November ‑ December 1968
Somewhere between 6:30 P.M. & 7:30 PM ‑ or even 8:30
if anything is left.
Annual School Christmas Program ‑ Thursday, December 19th, 7:30 P.M.
Everyone Welcome
The first meeting, recently, of the Whatcom Council for Waste Disposal had in attendance two representatives from the Community Club and they report that the essence of the meeting was the mechanics of organizing the group into a citizens committee to explore and study the present and proposed ordinances relative to septic tank disposal systems and other waste disposal units. The ultimate object being to come up with an acceptable recommendation to the Health Dept. that the majority of the population could live with and yet meet the requirements of recognized pollution control. The Health Department originated this idea after their previous proposals met with such a great amount of opposition. The scope of the study apparently excludes the waste from industry as the local sanitarium contended that this was under the responsibility of the State Pollution Control Commission and as such, is not in the province of the Health Department. This writer fails to comprehend just where the line of demarcation exists and it would appear that the real culprits have managed to set up a smoke screen of governmental immunity. In our opinion, imposing any more stringent regulations than now exists on the home owner can only cause excessive hardship and expense for an interim program with a rather doubtful benefit particularly when you consider the geographical characteristics of the area in question. A common sense administration of the present regulations with reasonable enforcement would be much preferable. Apparently there is a county-wide survey now being developed in order to establish a master plan for water and sewage disposal which will ease the problem in the future for the entire district.
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The Island planning group has divided itself into various segments each of which is composed of members with similar or like views relative to the ultimate goal of a planned community. The original group was made up of a cross section of the Island population and as such had many and consistently divergent views as to what they desired for the Island future. Consequently it was evident that little progress could, or would be made towards a master plan in which all were in agreement. Each of the new groups are now working out their respective versions on sizeable Island maps and will at some future date, after the first of the year, have an opportunity to present their case to the county authorities at an open meeting of the club.
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About two weeks ago the entire Island was in a state of shock upon learning of Ricky Grangers serious accidental gun shot wound, which was apparently caused by a defective rifle while on duty in Germany. Upon receipt of a telegram from the Armed Services requesting his parents contact them immediately their numerous Island relatives and friends instigated an all out search for Donna and Earl who were over in Eastern Washington on a hunting trip. Within a few hours they. were located by some of the local residents of Ellensburg and were flown to Sea‑Tac Airport where Dale Granger met them with their good clothes. They soon took off for the East Coast and between the Army and the Red Cross were in Germany within a relatively short time where they now are. The cablegrams and letters indicate that altho the head wound is serious Ricky is now on the mend and out of danger. Apparently he will be transfered to Madigan Hospital at Fort Lewis when he is well enough to be moved.
Guess Jake Granger (Ricky’s kid brother) wanted some sympathy too for he had an argument with his skis the other day and is now known as “Limpy ‑ the guy wit the crutches.” ‑ His head seems to be O.K. tho! ‑ I think!
As a birthday present for Mary (Rick & Jakes sister) the Chuck Pearson’s had them up for breakfast last Sunday and Chuck put in a call to Donna & Earl in Germany ‑ much to the delight of everyone. Guess they had quite a chore pulling it off tho ‑ (as a surprise to Mary ‑ that is) for she had other plans to be elsewhere. However, since they were staying at Floyd Tuttle’s he pulled rank on her, much to her astonishment, and told her she had to stay home. Hmm!!!
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Jeannie Granger has opened her gift shop and has dubbed the goodie emporium “Genies”. Understand that she has many unusual and choice items that would gladden the heart of any recipient lucky enough to receive one so let’s all smile as you go there.
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Speaking of Jeannie we might as well speak of her ebullient son, Buddy, who is a second year man at the Naval Academy in Annapolis. All you football fans who watched the Army ‑ Navy game possibly noticed that a large sign with the word “Lummi” on it was quite prominent every time the T V camera passed onto the Navy cheering Section. Don’t know how he managed to sneak it up there, but we are proud that he did. No doubt the network was besieged with calls wanting to know what gives with “Lummi”. Hope the injuns don’t get the credit.
