Parks, who has spoken with Commissioner Terry Unger. It is in the works, and members of the LICC will be meeting next week with Mr. DeSpain to make these arrangements. So once again, a task is accomplished through the efforts of the people who live here, with thanks especially to Jerry Anderson, Si Eldred and Phyllis Lockwood, plus the Hanrahans who created the clever signs pointing out the direction to the facilities.
– – Carole‑Hammond, LICC Board
Once again, the 4th of July weekend provided a time of gathering around the breakfast table by many Islanders and friends from the mainland. Pancakes, eggs and ham were placed before us to devour in good company. Those of us lucky enough to be inside thoroughly enjoyed the feast. Those behind the scene worked long and hard to provide another memorable Pancake Breakfast.
Thanks to you all. A special thanks goes to the crew outside washing dishes. To this day, many of that crew have webbed feet and wrinkled bods. Like the mailman, neither rain nor sleet nor gloom of night kept them from their duty. Will pray for sun next year. And thanks to Lehr Miller for his donation of several kitchen utensils ‑ if he can’t cook pancakes next year, at least his spoons, spatulas, etc. will be there with his spirit. Perhaps we can convince him to come back just to cook at the Breakfast. And of course, Henry Roberts did a marvelous job (as did Kurt Harryman) of organizing meal delivery ‑ his “FOUR” came through loud and clear, while Adda was trying to count the money. How many times did she have to start over? A successful Breakfast, thanks to workers and eaters all.
– – Cathy Luke, LICC Board
My personal thanks to all those who volunteered and worked wholeheartedly at the Breakfast. I know there was a lot of pressure from the dining room to get orders out faster, and the cooks were beautiful in keeping somewhat calm in a panic situation having only one grillt available for the flappers (next year, it is planned to remedy this for quicker service). In total, there were 62 workers, and I wish I had the room to list each of your names for recognition you deserve. You all carried the spirit of the day, and rode along beautifully with the punches. – – Gerri Neuman, General Chairman
Darlene McNutt and Eugene Gerow invite all their Island friends to share in their garden ceremony marriage Saturday, August 20th at 3:00 PM, the O’Rourke home, 2139 S. Nugent.
Seems the Lummi “Dogs” get all the publicity. Well, 4 Island gals should get some notoriety! Linda Sklar, Karen Reynolds, Norma Pepperworth & Cathy Luke teamed together for several months to comprise a bowling team representing the Beach Store. Notice the trophy in the Beach Store for 1st place in the Women’s Bowling League. In addition, Karen got an individual trophy for highest series with handicap. Congrats to all.
– – Cathy Luke
The members of Lummi Island Grange wish to thank the Lummi Island Community Club for keeping the grass mowed at the Hall this summer. It really looks nice and I know the gentlemen who quite often mowed it in past years send a special thank you.
– – Edith Granger, Secretary
Leone Western will be teaching “Cone Craft”, an unusual craft, this coming school year in the Fall. She would appreciate you all saving seeds – peach, pumpkin, etc. Wash and dry them, plus save very dry pine cones. – Leone Western
In early March, Hal and Gwen Lawrence, after twenty years of being “slimmer people”, moved permanently to the Island, and quietly began an Earthworm Culture Farm, incorporated as Illawarra Enterprises, Ltd. (Illawarra is an Australian aborigine word meaning “place of rest”, and was the native name for the location where Gwen’s father homesteaded in Western Australia in 1910).
A new barn to house the worms has been built on the property immediately north of the Beach School, and the old buildings torn down. Visitors to Illawarra Farm will see long rows of bins laid on the ground, covered with black plastic, and lighted at night to prevent worm escapement.
The operation is now in the stages of development, with the first harvest due in August…. development meaning that the worm population doubles every.45 to’60 days. Harvest takes place every 20 to 30 days.
While earthworm culture is not new to the U.S. having been around for some 25 years, it is only now receiving the attention it deserves. It may come as a surprise to learn that Communist China and Japan are the world’s largest in earthworm culture, and that both nations regard it as an important adjunct to their general ecology, waste disposal and fertilizer production. Our U.S. Extension Services have much to learn from these nations about the earthworm.
