Our Lummi Island Community

Tome 1967/08



All the brainy types who act as officials of our Community Club decided to dispense with the general meetings during the summer since most everyone appears to have extra-curricular activities planned ‑ other than the business of trying to keep the Island on an even keel. Several social events of note will be indulged in during the interim however ‑ such as two pancake breakfasts (Aug. 6, put on by the Fire Auxiliary, and Aug. 20, by the men of the Club) at the Grange ‘ Hall. Heard rumors of an all‑Island picnic, a salmon bar‑b‑que, and a hot tea or something; the latter to celebrate the arrival of the new Fire Wagon. The Sno‑King Chapter of the S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A. will be on hand at the Willows., the weekend of August 19th and 20th. No formal program is planned, as before, but they would welcome anyone who would like to “listen in” anytime, and in particular, at their salmon feed on the beach Saturday evening. No doubt the “full” M chorus will also present a few numbers, along with the various quartets.


In the event that you common people do not realize the importance of your neighbors, we hasten to present to you that man among men, Frank Granger ‑ He hain’t eggzactly photogenic, but he sure makes good copy for the front pages of the Bellingham Herald and Seattle Times newspapers ‑ We all thoroughly enjoyed the write‑ups, Frank, and wish you the best of adventures with your new purchase ‑ the former Lummi Island Ferry “Chief Kwina”.


The ladies of the Civic Club want to thank all those whose cooperation made the Rummage Sale a success.


Judging from the comments of some property owners, there appears to be a steady and increasing stream of well heeled, would‑be Islanders looking for property to buy on the Island ‑ Of course their desires run to acreage with hundreds of feel of level beach‑type waterfront ‑ Oh me! Hope springs eternal. View pro­perty, as such, does not seem to have much appeal unless it is connected with an accessible beach. It would be assumed, therefore,, that the availability of waterfront would more or less determines the value of all inland property. Unless steps are taken in the not too distant future to retain the existing waterfront for all the Island, a considerable portion of the Island could end up property of the county on tax sales.


in the misery department things are looking up ‑ Mrs. Klaasen is recuperating slowly at the Alderwood Rest Home in Bellingham from a recent auto accident. Mrs. Knute Pearson is doing likewise at her home here. Galen Bentley is still on the undetermined list ‑ the variety of the elusive bug or disorder hasn’t been mailed down as yet and it is most disturbing. Judy Reed is home trying to get over another rough session in the hospital.

This is all I’ve heard about ‑ If any of you are sick or dead, contact me and I’ll listen to your ailments (slight charge by the hour). However, if the latter, let me know where you are calling from.

The county has been searching for sites on Hales Pass for a boat launching ramp, and several locations on the Island have been considered. However, the problem of a parking area of suitable size, nearby, seems to be a deterrent. Also, the actual need for such a facility on the Island is problematical. Apparently they have had little success trying to deal with the Tribal Council of the Lummi Indians. It is rumored that some of the mainland marinas are considering curtailing the launching of the transient trailer boat trade. This could cause a considerable problem.


The response to the question of the Bridge was a bit disappointing, volume-wise. Only about one‑forth of those contacted responded. There appeared to be a bit of confusion regarding how to answer, which resulted in a general misunderstanding of the purpose and some erroneous tabulations. Consequently, it would seem to be the best procedure to skip this over and try .a dlifferent approach at a later date, should the need again arise. It does seem to point out, however, a general lack of enthusiasm othcr than “for” or “against”.


The “arty” looking litter barrels that the Club placed at various spots on the island were largely the work of the following master craftsmen in Sanitary Engineering ‑ Leo GiIfilen,, Flo Konecke, Gus Johnson and Vern Hawley. Swell job people but hope you don’t feel down in the dumps.


Vern Hawley’s marine zoo got a recent boost (guess it’s really a start) with the donation of a baby seal by Frank Granger. Seems as how it mistook Frank for a relative (guess I’ll have to take another look at Frank’s picture). Claire Hawley has been making like a mama seal what with hand feeding it “fishy gunk” and stuff ‑ Both appear to like it.


The recent Fourth of July weekend was one of the more unusual periods that time visits upon the Island every so often. The mainlanders came in droves and about drove the Islanders to the mainland ‑ what with altercations, fisticuffs, fires, noise and love‑sick swains etc., etc., and etc.


Mae and Edith Granger are doing Alaska, Western Canada, and a goodly portion of the northwest via a camper, aspirin tablets and mosquito lotion. On their return they should really appreciate the old farm, school house and the cantankerous critters (both bovine and human) therein. Guess the appreciation. will also be vice versa. Ardith and her husband, Henry Baumgart, along with their mutual offspring, are agriculting the farm whilst the kinfolk are gadding about. Understand they want to make the Island their permanent .home.


Bob Dickinson has been picked off by Westinghouse and sent to Pittsburg, Pa. for an indefinite and Intensive training program. Guess he has the needed accruements they are looking for.


Heard Tim Lockwood is making like the “Red Baron” what with the aviation lessons he has apparently been taking recently Careful Mike! This Island is piled kind of high in spots.’


Chas. Baker is home on leave from his duties as a specialist 5th with the Terminal Services Transportation Co. in Vietnam ‑ understand he has a very interesting story to tell about his experiences. He also ran across Mike Granger while there.


We wish to thank Flo Konecke.for her gracious help in writing the June letter and we wi11 be more than happy to have any of you journalistic geniuses take over any future edition or all editions puhleeze!




Your Lummi Island Group

Bill Peel, President

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