L U M M I I S L A N D N E W SL E T T E R June 1967
COMMUNITY CLUB MEETING Wed., June 28 8:00 P.M. Report on Water ‑ Mr, Leo GlIfilen
Note: Pot Luck at 7:00 P.M. Reports and Discussions on Committee work too.
Friday & Saturday, June 23rd and 24th – 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M – GRANGE HALL
Note: Pie and Chill will be on sale, too!
Also, need more rummage see item below
May Meeting ‑ For about 40 Islanders, Andy Bishop of the County Health Department, Bellingham, was quest speaker at the Community Club Pot Luck Dinner. He spoke on water use, sewage disposal, and water contamination due to population increase (where septic tanks are still in use). During the question and answer period, he advised the use of gas fired toilets to reduce contamination of drinking water in areas where the wells are shallow, and also suggested going to higher ground for water source.
In answer to the question, “Is there no law to prohibit the sale of land for building purposes in areas where a sanitary plan of sewage disposal is not feasible?” The answer was “No, ‑ it’s just a case of let the buyer beware!” He then mentioned that there was land on the island that the Health Department Is unable to grant a permit for building a dwelling because of the sewage disposal problem on solid rock. Bishop said the Department does all it can to help (those seeking permits to build) plan sanitary sewage disposal.
In regard to water use, Bishop stressed the need for careful checking for ample supply before installing modern conveniences such as dishwashers and garbage disposals (automatic). He gave the figure of 75 gallons per day water use by the average person (per person), He also talked about water districts in other areas and how they handled supply, use and contamination.
Vice President Gus Johnson presided at the short business meeting following the talk. Minutes were read and brief verbal reports from some committee chairmen were given. An opinion poll on the bridge question was taken (about 50 ‑ 50 Andy McCall, the Club’s consultant from the University, did not stay for the meeting.
Island talent was on display for the meeting, including pressed flower match covers, wood burnings, a glass mobile, a quilt, copper etchings, leather tooling, dolls made from rocks, apples, burlap, flowers made of beads, feathers, ribbon and paper, embroidered bags, polished rocks, pottery and scissor‑cut silhouettes. This was arranged by the Arts and Crafts Committee.
Report of the Board Meeting ‑ May 31. Approval was made of the purchase and experimental placement of 3 cans with covers to be used by visiting tourists for the disposal of litter; one at the ferry dock, one at Beach Grocery, and one near Hawley’s. Water problems, club stationery and newsletter were under discussion. Note: (Those who received no card on the bridge question, please contact Secretary Lipscomb, phone 758‑2446). No results will be sent to the Bellingham Chamber of Commerce until the poll is complete.
Andy McCall, who was present, made suggestions for better committee function.
Committee Reports Mrs. Gus Johnson, Chairman of the Hospitality Committee, wants the addresses of boys in the service so that they can receive copies of the newsletter. Write or phone her 758‑2562.
Return of answered Culture Questionnaire is asked by Chairman, Mrs. Mike Lipscomb of the Arts and Crafts Committee. From those already turned In, she reports there is interest in beginning arts and crafts sessions in the fall, literary discussions in the winter and some interest in alternated dance and card parties (monthly). As new results come in, plans can be made to tailor activities to your interests.
Need For More Rummage is the call by Mrs. Glenn Schuler, Chairman of the Civic Club Annual Rummage Sale. She is receiving what you have to donate at her home or phone her‑458‑2423 to have rummage picked up. Note: There will be a commission booth at the sale. For details, phone Mrs. Earl Brown 758‑2335.
One Hundred attended the school Field Day Pot Luck Luncheon at Finneys Beach, Tuesday, June 6th. Honored at the affair were Beach School “Grads”, Miss Lynn Hudson.. Messrs. Bill Murray and Gary McDonald.
On June 2nd, the Jack Millers became grandparents for the first time. HER name is “Wendy” Ward. Parents are Mr. and Mrs. John Ward, son‑in‑law and daughter (Barbara).
Responding to two calls, the Island Fire Department provided resuscitation for Galen Bentley and found an 8‑year old boy who was missing from the Paul Smith beach.
Wecoma Club met at the home of Mrs. E. Nolte, elected Mrs. Wad Dunn, Secretary-Treasurer, planned a family pot luck picnic, discussed pollution, enjoyed enchilla luncheon. Mrs. Bud Horn was assistant hostess, Wednesday, June 7. In September, they meet at Dunn’s.
Wedding bells of the little island church rang out for Miss Marcia Nolte and Mike Ellingboe on Saturday, June 10th at 8 P.M. Reception followed in the church parlor and Sunday School rooms. Unusual surprise… a goat in the back seat of the car of the newlyweds.
Many will miss the friendly humor, cheery smile and helpful and kindly manner Of Hattie Tuttle who passed away last Wednesday, June 7th. Hattie was one of the early pioneers and many gathered with fri‑ends and neighbors in a Mmorial fellowship at her home after the services at the church on Monday at 2 p.m. Rev. Hugh Cantelon officiated.
No one knows until he has tried to write a newsletter just how much time and effort goes into it. Lenr Miller, who has necessarily taken up the task of composing, editing, publishing and printing it since the first Issue deserves the heartfelt thanks of all Its readers.
Many will miss the friendly humor, cheery smile and helpful and kindly manner of Hattie Tuttle who passed away last Wednesday, June 7th. Hattie was one of the early pioneers and many gathered with friends and neighbors in a memorial fellowship at her home after the services at the church on Monday at 2 p.m. Rev. Hugh Cantelon officiated.
No one knows until he has tried to write a newsletter just how much time and effort goes into it. Lenr Miller, who has necessarily taken up the task of composing, editing, publishing and printing it since the first Issue deserves the heartfelt thanks of all its readers.
Exhausted Pinch hitter for June.