Our Lummi Island Community

Tome 1975/01




J A N U A R Y 2 2 nd WE D N E S D A Y 6:.45 PM G R A N G E H A L L


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The illustrated lantern slide presentation in December was well attended and it proved very interesting, although somewhat minimal in scenes of early Lummi Island. Guess Historian Biery does not have sufficient material on Lummi Island for a full evening’s program, and we understand he would welcome pictures, oldies of the area, from anyone. This brings up a long-time standing suggestion that before the factual history of the island disappears completely, something should be done to record it for posterity. Ever since we can remember various islanders have suggested this project, but no one or any organization has ever done anything tangible to make it come to pass. Seems that a dedicated group, with a tape recorder could do wonders in this respect.

Seems that the monetary policy of the island’s life line has again been established upward ‑ considerably. The ferry rates hassle is apparently an eternal thing and probably will be with us for years to come – or at least until the various factions having to do with its use meet a common ground of a fair, impartial distribution of its cost of operation. Guess everyone feels compelled to polish up his own ulterior motives every time the ferry is mentioned, but we suppose it’s a bit too much to expect people to quit acting like people ‑ ever ‑ even on the island. Complete schedule of new ferry rates is given at the end of this newsletter.

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C.H.U.R,C.H. B.U.L.L.E.T.I.N.

Church and Sunday School services will resume on Sunday, February 9th at 10:30 am, weather permitting. Rev. W. Carl Calhoun, minister.

At the Annual Meeting in December Elizabeth Gerritz was elected to a 3 yr term on the board, Lois Peterson for a 2 yr term and Dave Greeley will finish out his term during this year. Gladys Long will continue as treasurer and Edith Granger as clerk. Jeanie Finney is the Sunday School superintendent, and Jean Greeley, chairman of youth group. Dave Greeley and Faye Richardson are music co-chairmen. Islanders packed the church to receive the inspiration of Vesper Services on December 22nd as the joyous young voices ‘under the nimble direction of Bill Heid were raised in musical announcement of the exhilaration of this happy season. And the little ones singing “Away in the Manger” brought a feeling of tender joy to all. Afterwards enjoying the wassail bowl in the church basement one just, had to be caught up in a special feeling of celebration.

Our minister, Rev. W. Carl, Calhoun, who was pastor of Bellingham’s Congregational Church from 1939 to 1961, was named “pastor emeritus” at a special service at the Bellingham church December 15th. The honor was a surprise to Rev. Calhoun, who had been invited to preach in celebration of the church’s 25th anniversary.

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F.I.R.E. D.E.P.A.R.T.M.E.N.T. F.L.I.C.K.E.R.I.N.G.S.

This department has had no emergency calls since the last newsletter, and that is the best possible way to start the new year. But just so everyone will have the emergency numbers handy the Ladies Auxiliary have had phone stickers printed for your convenience, and they are available at the Post Office, Beach Store and The Islander. ON THESE BRIGHT GREEN STICKERS IS THE FIRE OR EMERGENCY NUMBER,.676‑6811 AND THE SHERIFF’S NUMBER, 758‑2542.

Fire Chief Tuttle has a word of caution to those who just can’t resist following the trucks to a fire. Please give the trucks the right of way ‑ this is especially important on our narrow roads ‑ and allow them enough room to maneuver the trucks at the scene. It takes quite a bit of space to turn the big trucks around, and when haste is important, there’s no time to play traffic cop.


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Winners of the raffle at the Christmas Bazaar were: Betty Chapin, fish mobile; Joann Gutzman, macramé flower holder; Owen Walker, turkey.

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New Grange officers are: Marion Tuttle, Master; Lou Schuller, Overseer; Edith Granger, Secretary; Jack Miller, Treasurer.

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If you need information ‑ call school ‑ 758‑2366.

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Weaving is Craft Club’s latest project, and at the last meeting Helen Pabor gave a most interesting demonstration for members. Next meeting, Monday, January 20th at 1:30 will be at the home of Alice Behrends.

