January 1969
POT LUCK DINNER ‑ Wednesday, January 29, 1969
about 6:45 ‑ I think
Meeting after ‑ (Elections)
Greetings from suburban Antartica ‑ the only thing missing is the penguins. However, their absence is hardly even noticed what with the interesting variety of other “strange birds” we have here abouts. To really study the latter species take a good squint into the nearest mirror. As a fairly recent import into this escapist colony called Lummi Island, this writer has never quite gotten used to the inconsistency of attitudes that appear every so often which completely disrupt and negate the tranquility and chorus of Island life. It would appear that these irritants are spawned by an over emphasis on self importance and somewhat self‑centered desires. However, upon occasion when a disaster or tragedy strikes, most of the Island populace unites under a common flag of compassion, understanding and aid to those so afflicted. Now wouldn’t it be wonderful if these altruistic attitudes could be spread out on a year‑round basis instead of waiting and oftimes secretly hoping for your neighbors to fall on their collective face? It is a sad commentary on human relations where it takes tragic circumstances to force into being an emotion that should be the very essence of day to day living. If there is ever to be a change for the better in human destiny it is going to have to start with each individual in countless communities just like this one.
We grant that there are some individuals in which the milk of human kindness is decidedly curdled and short of a transfusion they will not give any measure of themselves for the common good ‑ but who needs them? For instance ‑ why must we have an individual (to date unknown) who delights in harassing another Islander with poison-pen letters and disguised phone calls. To our mind this is a very sick person and obviously is just one small step out of the “happy house”. Well! So much for the sermon ‑ Shall we now contemplate the collection?
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The flu bug has just about visited everyone on the Island and in a few instances it almost decided to try and make its visit permanent. Among the most receptive hosts were Chuck Pearson, Marie Anderson, Edith Murphy and Floyd Tuttle with many, many more sick enough to vie for the title of “most miserable”.
A few Islanders have been hospitalized the last month or two with various injuries and ailments. Among those unfortunate were Pauline Landry, Dale Wright, Lloyd Davis, Billie Wright and Marcia Fisher. Mrs. Bringholf is back in the resthome during this stormy weather.
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According to Mac and Edith Granger the winter of 1928 & 129 was comparable ‑ if not worse than the present “narsty weather” ‑ as that time it lasted from Christmas until March. ‑‑‑Oh Joy!
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We understand that the Landrys are still feeling the effects of their harrowing experience when their house burned to the ground during the recent sub zero freeze spell. Mes. Landry is apparently having difficulty regaining her health. They are not certain just what they will do as yet, but for the time being they are staying in one of the cottages at Hawleys Marina.
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The Ernie Nolte’s recent dunking in the Nooksack River with their Camper, Truck and Trailer was headline news and we are all glad that it wasn’t more serious than it was. It could have been a real tragedy. They still would like to undertake the trip south if at all possible, but like everyone else the storm has put a crimp in their preparation. Mrs. Nolte told of a similar storm years back when they lived in Everson. At that time the roads were completely blocked out by drifts, and traffic took off over the fields via horse and sleds right over the tops of the fences.
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The New Years Eve party went off as planned in spite of the extremely inclement weather. The crowd was jovial but limited (in numbers, that is) and presumably the celebrants were acting in the accustomed manner of any similarly “stewed” celebrants. Since this writer did not attend it was hard to get a clear picture of the festivities as those who were there seem to have a difficult time recalling the event. Tsh! Tsh! Heard a bit of grouching about the lack of help to prepare the hall, etc. No doubt at that time the weather conditions made the home front a bit more pertinent than usual and required the undivided attention of the owners to broken water pipes and ailing heating systems. In our own experience even a liberal sprinkling of profanity did little to alleviate the situation.
Earl Granger and Ray McFarland deserve our thanks for their generous devotion of the Hall and the majority of the labor involved in cleaning it out and putting it back in shape afterwards. They certainly are gluttons for punishment.