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In spite of the reduced area caused by the construction of the Laundromat at Gra Macs Warehouse it was decided to concentrate on an all out effort again this year to produce another Island New Year’s Eve Party. Someone suggested that they could put the orchestra on the roof of the Laundromat ‑ others suggested on the roof of the building proper and still others on the roof of another building some distance away???? The point was stressed that it should be restricted to Island people only and their guests and that no underage kids should be allowed unless with their parents or guardians – don’t remember that they mentioned the over age kids however!!
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Seems as how Howard Franklin, a some-time Islander, spends most of his time being taken to a hospital every so often and then apparently leaving the place through the back door as soon as the nurses turn their back. Most of his friends, and there are many, don’t ever get a chance to work up a sympathetic feeling before he is back discussing a hunting trip or something with them. He must have a spring that needs a bit of a winding every so often.
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We are most happy to announce that Mrs. Bringholf is back home and rapidly improving. She even gets around the house a few times every day and according to George she eats everything he prepares. Hmm!? Do you suppose its George’s cooking or her poor eyesight?? Anyhow‑ they are both most remarkable people.
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Jim Murphy recently had a session in the Marine Hospital at Seattle but is now home recuperating from a nerves condition. Hope he rests up enough so’s he will be available to tickle the ivories come New Year’s Eve.
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Vern Hawley has a good case of the flu miseries, which he claimed he contracted on his recent Southern trip, and is confined to bed. That’l learn him to yearn for the sun land!!
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Harold Long has been having a bit of difficulty with various appendages such as a finger which he bruised and an ear which a door knob (?) or something hit, I guess.
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Regarding the fellows in Uniform ‑ Bob McFarland is now in a M. P. outfit at Fort Monroe, Virginia and Sid is a helicopter instructor at Fort Wolters, Texas. Mike Ellingboe is back in Viet Nam after his R & R with his wife, Marcia, in Hawaii. Mike recently received an increase in rank to Specialist 5th. Jim Miller is completing his training in photo Lab. this month at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey and will get his assignment soon. One of the members of his class was assigned to Little America at the South Pole for the duration of his term.
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Understand that the former Post Master, L. A. (Tubby) Ford and his wife Nyleptha are now living in an apartment in Everett. We did not learn of their future plans, however.
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The Burroughs have moved off the Island and the new occupants of their former home here, are Dale Granger and his wife Lynette. The Burroughs are slated to move into the new retirement home in Bellingham.
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Art Granger and his family are building a new home on the hill overlooking the old Art Granger place and during the interim they are living in the old house across from the Gra Macs Gas Station.
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Maurine Melcher’s Yo‑Yo life has taken her back and forth between Reno, Neveda, Berkely, California and Portland, Oregon upon many occasions, recently ‑ We lost her schedule and consequently we don’t know where she is at present.
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The hammer wielding artisans of the Fire Dept. under the guidance of Si Eldred have nearly completed the garage addition to the Fire Hall ‑ guess Si is so durn good that it takes 3 or 4 fellas ( with a hammer in each hand) to keep up with him. Seems as how they ought to name the place ‑ “Sils Super Stable Structure for the Suffering Sulky”, or the “Sick Wagon” whichever has the more class or finesse.
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The off times overworked “rumors mill” appears to have been reactivated again and the results are most disturbing, if true. As yet we have not been able to pin down any definite information relative to any move by big industry to establish any unit of any kind on the Island however persistent the rumors seem to be to the contrary. However, the possibility is certainly most real and consistent vigilance is most necessary by all Islanders.
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Please don’t forget that the month of January is a new fiscal year for your Community Club and as such brings elections and dues. At the next general meeting Dec. llth both of these items will be discussed and we hope in depth.
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The Island has two Bowling Teams entered in the Community League on Tuesday evenings, at the 20th Century Bowling alley of Bellingham, which are sponsored by Beach Grocery and Gra Macs Construction. As yet neither team will startle the bowling world with their exploits.
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We would like to suggest a sort of a round robin of open houses on the Island for the Christmas Season or any time there abouts, and think it would be a most welcome affair for all Islanders including the kids. The places in which the “Merriment Liquid” would be available could be limited to those provided and regulated by the Club, ‑ or something???
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So ‑ dear people lets all take in the Pot Luck Dinner and the general meeting this next Wednesday and please, please try to make it somewhere near an appropriate eatin time. Gol Ding it!
Be Seeing You ‑
Your Community Club Brass
Gus Johnson ‑ President