Members packed 21 packages of cookies for delivery to islanders at Civic Club’s December meeting at the church. Lois Peterson and Gladys Long were co‑hostesses. Inez and Lorraine Peel hosted the January meeting at Inez’ home with Edith Granger in charge of the program. Katherine Scott told of her recent trip to Washington, D.C., particularly the Smithsonian Institution. February meeting will be at Kay Niedhamer’s with Shirley Aiston and Helen Pabor co‑hostesses The club’s major money making event, the preparation and sale of the cookbook “Lummi Island POTLUCK Recipes” is proving very successful with over 500 books sold. Bev Daniels of the Bellingham Herald had a nice story in her column recently, not only publicizing the cookbook but detailing the history and various service projects of Civic Club as narrated in the book.

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B.E.A.C.H. C.O.M.B.I.N.G.S.

….. An angelic type lass informed us that the church would remain closed until February 9th when the full services will again be offered, weather permitting. We understand that since the return of Rev. Calhoun as pastor the attendance has shown a steady increase. That appears to be a good omen. Meaningful and pertinent messages are the basic need for everyone. Can’t seem to get a receptive audience myself, tho.

….. Thelma Nilsen wants it known that there are a few very fine fellows on this island. Seems she got her car stuck overnight in a ditch near her home and someone came by offering to tow it, but Thelma didn’t want to impose so she said she would get someone with a big rig to get it out the next day. Seems next day, though, when she looked out the window it was sitting serenely in her yard. Doing a little detective work she discovered that a group of young men picked it up and put it there. Some of these benefactors were Jake Granger, Angus McLane and Dave Nesbit. The others’ names she did not learn. Incidentally, Thelma was coming back from visiting her new grandson in Bellingham ‑ born to Peter Nilsen and his wife. Guess the little tyke is to carry the name of his grandfather Matt.

….. If things seem to be bustling toward the north end of Joan’s Lane, it’s because Edith Murphy has retired from her position at Georgia Pacific and is busy getting caught up on chores around the old homestead. Ahoy there, Jim, run up the distress flag if things get too hectic!

….. We understand that in an unguarded moment at a party recently Ray McFarland promised in front of the entire group to take Irene south this winter. So Irene made out an affidavit to that effect and made everyone there sign it as witnesses. Earl Granger even went so far as to have it notarized. However, we understand there was a difference of opinion as to what Ray promised. Everyone seems to think Palm Springs was the intent, but Ray sorta was concentrating on South Seattle. Understand they might at least make Tacoma.

….. Heard disturbing rumors that 2 or 3 young couples on the island are splitting up. Guess we sorta thought that was most unusual for island people, but come to think about it, idealism and real life never have been very compatible.

….. Understand Manley Smith and his wife Marilyn have relinquished their island holdings and bought a camper with the avowed intention of going to Alaska to take up residence. Guess they plan to settle near Homer. Manley should be able to cut it as he is an accomplished mechanic, but hope he bones up on snowmobiles beforehand. It shouldn’t be too bad ‑ it only gets to 20 to 30 below zero, and he is a good pinochle player.

….. Other than the usual winter flu, most of the islanders seem to be radiantly healthy, or healthy anyway. All except Agnes Gilfilen, that is. Seems her corpuscles have been racing around a bit on the speedy side for some time now, which requires her to make like a lady of leisure. We understand she is some better, however.

….. The Gus Johnsons did themselves proud again by sponsoring a gala New Years Eve party for the island folk in their beautiful new rumpus room. Seems we saw most everybody there and the evening was brim full of revelry, conviviality, rock music and an occasional sweeter waltz ‑much sweeter. Gus wanted to thank one and all thru this medium for their cooperation and for showing up ‑ how about that? Seems it definitely ought to be the other way around ‑ so we will do it for all of you ‑ thanks, Gus and Libba, you are both without a doubt our most treasured assets.

** The following contribution by Maria Anderson is the result of her elation at finding a few of her countrymen (countrywomen ‑ ‘countrypersons ‑ ?) starting a German restaurant in Ferndale, and when it comes to enthusiasm, no one can top Maria. Guess we just must taste that schnappsnagel, or whatever ………You gals or guys who like to have a kaffeeklatsch rejoice, the Little Schnitzel has all the trimmings for it. Formerly Ann’s Cafe in Ferndale (originally owned by daughter of Mrs. Nilsen) it’s a nifty little j wel not to be missed. Under the supervision of Brigitta, Hilda, Ilse and Edith will serve you with warn German hospitality called gemutlichkeit. Such things as schwanwalder torte and a delectable cheese cake are among the home made German dishes. Others are bratwurst, kartoffeln and suppeundsalat. What’s more, the place is immaculate and the price is right (in U.S.Cy.). I hope you find it delightful as I do. See you there, Maria.