Earthworms are used in a variety of practical applications – as for example, land reclamation soil, improvement, reforestation, animal, fish and frog feed, waste conversion, organized farming, and of course, fishing bait.
The worms are bedded in horse manure, cardboard that has been composted and pulp waste, and are fed a variety of foods ranging from green manures to certain finely ground formulas. Regular feedings, careful water and temperature control, insect and pest control, PH tests, mycin applications, etc., are also part of the farm operation. Illawarra Farm is a certified grower for North American Worm Farms and a member of Washington Worm Growers Association, both of whom supply information to their members.
Harold and Gwen are delighted to be at home on Lummi, and welcome friends and visitors to their operation.
As this article was being prepared, word came that Illawarra Ltd. has been asked by the Dept. of Ecology and a major Northwest corporation to conduct a pilot project in waste conversion. – – Harold Lawrence
First, a huge thanks to the Community Club for the $25 donation towards the climbing apparatus for our preschoolers. We also thank Kim Cole for her donated time working with our youngsters, and mom, Marlene, has done a marvelous job teaching our little ones this summer. She’s provided them with love and guidance, keeping art projects pouring into our homes, along with new songs and stories the kids repeat with enthusiastic vigor. Again, an open invite to all Islanders to visit preschool held Tuesday through Thursday, 9:30‑11:45 am, in the Island Church basement. And any newcomers to the Island with a child 2‑4 years of age, please feel free to call Cathy Luke 758‑2688 or Karen Reynolds 758‑2513 for information about our preschool co‑op. It’s a fun, social, educational experience for our preschool age children! – – Cathy Luke
The turnout on the 23rd of July for the 15th Annual Lummi Island D‑Cup … the oar powered races from Row 9 of the reefnet gears to the Lummi Rocks … surpassed the promoters wildest expectations. All 7 boats, as well as those of the judges and spectators, made it the entire distance with few mishaps. This year’s race was marked by two exciting ties and one disqualification. The 1st place honors (a glass and champagne) were shared by Hohl in his one‑person kayak, and canoeists Oppenheimer and Jones. Bush rode his dory into a 3rd place (quart of Millers). Although their canoe placed 4th, Sherman and Bremner were disqualified for using a gillnetter for over one third of the distance of the race. The 4th place (7‑Up) instead went Illawarra to the Schneiders’ and Moore canoe, and the closely contested last place (animal crackers) went to the paddlers Clark and Shoenberger, and the kayakewts Knowles and Hammerburg. At the “rocks”, the racers were fedded for several hours by their fans. Judges Bush and McLane would like to extend their thanks to able seapeople Burke and Tyler for their assistance in keeping the racers heading in the right direction, and to skippers Wilson, Culbertson and Bobbink for the transport of friends and families in their “pour” boats. – – Lynn Dunlap
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Please make an effort to leave “The Bluff” and other pleasant places on the Island free of litter. Those of us who use and enjoy “The Bluff” are sick and tired of cleaning up after those who abuse it. Be more respectful! “Enjoy … Don’t Destroy” – – B.L., K.M., D.T.
Opinions of individual contributors to this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect those of the officers, directors or members of the Lummi Island 6ommunity Club. – – Editor
At the July 12th meeting of the Fire Commissioners, Chief Bill Hawley reported having attended a meeting in Mount Vernon for fire service training instructors. He stated that four of our present firemen now qualify as EMT’s.
There have been 3 aid calls recently: June 23 for Bea Hubbard, July 12 for Elaine McRory, and July 12 for Sarah Pearl. The Fire Dept. is grateful for the many donations received in memory of Bea Hubbard and Jennie Clapper.
The long‑awaited check from Olympia for matching funds for the new ambulance finally arrived… $7,803.59. – – Jackie Gaines, Secretary
On June 29, the Konecke grounds hummed with a new kind of activity. A 38 foot low‑boy from Seattle was getting positioned under a 40 foot pleasure craft. ‘It was to be removed from the place where it was cradled between two work buildings since March ’76 when it first arrived a naked white navy Uniflite hull with motor. Now it sported a fine looking pilot house created by Ray Konecke, plus mast, radar, handrails, etc., and below sleeping quarters fore and aft.; galley, dining area, bath and all the necessary closets and built‑ins desired by its owner.
