Our Lummi Island Community

Tome 1967/01


(No complete original exists)

Having placed the recent holiday gaiety in proper perspective we again embark upon other meritorious activities having a bit more to do with the fundamentals of community betterment and guidance. To those persons who might have reservations about attending club-sponsored functions because they are not members we wish to herein specifically state that our activities are not necessarily for club members only. Most of these parties, dinners and miscellaneous meetings are designed to interest all the.Islanders in the organization and our overall program. Perhaps the term “member” as used by us is a “misnomer” for all it concerns itself with is the establishment of a working fund to meet the costs of these letters, meetings, etc. To date a member, as such, is a person who has donated at least a dollar per year to the general fund other than at special functions. In truth we need your active participation and ideas more than we need your money, but of course the latter helps considerably.

At the general meeting in January we will select our new officers along with a continuing set of by‑laws. Having emerged as a going concern in one year’s time the overall enthusiasm for the organization is most heartening.

Introductory meetings of the study groups will be held as soon as the various chairmen acquire their respective coworkers. If you wish to select your own area or group in which to devote your efforts., please so advise one of the officers. A list of the proposed study groups is as follows: ‑ Planning and Zoning; Parks; Recreation; Water; Pollution and Garbage; Island Access; Crafts and Hobbles; Historical and Museum; Building Program for Club; Law Enforcement; Taxes and Assessments; Island Representation and Lobby; Club Program and Activities; and Communication.

The P.T.A. and the school authorities request your help January 24 in voting for the continuation of the bond issue that was passed two years ago. Apparently if it fails many curtailments can be expected among which would be the school bus program, free books, extracurricular supervision, etc. Please vote ‑ January 24.

The Fire Department Commissioners purchased a new Western States 750 gallon pumper‑tanker truck from an Oregon manufacturer. This equipment was especially designed for the conditions and terrain found on this Island. It has been thoroughly tested and UL approved. Delivery is due in early fall. The bonds are being sold to one of three applicants as of the first of the year and the money will be placed in an Investment bank to draw interest until delivery date.

We have been given assurance by reliable sources that the County Commissioners have had a meeting of minds with the bargaining agents of the Maritime Union and there appears to be little Indication of any labor grievance in the very near future or for some (time) to come.

George Hoffman has retired from the ferry crew after 25 1/2 years service, His retirement will take effect on February 1, but in the meantime he is on vacation using up his accrued leave time. Best of luck on your new leisure (?), George.

Apparently the proposed waterfront park on the southeast shore of the Island is contributing to the discord between the Department of Natural Resources and the State Parks Department. More Information should be sought regarding this move.

The Publicity Committee

Lummi Island Community Club

Konecke – Tuttle – Johnson – Miller

(Note: Parts of the following paragraph are missing.)

apt bells, that is. A note reminiscent of

and his one man band to the delight of the

te really good music. Our special thanks

me 20 or more persons that helped put it on

note of appreciation goes to Merlin Ecker

ery efficient service he rendered. Various

Is It blue blood) have hied themselves to

doubt are dehydrating In style. The rest of

settle down to long sessions at the grueling

Many of Uncle’s fellers got special permission from Brother MacNamara and his foreman to return to the Island for the holidays. All appeared to have benefited from their enforced sojourn in the “fitin forces” here in the U.S. and abroad. Among them were Terry Peterson from San Francisco; Ricky Granger, Louisiana; Sid McFarland, Texas; Bob McFarland, Virginia; Buddy Granger, Annapolis; Jim McDonald, Korea and Bert Ecker, Virginia. Those that didn’t make it home were Manly Smith, Alaska; Charles Baker, Viet Nam and John Curry, Thailand. Two of the above, Bob McFarland and Bert Ecker recently acquired wives in order to assure themselves of a daily mail call.

The ladies of the local Civic Club have donated some $300.00 to the addition on the church. The estimated cost is about $500.00, which is practically nothing in today’s building costs for the value that has been achieved. Anywhere else it would have been at least $2,500.00. Most of the credit goes to Wad Dunn and his technical crew of Floyd and Bob Adema, Wait Fisher, George Hoffman, Maury Lockwood, and Marion Tuttle. George has volunteered his wife to do the painting and he will point out where it goes. Marion Tuttle insists on building the shelving for the storage area. ‑ Bless them ‑ all.

Art and Jan Granger have increased their household by one – a three day old infant girl Nancy Sue. Adoption papers are being processed.

See you January 25th 6:30 P.M.

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