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On a recent Sunday late in December, a rather wonderful thing happened. A group of musicians, known far and wide as the South Fork Bluegrass Band came to the Grange Hall and played their own wonderful happy time music for a full afternoon and evening. Many people came, some for a long time, some for a short time. Some danced, some clapped, some just sat quietly and smiled. Even dinner, yes, a potluck there was and I believe nearly everyone had a good meal, though it was quite evident that precious few had brought offerings. Which reminds me ‑‑ a bowl and a baking dish were left behind and they now collect dust in my house. Please call if you are missing them. It was, though, a most special day. All of it was conceived and arranged by Bill Heid, with Maureen Melcher providing the ever watchful eye. I even saw her dance a few numbers. I, for one, hope that future events will be considered and I would expect, too, a renewed interest in the Grange Hall’s improvements on the part of the many people who so enjoyed themselves that day. – – – – – – – Angus McLane

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Motor vehicles ‑ under 8,0001bs. Gross weight $50.00

Vehicle Occupants and Pedestrians,,. 25.00

Juvenile Pedestrian 12 to 18 yrs. of age

(no charge when going to and from school) . 5.00

Trucks 8,000 to 11,999 lbs. gross weight 55.00

Trucks 12,000 to 19,999 ibs’. gross weight 60.00

Trucks 20,000 to 27,999 lbs. gross weight 75.00,

,Trucks 28,000 to 36,000 lbs. gross weight 85.00

(,drivers are not included with vehicular permits. and permits shall not be transferable).


Commercial trucks are limited to one (1) round trip daily on permit. A 4urchargd of 50¢~ shall be assessed all permit motor vehicles ,when departing Lummi Island, with ticket or punchcard.


Pedestrians. (Lummi Tribal Indians only) Free

Motor Vehiclea under 8,000 lbs. gross weight 2.50

Passengers (including Driver) ‑ 12 yrs. or over .50

Children under 12 yrs. of age, when accompanied by parent or guardian Free

Pedestrians .50

Bicycles .25

Motorcycles .50

Trailers under 8,000 lbs. gross weight (no permit issued) 2.50

Trailers over 8,000 lbs. gross weight shall be charged for at the same

rate as trucks of comparable weight – No permit issued.

Logging Trailers, carried on trucks, shall be charged regular round trip rates.

Trucks 8,000 to 11,999 lbs. gross weight, 3.00

Trucks .12,000 to 19,999 lbs. gross weight 3.50

Trucks. 20,000 to 27,999 lbs. gross weight 4.50

Trucks 28,000 to 36,000 lbs. gross weight 5.50

Heavy machinery shall be charged for at the corresponding truck rates.

Ferry personnel shall be issued one motor vehicle permit and two

pedestrian permits per employee at no charge, but shall,be charged 50¢

surcharge on vehicle permit when used on other than official County business.


6:30 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. $ 5.00 plus fare

5:30 a.m. to 6:30 a.m. & 12:30 a.m. to 1:30 a.m. 25.00 plus fare

1:30 a.m. to 5:30 a.m. 50.00Plus fare

In addition, a book of vehicle coupons will be available for 50 trips at $75. However, these will be useable and interchangeable to other vehicles of the same class, but only for single trips. No coupons will be accepted if previously removed from the book. Also, by filing an affidavit that their gross income is less than $5,000. per year, any person 65 years or older may purchase one vehicle pass and up to 2 pedestrian permits at half price. Punch cards for permit surcharges will be available for convenience only, for 50 trips at $25. All permits and passes will be available at the courthouse January 20th.

Vehicular permits shall be mounted on glass of vehicles in full view of ferry personnel, to be valid.

In the event a vehicular permit holder acquires a different vehicle and no longer wishes the original permit vehicle to be used, a duplicate vehicular permit may be obtained at the Whatcom County Auditor’s office for a service charge of $2.00.