The haulers arrived about 9:30 am.‑‑It was not an easy task and took two attempts to get into position to rest the craft securely on the low‑boy, but with all concerned cooperating, the boat on the low‑boy made its way down the driveway. At the turn onto Nugent Road, some heavy timbers had to be put along the edge of the road, some plum tree branches cut away and more fence removed before the precious load proceeded on its way to make her maiden voyage from Village Point Marina where she would take her first dip. All was smooth hauling with only careful watch to hold up wires as the procession passed under them. (The mast had been dismantled for the “dry ride”). At the Marina, it was necessary to lower the craft on the low‑boy in order to pass under the overhead track this side of the launching spot. Once in launch position, the mast was re‑erected and soon everything was ready for the big moment. This was about 4:30 pm.
With the owner, Dr. Schwictenberg, his son‑in‑law, Dr. H. Hall and granddaughter, Tammy Hall, all aboard, and Mrs. Hall taking pictures, Mrs. Schwictenberg on her 3rd try smashed the traditional bottle of champagne across the bow of the craft and she was christened “Zuni” (which ,means peace in an Indian tongue). The low‑boy backed down the cement track into the Bay, then halted, and “Zuni” slipped gracefully into the water looking beautiful as a swan and with an air about her just like her name. She was floating. Now she was where she belonged!
Ray Konecke and Al Schwictenberg had spent more than two half springs and two whole summers in many hard working hours getting the “Zuni” into being. Dave Dickinson did the electrical work, and Dan Pomeroy the mast and deck rails. Rob Aiston helped Ray with the plastic work over the wooden pilot house, and several young lads who were eager to do some work helped on the exterior sanding and painting. But what really counted for much in the nick of time –was the devotion and family interest in the helping hands of the Dr. Halls who worked like beavers on the ceiling, wall cloth and carpeting the week before launch time. The “Zuni” and her crew of three (the Dr. Schwictenbergs and Tammy) spent several days aboard in Bellingham getting some of the last “bugs” out of the mechanisms and by July 11th, they had sent postcards that they were heading north from Quandra Island, B.C., and were enjoying the “Zuni” immensely. – – Flo Konecke
The boys and I would like to say how much we appreciated all our friends and neighbors who were so kind and helpful when we lost Papa. A special thanks to Manley Smith and Dave Nesbit and everyone who helped them; to the Granger Construction crew; to the many wonderful cooks who provided meals, pies, rolls, cakes and cookies; to Angus McLane who cut and then baled our hay, and to everyone who came to help put it in the barn. Also, to Jack Miller, Marion and Millicent Tuttle, Uncle Frank and the many who drove cars. We couldn’t have gotten through that week without so much help from all of you… so “thank you”. – – Ardith, Hank Jr., Mac, Kurt, Jim and Doug Baumgart
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I feel it is time (and most appropriate as I am an off-Island devotee of this area) to bring to the foreground a very near and dear friend of ours, one whom we admire from afar with the utmost respect, yet at times take for granted – namely, the Island eagles.
We all have a favorite eagle’s nest on Lummi Island. To me, as a frequent visitor, it might only be a fleeting sensational glimpse on an otherwise work-filled (but do nothin’) day or a quick drive (the infamous “bloop”) past Pt. Migley where a most predominant eagle family resides. The eagle is part of our national heritage, to be sure – a symbol of and for many things – but to the Island and Islanders of Lummi, the eagle is a hallmark, a mark of genuineness; a harbinger that to us signifies the authenticity and validity of this Island community. I just wanted to tell you that – not so you’d know, but so you’d remember.
With each new sighting, there comes a certain feeling of emancipation – a boosting of spirit coupled with the momentary awareness of this world’s tranquility and solitude. If you don’t “see” this every time you spot an eagle (or three or four), then, my friends, you’re only looking with your eyes.