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It seems as how a couple of Swedes got together via telegram t’other day in order to legally square away the local post masters status. A feller by the name of Warren G. Magnusen sent the local pony express stable man ‑ Jerry Anderson a “get with it” message which entities him to be a permanent fixture on the Federal Pay roll and as such, if he so chooses, can now be legally erratic, inconsistent, extravagant, inefficient, unconcerned and immobile ‑ all in the true tradition of government employees. Durn! Just when he was getting real good at the preliminary job too!
Jerry states that all you affluent types can pick up your Income Tax forms at the local Post Office. He also said the place is to be remodeled prior to May 1st. Must be getting bigger stamps??
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Don Goodman and 2 members of the Marietta Fire Dept. wired the new ambulance garage on Sunday last along with the able assistance of Bill Hawley, Marion Tuttle and Rick Hudson ‑ Vern Hawley acted in an administrative capacity.
Incidentally the Goodmans are moving into Bellingham the first of the month where they have purchased a larger home on West Maplewood. Don is a journeyman electrician with Totem Electric of Tacoma who have a contract at the present time in Bellingham. The Island will surely miss them as they were active in many community activities in which their knowledgeable services were more than welcome.
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Jim Miller left for Viet Nam via Oakland port of embarkation on Tuesday last and his temporary assignment is with the Transportation Corps near Saigon. Mike Ellenboe is still at Viet Nam but is contemplating returning to the states in May. Norman Boyes is on leave at the Roughtons in Bellingham and is slated for a return trip to Viet Nam the 25th. Ricky Granger returned this week to Madigan Army Hospital for further observation. Expects to stay several weeks.
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If the weather will permit, our next meeting is scheduled for the 29th at which time the all important elections ‑ or nominations will be held. Please make a special effort to make it.
Thanks, all –
Gus .Johnson ‑ President
Post Script:
It was decided to postpone the January meeting until the weather breaks, however the club “prexy” wishes to remind all of you to do a bit of constructive thinking about a slate of officers for the balance of this year. This item has to be resolved at the next meeting ‑ regardless.
It was decided at the last session that the dues for this year will be $2.00 per membership which it is hoped will more realistically meet the costs of these letters and other organizational expenses.
You may add to the physical exasperation list ‑ Libba Johnson ‑ who broke her ankle t’other day in Bellingham whilst doing the light fantastic on the icy pavements in some alley ‑ wonder what she was doing in an alley?? Marcia Fisher who is reposing in a local hospital with an undetermined back ailment. Her journey to the “mend factory” was made most efficiently by our local ambulance crew. Also understand that John O’Rourke was very ill with pneumonia recently and was confined to a local hospital’s intensive care ward. He is now almost fully recovered and back on the job as manager of the Bellingham Hotel. His condition was discovered by X‑rays and he states that anyone having the flu type miseries should undergo X‑rays as they very possibly could be afflicted unknowingly as he was.
Remember ‑ as of the 1st of Feb. an additional 25¢ per vehicle will be collected from all ferry patrons who have the 1969 permits (passes). This will be collected on the return trip from the Island.
Understand that our John Brown has risen to new heights in the Fishy circles, having been appointed to the governors Advisory Commission on Fisheries. So if any of you erstwhile anglers want to know where is it ‑ the fish ‑ just ask John and he will probably tell you just where to go.
The Don Essex Family now living in remote Alaska sent their holiday greetings to all the Islanders but they arrived too late for the December issue so we herewith pass them on to you. They say that they like it and the 10′ below does not bother them enough to keep them from enjoying the country via their sno mobile.
Ya know ‑ it sure is hard to realize that some 30 years ago I commuted 6 days a week ‑ 30 miles each way in weather just like this, back in Ohio, and thought nothing of it. My gosh! Now I have a hard time just making it to the garbage can!! Must be a vitamin deficiency!! or something!!
Don’t forget to weed and water the flowers and stuff.
Your temporary? (3 years already)
Scribe and
Gus Johnson, Pres.