Ownership of original and transferred vehicular permits shall not be changed and must match ownership of vehicle on which they are used.

Pedestrian permits shall not be transferrable.

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B.E.A.C.H. S.C.H.O.O.L. N.E WS.

….. A visit to London, or Paris or any other great and ancient city, exhilarates and stimulates … but, ahhhh, the loveliness of coming home! As I move about the Beach School or look out of my window at home, I feel like a cap hanging again on its accustomed hook in a warm, cozy, welcoming kitchen. To be an island school teacher, with a lovely huge field all around and a gorgeous new planted area….lots of busy children bustling about and smiling parents calling to welcome you back….plus capable excellent teachers to take over so one could leave with a clear conscience ….. this all seems right and proper and makes you know you are so fortunate that you need never envy another soul on earth!

….. So many thanks to Angus McLane and Lynn Dunlap and Michael Moore and WWSC for another

successful Christmas play. Of course the BEACH SCHOOL CHILDREN AND PARENTS are what and who really make it happen every year, and oh, how I wish I could have seen it!

… Thanks that will keep coming year after year to Mike McRory, Elaine, and the rest of his crew for the beautiful landscaping that’s been done on the school grounds. I guess Susie Dickenson gave the go ahead for the family and let driftwood from their beach be used, and John and Maud Brown donated bulbs which Elaine and the children planted. I can barely wait till the School Board has their spring meeting over here and get a look at it and start asking where in the world did we get the money for all that? It will amaze them as it still does me, that there is at least one place left in the world where this can happen thru desire and hard work and planning and donations. Mike says he isn’t finished yet and so if you can give a word of encouragement or better yet ‑ help ‑ please call him with your offer and ideas. As an example of quick thinking that saves money ‑ when he and a few parents noticed the county doing work on the island, they begged for the mulch and so it was given to us. That alone saved lots of $$$$$.

….. Another example of planning ‑ or something (influence?) ‑ was Si Eldred getting those backstop posts up gratis from Puget Power. Some people are thinking all the time. Thank heavens they use it for good. And for us.

….. Maria Anderson took the fifth grade class into her home before Christmas and they made rose hip jam, advent wreathes, and learned a lot about the Christmas customs of Germany. She also took the children’s pictures and letters to Mr. Philbrook in town and read them to him and showed him pictures of the children so he would know who they came from. Her note about his reactions was heart warming. Thank you, Maria.

..; Dave Greeley was recently seen unloading lots of various games and balls at school. It’sgetting so we don’t have to go out & buy hardly anything! Dave – were the bows and arrows for the kids‑ or teachers?????

….. As you all know, because you got a special calendar in the mail, we have quite an ambitious program of events this year connected with our PTA (or Friends of Beach School) meetings. We figure about this time of the year most of us will have misplaced our calendars so we’d like to do a bit of reminding. Our main topic is WHO RUNS THE SCHOOLS and on January 14, Dr. James Norris, Ferndale Superintendent, is our main speaker. February llth two school board members, Mary Flint and Norm Robertson will speak after a film SCHOOL BOARDS IN CRISIS. March 11th Hugh Locker and Nelda Sigurdson, two more school board members, will speak, and April 8th Bill Heid plans speakers on Teachers’ Unions. Business meetings start at 7:30 and programs promptly at 8:15. Please, everyone of whatever age and persuasion, feel welcome. This is the only way we could think of that would allow people to question many people dealing with schools and come away feeling they had found out what they’d always wanted to know but were too afraid to ask.

KINDERGARTEN ‘NEWS:::::::December was so busy with play rehearsals and stitchery work, Elaine McRory inspired the kindergartners to design dinosaurs for their stitcheries. All month each kindergartner, showing amazing perseverance and creativity, stitched carefully with brightly colored yarn. Then Elaine made the stitcheries into pillows. What a colorful, delightful gift the parents received from their children!

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Just heard that Joann Hamerberg and Charlene Melton, returning home from a vacation trip, were riding along after having stopped for gas when one of them happened to glance back ‑ to see the whole rear end of the car was on fire. They only had time to grab their purses and leave the car ‑ everything in the car and the car itself were a total loss. Fire was caused by some maladjustment in the gas filling apparatus. Not a good way to end a vacation, but we are glad they, escaped without physical injury.

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