I read somewhere once that if a disturbance occurs within 300 feet of an eagle’s nest, the family will leave and never return. That worried me for a long time (and still does) and to the landowners of Lummi, I wish to vent this anxiety by asking you to consider any active eagles’ nest that might exist on your land. If that land is to be sold (or has been recently acquired by you) see that the nest and surrounding five to ten acres remain undisturbed. Get it in writing, as part of a contract, in a will – any legal agreement that will preclude any building or logging, etc; for while there will always be Lummi “Dogs” there can be but a few Lummi eagles. – – Kevin Baker, Gooseberry Point
As Lehr Millers’ leave the Island soon for their new home in Sequim, we can’t help but think of the many happy times they were a part of. They shared their Island beach with many young people. Remember the P.F. group? Daughter, Sharon Miller, was very active in it, and had countless clever little teenage songs and chants to share. Remember the New Year parties in “The Willows” dining room (We old-timers still called it “The Willows” then). Tubby Ford, Bill Murphy and Vernon Hawley provided super music to sing and dance to, and the Millers were super host and hostess. Remember the Snow Kings? They were that big group of Barbershop singers from Seattle (about 60 of them, including their families). They gave a fine, professional show at the school house, and the Millers housed them all for the weekend. In those days, there wasn’t very much housing either. They also were instrumental in bringing this group to the Island.
I recall many pleasant times serving as hostess with Grace Miller for Civic Club and with her and others for “showers”. This was when the population was small enough so that we could still hold all-Island showers, and could entertain them in the Grange Hall with enough room for everyone to sit down at once. Remember all those interesting first years of Community Club meetings at “The Willows” when we grouped and regrouped for discussions with Mr. McCall from Seattle and we were getting ready for our first Island survey? I could go on, as well as could many Islanders to record more pleasant moments with the Millers … ..Sequim has a lot to look forward to, and will be gaining two fine people as new residents. We will all miss you both, and the community will lack your spirit of involvement and leadership. – – Flo Konecke
There is a new coat of white paint on the Lummi Island Church. The job is almost completed except for some small details. Covering the interior walls of the stairwell at the rear of the Church is to be the next project.
Our thanks to Adda and Henry Roberts for their presentation of pictures and music two evenings last week. More than 100 people attended, and $255 was received in donations for the painting project. Everyone was impressed by the professional quality of pictures and was inspired by the way they illustrated the text of the patriotic and devotional music. – – Charlotte Calhoun
Last Spring, we began to hint that we might discontinue the policy of mailing the Newsletter to every postal patron on the Island. Right now, less than half of the addresses receiving the Newsletter have paid 1977 LICC membership dues. That statistic includes All of the off-Island members, so the membership rate for the Island residents is not very good. The Board of Directors has decided that beginning next year, we will cut down on printing and postage expenses by limiting the Newsletter mailing to only those who have ‑ paid dues or a donation. If you decline membership, a $3 ($2 for singles) donation will get you the Newsletter. Beginning in February, you must have paid your annual dues/donation by about the 1st of the month to get that month’s issue. We will give timely reminders near the end of this year, so everyone who is interested can pay during or before January. – – Paul Davis, LICC Treasurer
Has anyone noticed the new ferry dock project? Not only have I noticed the big change to our small island due to ferry dock construction and widening of the road between The Islander and Beach Store, I couldn’t help but be enlightened by a few people changed too. Since we humans are prone to habit, I was a bit miffed at myself for not remembering to go the “long way around” to catch a morning ferry. As usual, I went the way I always had, only to be reminded by the “road closed” sign that I had gone my usual way which no longer worked. As I turned around, and went to the ferry via a new way, I noticed others were going the same way as I had at first, and I couldn’t figure out why I hadn’t seen these people more often. I finally realized that they were forced to break their usual habits also, and I’m in hopes they were as pleased to be waiving at me as I was at them. Happy habit breaking! – – D. Harryman
P.S. Dear Joe Blo ‑‑‑ Received your postcard in response to my last article regarding the interim ferry service. As there was no return address, I have chosen to answer it now. Being you feel I owe more people than the ferry crew an apology of some sort or another, I will openly do so when you give me more than your fictitious name to work with. Thanks for writing, Joe. Hope to meet you personally someday; however, I feel as though I have already and just don’t know who you really are.