Our Lummi Island Community

Tome 1966/11


NEXT MEETING ‑ WED. NOV. 30 – 6:30 P.M.

At the Grange Hall

It will be a pot luck supper ‑ (Bring your own dishes and silver). Anything edible will be most welcome. Whomp up something tasty and come.

At 8:00 P.M. following the supper we will discuss the membership of the various study groups and their duties.

Don’t forget the Christmas Bazaar sponsored by the Civic Club December 7th, 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Co‑Chairmen are Agnes GlIfilen and Hattie Tuttle. This is the annual opportunity for everyone to display and sell their particular kind of art or handcraft. Refreshments will be available. For the newcomers we want to explain that there are many talented and gifted persons on the Island with considerable and outstanding skills such as was indicated in a recent feature article of the Bellingham Herald about our own Everett Clifton’s model making capabilities.

At our meeting Nov. 30 Prof. Wallace Heath from the Western Washington Dept. of Fisheries Biology will narrate a film and tell of his department’s work, here, in their Island Laboratory, and also the department’s plans for the future. We understand that their activities are most Interesting and Informative.

The Lummi Island Fire District is offering the local people $18,000.00 In municipal bonds paying 5% interest (which is tax free) in denominations of $500.00 each. Anyone interested contact Maud Brown or the Fire District attorney, John Slater, before December 5th, 1966.

We have been informed from a reliable source that there will be no change in the ferry rates for the coming year.

The general resume of the opinion pole indicates an island desire to maintain the atmosphere of charm and quaintness it now possesses while at the same time developing more common facilities, services and regulatory measures through a comprehensive planning program that would insure a sensible and long range approach to the inevitable growth pattern. The pole indicated a considerable interest in the realm of civic betterment projects such as the following: planning, public water and sewage system, bridge, zoning, parks, law enforcement, garbage disposal and transportation. The apparent desired physical features and services included the following: beauty and barber shop, swimming pool, craft shop, restaurant, recreational facilities, golf course, a Laundromat and newspaper delivery. Few people were concerned or informed about the school facilities or the staff but those that were, were of the opinion that it is more than satisfactory. Surprisingly few comments were made about the ferry or its service, which would seem to indicate that, basically, the majority of Island residents take it as an accepted way of life. Population‑wise there appears to be a dearth (scarcity to you) of persons in the age group of from 21 to 35 and the majority of the property owners appear to be well over 45 years of age.

As a result of these findings the Club, under the direction of Mr. McCall of U.W. is now engaged in forming various study groups to delve into a number of the items listed above that appear to be advisable at this time. All the wants and needs of the Island community both present and future would seem to be encompassed either directly or indirectly in the final presentation of a comprehensive plan, but this subject is so vast and complicated that each subject must be undertaken separately by individual groups able and willing to devote the time and effort to produce the facts and figures necessary. Inasmuch as the results involve everyone on the Island and a general consensus is most necessary, it therefore follows that all Islanders should have an equal voice in its preparation. We ask your cooperation, if asked, to serve on one of the study groups. Harry Fulton, the Whatcom County Planning Director, has expressed a desire to work with the planning group or give any assistance re­quired.


Mrs. Edith Granger., our local teacher., states that the policy of parental interviews in lieu of report cards for the first quarter was moat satisfactory and apparently accomplished the anticipated results. We imagine that this procedure led to many a hasty parental‑student interview!!

The Club is planning to stage an Island New Year’s Eve party under the chairmanship of Gus Johnson. The location and details have not as yet been determined but suggest that you begin to stock up your energy and appurtenances thereto now.

The new county road on the Nolte property is progressing according to the customary erratic schedule and when opened will eliminate the sharp narrow curves of the present road. And as a result., instead of viewing the placid, beautiful bay, motorists will gaze at the rapturous stare o various ruminating creatures called sheep.

:Marion Tuttle has been feeling a mite poorly the last couple of weeks ever since he suffered a mild coronary while elk hunting. Understand he is going to have a soft boiled egg and I oz of cottage cheese for thanksgiving. Tsk! Tsk! And to think how he loved punkin pie and whipped cream, donuts, turkey., etc.,, etc., etc., etc.and etc. We hear Jake Granger is now known as hot hands Jake since his experience recently with a gasoline Lantern. ‑‑ Speaking of fire, it’s nice that Jim Dickinson is able, through his varied interests, to keep the Fire Department on its toes. ‑‑ Also speaking of fire, Janet Essex and Judy Reed loved smoked food so well that they tried to impart the flavor to their clothes but it “ruint” them instead. The rotund character next door squelched the conflagration before more damage was done. You’re welcome, firemen! Janet was so frustrated she bought a plane ticket up to Alaska to see her spouse. Hope she informed him beforehand. Guess there is a new group forming, comprised of amply endowed matrons ofr the purpose of removing some of the “endowments.” Seems it is the local chapter of the national “Tops Club” – You might say they have a fat chance to get thin.

– – Lois Peterson is hosting the Annual Fire Auxilliary’s “I love my husband nite”, to show their appreciation for their husbands leaving the house at least one night a week ‑ I think!! ‑‑ New neighbors of Hattie Tuttle are her grandson Les Shanahan and his wife Shirley who have moved into the Kappel house.

Thank you for your attention.

The Publicity Committee

Konecke, Tuttle, Johnson & Mi I ler

P.S.: Please attend the next meeting and find out what study group you were selected for.

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